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Episode Day 72 (18/11/14) Eviction

It's not fun when it's all about her.

She's using them.
She humiliated a guy she apparently dated on national TV, she made Leo look like a complete fool when she didn't vote for him to come back into the house and voted Priya and she made Jake look disposable when she pashed and dashed (though Jake was an ass anyways) and now she's onto the only single guy left she hasn't tried it with, Ryan, who she said she hated and reminded of her horrible ex.

This all comes down to using guys to make herself appear more wanted and trying to appeal to 13/14 year old girls who are all "awwwwwwwwww look at Skye, she has all the hotties after her. If I vote for her, maybe I'll be just like her YAY"

Either way she's trying desperately to make Ryan look bad, if he likes her he'll lose fans who support him for being real and honest and hooking up with 2 guys sloppy seconds is definitely not going to be appealing to his fans.
If he doesn't like her, she'll be all "oooh he's so evil, why does he not like me waaa waaa" and that makes her seem so sweet and innocent and him so evil and heartless.

Sick of her trying to get further in the game by relying on boys to like so she can portray herself better than what she is.

I think you may have overstated Skye's maneater ways.

Jake is the one who made a play for Lisa after he had kissed Skye. Skye knew that Jake was there to have fun and so was harm, no foul. "Jake was just “looking for fun” in the house, so despite the pashes he has had with both girls, he was just after harmless fun and their friendship.".... “I was looking for fun and I told the girls that.”

Leo and Skye had a casual relationship. They both said many times that they were not boyfriend/girlfriend. Leo was very complimentary about Skye when he was evicted and Skye only said nice things about Leo in the house and DR. They never nominated each other and Skye is the only HM to vote for Leo to be HOH. In short they were friends with benefits. (BTW Leo did his share of pashing ...Marina and Sandra come to mind)

Skye had several friends in the sanctuary and she voted for the friend she thought would need it the most, Priya. Leo's humiliation was totally of his own making.

Skye isn't out to make Ryan look bad. Priya said tonight that Skye feels honored if Ryan talks to her because he is so cool. It's not a Machiavellian plan, Skye just wants to be accepted by the cool guy and she finds him attractive.
I think you may have overstated Skye's maneater ways.

Jake is the one who made a play for Lisa after he had kissed Skye. Skye knew that Jake was there to have fun and so was harm, no foul. "Jake was just “looking for fun” in the house, so despite the pashes he has had with both girls, he was just after harmless fun and their friendship.".... “I was looking for fun and I told the girls that.”

Leo and Skye had a casual relationship. They both said many times that they were not boyfriend/girlfriend. Leo was very complimentary about Skye when he was evicted and Skye only said nice things about Leo in the house and DR. They never nominated each other and Skye is the only HM to vote for Leo to be HOH. In short they were friends with benefits. (BTW Leo did his share of pashing ...Marina and Sandra come to mind)

Skye had several friends in the sanctuary and she voted for the friend she thought would need it the most, Priya. Leo's humiliation was totally of his own making.

Skye isn't out to make Ryan look bad. Priya said tonight that Skye feels honored if Ryan talks to her because he is so cool. It's not a Machiavellian plan, Skye just wants to be accepted by the cool guy and she finds him attractive.

Im not a fan of skye's but i agree that she's no man-eater. She's just a young girl whose self worth is measured on whether guys are interested in her or not. She hasn't gone one day without needing validation from a guy. She wouldn't be the only 20yr old like that, so thats no crime. Sandra was ten years older and was still struggling that. Hopefully they both grow out of it. However, I agree with Natalia that it was humiliating for Leo to discover that she had voted against him coming back from the sanctuary. It's awful to discover that you're having a tough time and your closest friend doesn't care. I'll give her credit because she's played hard, but I'm still not buying whats she's selling. :)
The question is, is accidentally running into a wall worth $200,000?
Could Sonya please wear a more flattering outfit? Last nights dress did her no favours at all. I was trying to work out which side of her body the baby bump was protruding from!! O_O:confused:
Ahem! David nominated Ryan with Sandra, as part of a pair in the first nominations - it was a mutually agreed vote, they nominated Sam and Ryan.
and @PollyUSA who liked it:)

Nope:p they didn't nominate Ryan and Sam, plus Sandra had the hots for Sam
David and Sandra
4-Lisa & Skye
1-Gemma & Jake

Lisa and Skye nominated Ryan and Sam
4-David & Sandra
1-Ryan & Sam

Lisa ended up besties with Ryan though's all about Travis and Penny tonight... not much airtime for any of the others at all... hmmmmm!... perhaps Big brother wants one or the other to win this?... (stop being so cynical Sticky!... of course that wouldn't happen!)... um... yeah!... cheers.
:yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn:[DOUBLEPOST=1416392267][/DOUBLEPOST]'s all about Travis and Penny tonight... not much airtime for any of the others at all... hmmmmm!... perhaps Big brother wants one or the other to win this?... (stop being so cynical Sticky!... of course that wouldn't happen!)... um... yeah!... cheers.

I am so bored, lol