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Frocks, Frolics and Fotos

Iggy Azalea

Thank you @Medusa for all the fab redcarpet pics etc :)

This one the DM ran made me laugh out loud...


Write your own caption...left to right

1.Disney Princess no 55, look out Miley she wants ya
2. RiRi no 2
3. Tits & arse, that is my career - here have a lot, hey why not have it ALL
4.American Delta. I have LEGS, LEGS,LEGs (not much else, so have them all)
5. Queen, bow before me, now
6. Why am I here? Oh tits & confusion. Kanye's scarf, wearing Kanye's scarf.
7.She may be Queen, but I am Godess, self carved & whittled & sculpted & beaten & tortured, into a GODESS, I AM...
8. I'm rock and roll, and a redneck cussing tough little shit, try me Princess
9. Why. I hate people. Why am I here. I rap therefore I am cooler than these Princesses. Why.
10.Reformed. Sort of.The body is into it. The head is not. Rainbow head, obligatory latest just out of rehab???
Heavenly Helena, ahhhhhhhh


Lovely story, lovely woman -

Designer, 22, gets big break as Helena Bonham Carter wears her dress for Vanity Fair - but she nearly ignored email from star because she thought it was a scam
  • Rosie Dennington, 22, is young fashion designer
  • Her father secretly sent a sample of her dress to Helena
  • A-list star emailed her but she was about to delete email
  • Thought it was a fake message from an online gang
  • Luckily saw email and met with Helena, who wore her dress in magazine
The dress

That is poetry written all over........



Risque: Rosie, whose designs are pictured on a model, says she loves that Helena takes risks with what she wears and doesn't care what anyone else thinks

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