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Interesting Documentaries

Watching Gem tonight and freaking out.... They had Hoarders on which is their usual weekly reality / doco type show and that was a shocker. It's a shocker every week.

then two episodes of Strange addictions. One with women who sleep with blow dryers and snuggle with that, and not their partner. And two other woman who eat toilet paper. They go to work do regular stuff but stuff a roll in their handbag and eat bits off the roll......... The second episode was about guys who live with very expensive dolls..... I shouldn't be shocked or even surprised but really. Guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around.
Anvil: The Story of Anvil - Canadian heavy metal band that influenced a musical generation including bands like Metallica. However unlike Metallica and other well known HM bands Anvil were less successful. I am not a heavy metal fan at all but just happened to stumble across this tonight it's a doco well worth watching.

Just added to iview, there for another 13 days.
Has anyone seen the documentary 'The Staircase' it is about the murder trial of Michael Peterson who was arrested for murdering his wife, who he says fell down the stairs.

It was recently repeated on Friday nights on SBS2. Anyway, I watched it for the second time and was as outraged at the unfair trial all over again (I honestly could not tell you if he was guilty or not but he certainly did not get a fair trial) and did some googling to see where it was all at and found that he had exhausted all appeals and would be in jail forever.

Well, imagine my surprise on Friday when at the end of the ep it said that on 14 Dec 2011 he was released from jail on house arrest because one of the key prosecution 'experts' who presented all the blood spatter evidence has been fired due to being useless beyond belief and biased towards the prosecution. Wellity, wellity, well - maybe Michael will actually get his fair trial now.

Anyway, i thought that was very interesting indeed. It is a bizarre story and I can't get to the bottom of it!

I caught this on the bio channel on Foxtel earlier in the week and it truly horrified me. These kids families had all been living on the streets before being placed in the motel. What they were paying for the motel would be the same as paying rent in a basic house in an outer suburban house in SA. Ironically the motel is located directly across the road from the happiest place on earth Disneyland and most of the children have never been inside. They interview several families, most who have at least one person in the family working but only earning minimum wage. One lady with 5 children works in the parking area in Disneyland is earning $9 an hour.

They also show the Hope School as free school run by a charity for homeless kids around the country but what really got to me was seeing a little boy rummaging through a dumpster looking for toys.

Our social welfare system may not be perfect but it a whole lot bloody better than America's system.

Well worth a watch, here's the trailer.

Watching Gem tonight and freaking out.... They had Hoarders on which is their usual weekly reality / doco type show and that was a shocker. It's a shocker every week.

then two episodes of Strange addictions. One with women who sleep with blow dryers and snuggle with that, and not their partner. And two other woman who eat toilet paper. They go to work do regular stuff but stuff a roll in their handbag and eat bits off the roll......... The second episode was about guys who live with very expensive dolls..... I shouldn't be shocked or even surprised but really. Guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around.

I like hoarders...makes me feel good as a minimalist
I recently have watched the first two parts of a British documentary series, "The Secret Life of Buildings."

Really fascinating stuff if you're interested in architecture, design and it's effects on people.

Some of the stuff is amazing. Like this school where they renovated it and literally the students behavior significantly improved and so did the grades on a state level.

It's one of those things, it's so important design of where we live and work and yet it's so often over looked. The show also goes into the science, while some demonstrations are unscientific examples due to not being blinded ect, they're showing the science from the actual research.

First episode was on houses. Second was on Offices (including schools). I think the third is public architecture.

Hey UAN sorry to reply to an old post but what you said sparked a bit of interest. I always find construction sites fascinating places. It's kind of scary seeing all the girders and beams as a building goes up, even more off putting if you are lucky enough to get to visit and walk around inside a building like that, say on the 3rd or 4th floor..... It's often hard to believe that when it's finished it looks so swish and comfy, yet strip that exterior away and those beams and girders are there...... Still I find buildings in their "naked" form very fascinating.
There was a cool one on SBS last night about the hunt for true AI. and part of it had these two robots that could interact with each other and they even had created their own language that both could understand, which was kind of freaky. But cool program.
For anyone who has watched the Up Series (7 Up etc) the latest instalment 56 Up is on tomorrow night at 7.30 on SBS 1. They have been showing the 49 Up episodes over the past week which I watched to refresh my memory.

OMG I adore that series, and interviews with the producers are really interesting..........they totally wish they had done more girls and a better cross section of girl demographics as it was during the time when the world changed so much for women...

And Neil, he's so heartbreaking - that gorgeous little boy and what happens, and then the redemption is sooo good, have not seen the last one looking forward to that;)

Has anyone else been watching the doco Prohibition on saturdays, then followed by Boardwalk Empire, tis a fantastic package - but if I have to miss one it's the show.
The doco is awesome - and it kind of informs why Americans are a bit lawless - since this ridiculous idea they could ban booze just made them disrespect law and law makers, and set up a corrupt system to sidestep laws so handy.........all set for drugs war they can't win either.
Neil was absolutely charming as a 7 year old, really smiley and happy, at 21 all was not well but the saddest was at 28 when he was living in that caravan and his affect was flat and he seemed very hopeless. So glad he found a place for himself in the community and made a couple of good friends. The guy who got married (he is a teacher) is a top guy and I think he really helped Neil get back on his feet, it was so good to see things looking up for him in the next two episodes.
Neil breaks your heart, that little boy just shines he's so beautiful, but he looks dreamy and fragile. Next you see him he's collapsing as a teen, you can see him starting to fall with pressure.
Allways seemed to me he was pushed far to hard, and should have been gentley lead somewhere else.
I watched a Louis Theroux interview with Jimmy Savile last night:

It was shot in 2000, but it's weird watching it now, knowing what we know now. The paedophile question mentioned in the blurb is at the end, from about the 45 minute mark on.

It's up for another 11 hours.
God I love Louis, and how he charms people and asks them what I allways want someone to ask, plus he's sexy:)
Haven't seen that one.

There have been some excellent docos on lately,
Prohibition was awesome;

Seduction in the City2 parter about how Dept stores developed and how it revolutionised womens lives;

Interviews Before Execution - China, now this is freaky, but awesome. They kill you for 75 crimes, and this thing is filmed after some recent reforms -likely due to international pressure to reform because their system is so unfair and corrupt.
Until recently, and no idea if this has changed - the killing is a commercial enterprise, china sells deathrow parts, mostly to rich arabs, the condemned are matched/tested/bid on all BEFORE death.
God I love Louis, and how he charms people and asks them what I allways want someone to ask, plus he's sexy:)
Haven't seen that one.

There have been some excellent docos on lately,
Prohibition was awesome;

Seduction in the City2 parter about how Dept stores developed and how it revolutionised womens lives;

Interviews Before Execution - China, now this is freaky, but awesome. They kill you for 75 crimes, and this thing is filmed after some recent reforms -likely due to international pressure to reform because their system is so unfair and corrupt.
Until recently, and no idea if this has changed - the killing is a commercial enterprise, china sells deathrow parts, mostly to rich arabs, the condemned are matched/tested/bid on all BEFORE death.

China is still a pretty barbaric country with some of its laws. I just wish communism had fallen in China but it seems the old gaurd just can't let go..... Time to embrace Democracy I think . Not that that is a perfect system. I think Democracy is open to more corruption then their present system.
I've been watching SBS over the last few weeks with their documentaries on The Universe with Stephen Hawking, and they're pretty entertaining. Last night they talked about time travel.