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Dear Channel Nine... cracked me up too BigBrotherCritic... I actually wasn't aware that I still did that when I was really pissed off lol!... I remember doing a post many many hundreds of posts ages ago and doing it deliberately to make a point but wasn't aware that I still do it now... it must be a subconscious thing on my part lol!... thanks for letting me know Meglos lol!... cheers.

Don't change a thing about your style. All the cheers and coloured fonts and stories... we love it.
I'm pleased I didn't dissappoint! xD

I have to say this thread is far more popular than I could have ever imagined, I guess we all have a lot of hate for the channel :D

...yes BigBrotherCritic... you have tapped into a common hatred shared by quite a few of us haven't you?... it's a great thread to vent all of our frustrations out at them and quite a few of us have lol!... even though the title is towards Channel 9 I think anyone can vent any other Channel if they wish to can't they?... that being said... I bet that all the other Channels won't get this hatred much towards them even though they do have some faults... Channel 9 really does deserve everything that is being thrown at them in my opinion... I still hate your guts Channel 9!... cheers.
I usually don't like the Today Crew... but this is actually fucking amazing

...I love that song by The Beach Boys... they did alright with it lol!... even though I hate Channel 9... (have I mentioned that before?)... I actually like David Campbell/Richard Wilkins and also Stevie Jacobs in those two shows... the rest?... meh!... I won't even get started on Karl Stiffynodick because we'll be here all night!... lol!... by the way... I still hate your guts Channel 9!... cheers.
Why do you need to send Karl to Paris? You have proper journalists already covering it. He is not needed there and does not bring anything new to the story.

...^^^^ so beat me to the punch there ausbjfan!... exactly right!... hasn't France suffered enough?... what have they done to have Karl Stiffynodick standing there on a street corner and repeating the same thing over and over and over again?... as ausbjfan said... they already have PROPER JOURNALISTS over there... Stiffynodick has no credibility as a serious Journalist anymore... hence the reason why 'The Verdict' is destined for the scrapheap... the 1 hour that I lasted while watching the Today show they showed the same footage and said exactly the same things over and over again at least 4 times!... okay!... we get it!!!... Paris was bombed... X amount of people died... world leaders are pissed off... Australia are taking a 'tough stance' (for whatever that's worth)... and yes... Australia is a potential target next!... we are not morons!... we can fathom the dangers and complexities of it all... thankyou very much Channel 9... thankyou for making it so much easier for us to fathom the horror of it all with Karl Stiffynodick standing on a street corner somewhere in Paris to bring it home to us even harder... he could've been standing in front of a 'green screen' backdrop for all it was worth... then again... (at least he is not in Australia at the moment... perhaps we can salvage something out of the Paris bombings)... Karl Stiffynodick brings no validity or credibility to these horrors whatsoever... what a waste of time sending the idiot there!... and yes Channel 9 I still hate your guts!... cheers. know what gets up my craw lately... the info commercial on the 'Mornings' show where you have some guy called 'Peter' selling the latest fitness workout machine that is 'so much better than all of those other machines that don't do anything for your body whatsover' (or words to that effect)... yet those earlier similar machines that he has been flogging 3 or 4 models back earlier in the year are more or less the same machines!... so what is he telling us?... he sold those earlier models knowing full well that they were doing sweet nothing to improve your health?... so all of those people that bought those machines were totally ripped off when they bought them?... well there you go eh?... what a con!... what a wanker!...

...and while I'm at it... those people that are on those machines... wipe those stupid idiotic fake 'smiles' off of your faces while you are using those dud machines will you?... NOBODY smiles while they are flat out using any form of exercise machine whatsoever!... you look fake... you look ridiculous!... (have you ever sat there and smiled when those commercials are on?... it is such an effort to maintain that fake smile as long as they do... there's more energy being used to maintain that smile so long than there is to do the damn exercise machine!)... don't buy the rubbish machines peoples because you will be told that his next machine is better than the crap machine that you just bought a few months earlier!... just think... they don't show you the same machine that is a new model of the one you bought... they don't show you a tweaked and upgraded version that is a better version of the one you bought do they?... it's never the same version machine is it?... it always looks totally different... so obviously the one you bought 3 months earlier must be total rubbish!... it's not rocket Science is it?... lol!... it just goes to show how much contempt they have for the gullibility of people that are so desperate to lose weight doesn't it?... why is it that they don't have people with real weight issues on the machines as models so that we can see for ourselves how they are losing weight progressively while using those machines?... it's because they don't work obviously!... I dunn0... am I just a cynical little so and so?... maybe lol!... any friends or elatives that I have that have bought those machines have always bought them... used them until they have realised that they don't work and have eventually sold them on either 'EBay' or 'Gumtree'...

...yet another thing while I'm still going... whenever they show 'before and after' shots of people that have been using the machines... why is it that in the 'before' shots that they aren't smiling... they push their flabby stomachs right out to emphasise their weight problem and they try to shrug their shoulders as far down as possible and in the 'after' shots they pull their shoulders back... suck their guts in and are smiling like demented idiots?... well... that's me done!... I'm over my rant... and yes Channel 9 I still hate your guts!... cheers. know what gets up my craw lately... the info commercial on the 'Mornings' show where you have some guy called 'Peter' selling the latest fitness workout machine that is 'so much better than all of those other machines that don't do anything for your body whatsover' (or words to that effect)... yet those earlier similar machines that he has been flogging 3 or 4 models back earlier in the year are more or less the same machines!... so what is he telling us?... he sold those earlier models knowing full well that they were doing sweet nothing to improve your health?... so all of those people that bought those machines were totally ripped off when they bought them?... well there you go eh?... what a con!... what a wanker!...

...and while I'm at it... those people that are on those machines... wipe those stupid idiotic fake 'smiles' off of your faces while you are using those dud machines will you?... NOBODY smiles while they are flat out using any form of exercise machine whatsoever!... you look fake... you look ridiculous!... (have you ever sat there and smiled when those commercials are on?... it is such an effort to maintain that fake smile as long as they do... there's more energy being used to maintain that smile so long than there is to do the damn exercise machine!)... don't buy the rubbish machines peoples because you will be told that his next machine is better than the crap machine that you just bought a few months earlier!... just think... they don't show you the same machine that is a new model of the one you bought... they don't show you a tweaked and upgraded version that is a better version of the one you bought do they?... it's never the same version machine is it?... it always looks totally different... so obviously the one you bought 3 months earlier must be total rubbish!... it's not rocket Science is it?... lol!... it just goes to show how much contempt they have for the gullibility of people that are so desperate to lose weight doesn't it?... why is it that they don't have people with real weight issues on the machines as models so that we can see for ourselves how they are losing weight progressively while using those machines?... it's because they don't work obviously!... I dunn0... am I just a cynical little so and so?... maybe lol!... any friends or elatives that I have that have bought those machines have always bought them... used them until they have realised that they don't work and have eventually sold them on either 'EBay' or 'Gumtree'...

...yet another thing while I'm still going... whenever they show 'before and after' shots of people that have been using the machines... why is it that in the 'before' shots that they aren't smiling... they push their flabby stomachs right out to emphasise their weight problem and they try to shrug their shoulders as far down as possible and in the 'after' shots they pull their shoulders back... suck their guts in and are smiling like demented idiots?... well... that's me done!... I'm over my rant... and yes Channel 9 I still hate your guts!... cheers.

Absolutely!!! A PT posted a before/after pic on her fb page to show how lighting, clothes 1-2 sizes too small, stance, hair styled etc can make you look bigger than you really are. She took the photos on the same day.
Those machines are a waste of time and money. Sadly most people think that if they work out on it for 30 minutes a day then they can go and eat a whole pizza and 1 litre of icecream and it will all be ok because they "worked out". Then after a month they don't have the 6 pack and give up.
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Dear Channell 9

Please stop advertising the car show "For the love of cars" on GO

...... And just put the fracking show on air already!!!!

They've been promoting it as "coming soon" for what must be 6 months now.
Yes she is
Cheers for the link. Indeed the stuff on the door is in exactly the same positions and she is standing further back with her legs apart and all the other stuff she mentioned. Just immediately seemed suss that she would go to the trouble of taking the flip cover off the phone for the "after" shot. Why would you do that? Anyway sorry to go OT. we go... time to rant on about Channel 9 again... the 'Today' show of course... before I do I just want to point out that at no time is this rant supposed to be humorous or flippant because deaths of human beings is involved... as I woke up... there was Karl standing on yet another street corner in Paris somewhere I guess still talking about the Paris bombings and reported that Germany was also reporting an attempted terrorist plot in their country too...

...back to the studio to Sylvia Jeffreys... she reports that there are some blazing bushfires in Esperance in Western Australia and that four people have died in them... that is so tragic... my heart goes out to those poor people and their families... then what ensues is a ping pong match between the two stories between Karl and Sylvia... each time it is more or less exactly the same news that they had just told us just minutes earlier... every time that it bounces back to Sylvia she says exactly the same thing each time... "breaking news from Western Australia blah blah..."... no Sylvia... it's not 'breaking' news... it has already 'broken' Sylvia!... just as her mentor Karl does... she repeated the same news over and over again... within a 20 minute time frame Sylvia showed the same bush fire footage at least three times from memory...

...back to Karl blaring on yet again about Paris and before you can even digest what he is saying it then bounces back to Sylvia who now has a woman on the phone from a petrol station in Esperance and starts asking her... (what seemed like... 400 questions)... on what was happening there... after asking the woman question after question after senseless question it began to feel that Sylvia was under instructions to stretch the interview out until there was another chance to bounce back to Karl for the merest excuse to say something more about the atrocities unfolding over there... there wasn't... he just reported the same news that he had reported earlier... then I had had enough... I went to the toilet... had a shower and brushed my teeth and then about 15-20 minutes later returned to the bedroom to see Karl yet again saying exactly the same thing and then it bounced back to Sylvia showing the exact same flames... the exact same smoke of the exact same bushfire with the exact same opening dialogue of... "breaking news from Western Australia blah blah..."... AAAAARGH!...

...what gets me in all of this is the way that any form of Channel 9 news that we see is so all about the ratings... the ratings only and that's it!... it doesn't allow me any reason whatsoever to have a 'personal' experience and to feel for those poor people that have died as with watching the news on other Channels like 10 or 7 for instance... what I mean by that is... when the other Channels tell us the bad news of these situations at most times they just tell us the cold hard facts just the one time... they give us time to digest that terrible information and then move onto the next news item... not with Channel 9... here we have Karl Stiffynodick and we keep getting his fake 'personal heartfelt opinions' forced down our throats on the sad tragedies unfolding over there as if we are all supposed to think what a 'caring and sharing' good guy Karl is... that's bullshit!... all he is interested in is the upcoming Logies for this year to try and secure the 'Best News Report' award at the Logie's award night... why do you think that he rushed so quickly over there?... he would've rushed to the Channel 9 executives and pleaded with them in order to get there as soon as possible as it first unfolded just to try and grab that award for his own supersized ego and that's the only reason!... they would've bowed down to him just so that he didn't chuck and massive hissey-fit with one of his super sized egotistical baby tantrums no doubt...

...whenever Channel 9 report any human tragedy they never fail to continuously shove that news down our throats until we don't feel for those poor victims anymore and that is what my problem boils down to in the end... I hate Channel 9 for that!... they hunt for the ratings and not for the actual content of the news itself... it doesn't matter what the news item is... it's always the same...

...when you see REAL reporters that have complete integrity and impeccable credentials like Hugh Rimmington or even back in the heyday of Channel 9 news... the late Peter Harvey... they never let their 'heartfelt emotions' come into their reports... they just tell it as it is and that's it... the cold hard facts only... that is how they report it on the other Channels... that's how the news should be... the news editors that control all of this at Channel 9 should be dumped quick fast if Channel 9 ever hope to rescue whatever 'integrity' that they have left in my opinion... (if they have any at all that is)... many a year ago I remember when 'A Current Affair' first ever came onto the air and it was riveting television with the likes of George Negus and Jana Wendt at the helm... that was true reporting as it should be!... oh! to be able to turn back time!... what do they try to serve us now as 'hard hitting news discussion'?... 'The Verdict'?... yeah riiiiight!... they have a fully bonafide' hard hitting gritty true Reporter hosting it don't they?... oh that's right!... it's Karl Stiffynodick hosting it isn't it?... I was wrong!... I said before in an earlier post... he would've cajoled the Channel 9 executives into giving him that show so that he can fall back on it when the entire crew of the failing 'Today' show are dumped due to bad ratings very soon... that's if 'The Verdict' isn't dumped first due to bad ratings of course... either way... we may be lucky enough to never see him again if those two scenario's come together... I can only hope can't I?... anyhow... I'm done!... I've said quite enough... oh just one more thing... Channel 9 I still hate your guts!... cheers.