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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2015) - Episode Discussion

Oh my God!

How lovely are they?!

I just love the lot of them so much! The sharing of the letters from home even choked me up! And let's face it, I have a heart of stone. I really think they couldn't have chosen a better group of people. I am loving this show so much I have decided MKR is to be taped, and Celebrity gets watched in real time.

The vision of Maureen being shot out of that slingshot thing was laugh out loud funny!
So who was that who left? I admit I haven't been able to watch all the shows, but that was really a non-event.
Julie is really lucky. She's been in bottom votes ever since she arrived but whoever is the other person there with her goes instead.
Chrissie is a champion!

I wasn't disappointed with tonight's eviction, but there are a couple of people I would've rather see go first
Just a single.

Thanks, I was thinking it was going to be a double for some reason. One more question, from wikipedia it looks like the evicted celebrity is still choosing who does the next tucker trial? A little disappointing if so, if it means we don't get to see the discussions in camp that result from the celebrities choosing for themselves who does the trials.
You know how folk show their support for something by having body hair removed ?

Well I reckon it is time for us all to show our support for Merv by getting to a well illuminated place and getting busy with our favourite hair removal tool ... perhaps even with the help of a loved one !

So, here's my effort:


Okay, now it is your turn. Never mind your map of Tassie, show us your Merv, Trala ! :D


Poor Chrissie. Those trials in tanks of water are the worst ones for me, and especially with handcuffing. That would have been a horrible experience.