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Doctor Who

If you are still awake later this is on after the next of the 50th celebrations

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord
45 minutes, G, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Cult, WS, CC, Series, Repeat
(United Kingdom, English)

Peter Davison is on a quest to discover what makes The Ultimate Time Lord. The Fifth Doctor meets the people who have helped create the show both past, present and future, and asks 'What will make the Twelfth Doctor unique?'" data-html="true" data-title="Doctor Who" data-trigger="hover" style="box-sizing: border-box;">

Doctor Who ‘Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord’


Doctor Who

'Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord'

ABC2, 1:40am, Tue, 13 Jun 2017, 45 minutes


Peter Davison is on a quest to discover what makes The Ultimate Time Lord. The Fifth Doctor meets the people who have helped create the show both past, present and future, and asks 'What will make the Twelfth Doctor unique?'
...the Empress of Mars with the Ice Warriors episode at last!... I love the way that The Doctor just joined in with the countdown lol!... oh dear... Bill sounds a tad bit cocky when they just talk about The Doctor having walked on the Moon first in front of the other complete starngers doesn't she?... I sure hope that she doesn't become the new cocky 'Clara Oswald' instead of being what she is now... that would be sad...

...hahaha!... Bill makes a reference to the movie 'The Terminator' lol!... I love the way that she continues to make references to Sci-Fi TV shows and movies to understand what happens in the Universe around her lol!... and now a reference to the movie 'The Thing'... (one of my most favourite movies ever)... "you'd like that one too... everybody dies!" she tells The Doctor... bwahahahaha!... that's gold!...

...ouch!... that was a long way to fall for Bill... she's okay though of course... oh wow!... bye Tardis!... it's just taken off on it's own with Nardole in it... interesting indeed!... oh hello... it's an Ice Warrior clunking around walking towards The Doctor... and now a Steampunk deep sea diver type of suit walking towards Bill... it sort of reminds me of the deep sea diving suits in the game 'Bioshock' that I play on XBox 1...

dw1.jpg we go... the Zulu soldiers V the Ice Warriors bit lol!... ha!... Nardole is now asking MISSY for help lol!... (what a coincidence that The Tardis takes off while The Doctor isn't on board and now Nardole is asking for her help... methinks that Missy is being naughty here lol!)... I don't like the Captain with the dark hair... 'Catchglove' was it?... he seems to be a bit too shifty for my liking...

...Bill comparing the Vikings to the Ice Warriors lol!... is "munificence' even a word? I just 'Googled' it... yes it is apparently...

noun: munificence; plural noun: munificences
the quality or action of being extremely generous.
"we must be thankful for his munificence"
synonyms: generosity, bountifulness, open-handedness, magnanimity, magnanimousness, princeliness, lavishness, free-handedness, liberality, philanthropy, charity, charitableness, largesse, big-heartedness, beneficence, benevolence;

...why is 'Jackdaw' making his move in 'stealing the booty' so early when wouldn't it have been a lot easier to steal when it was all back on Earth?... just saying... oh dear... the Ice Queen isn't much of a looker is she?... WTF?... did that soldiers body just collapse in on itself?... lol!... isn't it so nice that the Martian Ice Warriors speak such perfect English?... lol!... that Ice Queen sounds really similar to that actress that played the 'Spider Queen' that had her hive below the River Thames in Tennant's days to me... I wonder if it's the same actress?...

...haha!... the good old 'the-soldier-accidentally-fired-his-gun-at-the-Ice-Queen-by-accident' scenario lol!... ha!... I KNEW that Captain Catchglove was shifty in some way... I just KNEW it!... (hopefully he's a victim before the end of the show)... lol!...and... here we go... it's going to be Zulu's 'Rorkes Drift' all over yet again in a few minutes lol!... I can see it now... "by the ranks... front rank FIRE!... second row FIRE!... back row FIRE!"... oh no... the black soldier is talking about his future wife and about marrying her when they get back to Earth... doesn't he know that means that he's about to be killed off next?... it's a text book line in scripts when they do that to you... doesn't he watch TV or movies or whatever?... oh that's right... he lives in 'Victorian London' doesn't he?... lol!...

...hahaha!... another collapsible soldier lol!... the special effects crew must have competitions on how to make the best type of death special effect each year methinks!... lol!... I just love the Martian landscape scenes... great effects... is this where the shitty Captain Catchglove gets it?... (I hope so)... wow!... that's a hell of a lot of Ice Warriors on that wall wasn't it?...

..."oh sod this for a game of soldiers!" says one of the soldiers before running away lol!... that's the quote of the episode for me so far lol!... that sounded soooooo 'British-stiff-upper-lip' to me lol!... AND it was Captain Catchglove that said it after sacrificing one of the other soldiers and deserting them all by running away like he accused the other one of doing... (he better die in a minute or I will be pissed off)...

...did the cowardly Captain just say "no... no... I'm sorry Doctor... BLUE FUNK... can't help it?"... surely that expression wasn't around in VICTORIAN times was it?... that seems hardly plausible to me but no 'Sticky nit-picky time' from me for it though... I'll let that one slide this time... aw jeez!... The Doctor needs Bill to distract the Ice Queen... don't tell me that Bill is dying again this week too?... aw shit!... there Bill goes again... talking 'Clara Oswaldish' again... I hope that that stops pretty soon...

...that Ice Gun reminds me of that big Victorian Telescope that was in the Queen Victoria episode with David Tennant for some reason... bwahahaha!... Capaldi mentions the word 'Frozen'... "that's a movie!"... lol!... isn't Captain Catchglove dead yet ffs?... whoa!... there you go... he was 'executed' by the cowardly Captain... about bloody time too I reckon!... jeez!... the cowardly Captain sure is going good at the moment by wanting to sacrifice himself isn't he?... I always love a 'coward-makes-good' storyline... kudos to the writer for that one...

...what the hell is that big 'EYE' creature all about?... lol!... what?... did they run out of budget for the special effects at the end of the episode or something?... lol!... that creature was so piss poor and man!... what a screechy voice too!... was it a final Moffatt joke at our expense or something?... lol!...

...holey moley!... Missy is out of the vault!... what was Nardole thinking?... although... Missy just asked The Doctor "are you alright?"... while inquiring about his health lol!... DON'T TRUST HER DOCTOR!... SHE'S UP TO NO GOOD!... lol!... (that reminded me of when we were kids at a Pantomime show back in London in the early 60's lol!)... The Doctor tells her that she has to go back into the Vault voluntarily and she agrees?... hahaha!... she's DEFINITELY up to no good!... lol!... end of episode...

...I so loved that episode... after the last 3 episodes with The Monkees in it this one was a refreshing romp and fight story which made it pure fun for me (especially when Captain Catchglove got what he deserved in the end lol!)... and not a single 'Sticky nit-picky' time' to be seen (although it came very close at one time lol!)... but yes!... a good fun romp indeed!... next weeks episode involves Roman Centurion's... another favourite era in History for me personally... I can't wait!... cheers.
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...what the hell is that big 'EYE' creature all about?... lol!... what?... did they run out of budget for the special effects at the end of the episode or something?... lol!... that creature was so piss poor and man!... what a screechy voice too!... was it a final Moffatt joke at our expense or something?... lol!...

It's a nod to fans of the classic series. Alpha Centauri was a hermaphrodite hexapod in the Jon Petwee stories "The Curse Of Peladon' and 'The Monster Of Peladon', which also featured Ice Warriors and a galactic alliance.
The screechy actress is the original, now 92 years old!
Oh and the reason you only saw his/her eye this time is... fans always said it looked like a giant penis in a shower curtain.
Love the character though!
It's a nod to fans of the classic series. Alpha Centauri was a hermaphrodite hexapod in the Jon Petwee stories "The Curse Of Peladon' and 'The Monster Of Peladon', which also featured Ice Warriors and a galactic alliance.
The screechy actress is the original, now 92 years old!
Oh and the reason you only saw his/her eye this time is... fans always said it looked like a giant penis in a shower curtain.
Love the character though!

...aaaaah!... **the penny drops** oh yes... I do remember that "giant penis in a shower curtain" character now... thanks so much for that Meglos... I wouldn't have known if you didn't remind me lol!... just a little snippet of information... I saw just a little while back (have no idea as to where though) that the guy standing behind Elisabeth Sladen was an Aussie actor and he was apparently in some sort of fight scene with Jon Pertwee where he falls to his death if I remember right... as I said... I have no idea where I saw it... '(Whovians maybe?)... thanks for the information Meglos my friend... cheers.
The dastardly nasty officer - is Ben Kingsley's kid! Courtesy of Whovians - full of good info this week
They need to do an offshoot of Whovians, in depth interviews with all of the FANTASTIC guests they have, lots want to keep talking.
The guest list has been awesome:)

Anyone here been lucky enough to visit the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff?

The closing date has just been announced - 9 September 2017!

Luckily I'm off to the uk myself next month!!

Shall I report back with some photos and videos?

...oh my god yes!... you lucky devil you!... that would be sooooo good... I went to one at the ABC in Sydney many years ago... I actually touched a Dalek from the series when they first ever appeared on TV in the UK... it was a tad bit beaten up and battered around but to actually touch something that used to scare the shit out of me as a 10 year from way back then was such an amazing experience... it still made me feel a little twitchy as I touched it lol!... I so envy you inumeenu... have a safe trip and a great time... cheers.
Happy Doctor Day......and oh crap, not a lot left of this series, and then an interminable wait for Christmas....and

I woke up discombobulated today, thought I had missed Sunday - and first thought was WTF how could I miss the Doctor.
Phew, just dreaming, and waking weird...
This is one of my all time favourite funny DW bits....

And now, the verbal favourite from last night........

DW to Nardol, 'What are you doing?"
Nardol, "Ingratiating myself"
DW, "Stop it, it's nauseating"

Last night was awesome.......the Missy/Doctor stuff is just many possibilities
...righteo... I've finally had the time to sit down and watch my favourite show of all time... that's right... it's about Roman soldiers this week... I'm going to love this episode already... I just know it!... and... it's set in Scotland too... I've been there and have looked at all of the Roman ruins all along Hadrian's Wall... it's simply awe inspiring to think that each rock that was placed along it was laid there by someone so long ago back in our History... I can see why some people have an affinity with rocks and Cairns etc... it's an amazing feeling to touch something like that... anyhow... back to the episode...

...I love the title of the episode... 'The Eaters of Light'... what a great title... ha!... yet another crow in the story lol!... they sure have a fascination with them on this show don't they?... I loved the desolation of the Scottish countryside and to drive through it is mind blowing as you can see by where The Tardis landed... bwahahaha!... can't Nardole even be bothered to get dressed anymore???... lol!... (maybe it's a nod to Arthur Dent's character in 'The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' or something?... Arthur was in his pyjamas's all the way through the movie from memory)...


...did I hear that right?... Bill's going down to the river on her own to find the missing 4,000 or whatever Legion of lost soldiers?????... SERIOUSLY??????... sorry... but that's definitely a 'Sticky nit-picky' point for me right there folks!... (and only 4 minutes into the show too!)...but I've decided to put those comments at the end of my posts as my mini rants interrupt the flow of the show for me... so... moving on...

...holy shit Batman!... that girl that Bill stumbled upon scared the bejeebus outta me when she screamed like that lol!... well done the writers lol!... oh gee Bill... someone in Roman Britain wants to kill you... who would've thunk it eh?... (more on that later)... and Bill has fallen down a hole... at least she got away from screamer girl lol!... and she finally found her Roman soldier... at least she wins her bet against The Doctor eh?... Bill has just realised that The Tardis translates Latin into English and vice-versa... I thought that she had already known that but then again... because I already do know that it doesn't automatically mean that the new companions do know it does it?... and now there are 3 crows lol!... it does strike me odd that he isn't asking Bill about her clothing though... why wouldn't he be asking her about the 3 colours on her top being interwoven together for instance especially being that any blue item of clothing in those days were only worn by the rich and wealthy in the day... how odd?... anyhow... moving on... jeez!... that dead body was quite gross wasn't it?... that makeup special effect was well done... that was an epic shot of the dead Roman Legion... yet again... kudos to the special effects team there for that...

dead soldiers.jpg man!... what a great looking creature for this week... it's awesome!... shit!... Bill's doing a lot of running to stay alive this week!... lol!... down yet another hole... hahaha!... and... ouch!... she got sort of whiplashed by a tendril from the creature but she's okay for now... back to The Doctor and Nardole who have been captured by a group from the 'Lord of the Flies' movie lol!... Nardole and his popcorn being used by him to break the tension lol!... man he cracks me up!... lol!... whoa!... The Doctor's a cranky old bugger this week isn't he?... "she's not a warrior... she's an embryo!"... he retorts lol!... bwahahahaha!... Nardole says "we're not even remotely Italian but I make a mean 'spag bog!"... lol!... what a bloody classic line that is lol!... I'm loving the episode this week so far...

...for some reason this female leader makes me think that it's the little girl at the beginning of the episode but I'm most likely wrong on that methinks!... ha!... that popcorn came in handy after all lol!... they did it again!... they scared the shit out of me when that female leader put that knife up to Nardole's throat so quickly like that lol!... well done them again!...!... it doesn't take long for Nardole to 'go native' does it?... lol!... so The Doctor has been gone for a few seconds but it's been 2 days for Nardole?... interesting!... hahaha!... was Nardole telling them a campfire story about the Titanic or the Lusitania or something?... bwahahaha!...

...back to Bill and her Roman Soldiers in the cave... and she tells them that she doesn't 'like men' **hint hint**... and it's revealed that some of the soldiers are gay too lol!... back to The Doctor... another gross dead body... gee The Doctor is giving that female leader a hard time about letting the creatures loose isn't he?... (she was asking for it anyway)... some of these Roman soldiers look so young don't they?... barely out of their teens I think... were they really that young when they went to war back then?... I'm glad that I'm alive nowadays lol!... that woman playing the female leader is a great actress though... I'll give her credit for that... she's giving the role her all... aw man I just love this creature!... get a load of it!...


...I'd like one as a pet!!... so Bill finally meets up with The Doctor again at last... thank god!... oh bloody hell!... there goes Bill acting cocky like Clara Oswald again... she tells them all that The Tardis has some sort of 'telepathic field'... **sigh**... please don't turn her into Clara Oswald would you?... how would she know that?... she's sounding way too clued up about the operations of The Tardis for my liking... please stop it!... just let Bill be Bill ffs!...

..."Light eating Locusts!"... I love the sounds of that!... I still want one as a pet regardless though lol!... I love that Celtic type of music that they're playing to attract the creature... and... it works... what a clever little plan The Doctor has devised... oh here we go... is this where we lose Capaldi for good?... aw shit I'm going to hate not seeing Peter in this role anymore... it's a sad end to his run as The Doctor... he is only 2nd to David Tennant for me as my all-time favourite Doctor... he will be so sorely missed... he isn't going yet... who knocked him on the head?... it wasn't Bill was it?... hmmmmm!... perhaps not... oh brilliant!... we have him for some more episodes... thank God!... apparently Nardole is the only one in The Tardis who knows where the tea cakes are!... bwahahahaha!... so that's why crows say "Carr! Carr!" all of the time then?... what a great way to add a crow's call into the story... whoa!... Missy is already out of the Vault?... lol!... she can't really NOT be evil anymore surely?...

...jeez!... I thought that Missy and The Doctor were going to go the full pash then!... hmmmmm!... I've just had a thought... what if The Doctor and The Master were once lovers at some stage?... it would surely explain the sexual tension between Missy and The Doctor right now wouldn't it?... I guess that we'll never know somehow... end of show...

...what an absolutely brilliant episode!... I loved so many different elements in that episode but the 'Light Eating Locusts' really made my day... what a fabulous creature... I hope that we see them again in the future... they are just so mean!... lol!... as I said... what an absolutely brilliant episode.. BUT!... back to my bug bear from 4 minutes into the episode...

...'Sticky nit-picky' time #1... I know that while watching ANY Doctor Who episode since the first time it aired in the 60's that it's always required by the viewer to suspend belief at times just so as to enjoy the show for what it is... pure fun and awesomeness but seriously... for The Doctor to allow Bill just to traipse off somewhere down by the river on her own to find the 4,ooo Roman soldiers is too ridiculous a premise that is hard to swallow for me I'm afraid... these are 4,000 Roman soldiers that have raped and pillaged their way through Britain after all... The Doctor has a 'duty of care' to protect Bill let alone just allow her to just wander around there on her own and for the writers of the episode to let us see The Doctor in that light was just so wrong in my books... it made me so angry for them to allow him to do that... it's just wrong that's all... anyhow... I could touch on several more things on this part of the plot but I'll shut up now because I don't want to spoil what was such a great episode for me this week... anyhow... that it for me... **sorry about the rant**... lol!... cheers.