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Episode Day 72 (18/11/14) Eviction

I prefer personalities like Skye.
Priya? no. I never drank the Priya kool-aid like most of this forum and particularly lately she has been annoying the crap out of me. But David, I was very happy that he got evicted last night. He has been unbearable to watch for a while now.
I agree with everything except the Skye part.
My thoughts:
* I'm glad to see David go out when he did.
* Priya's one of my favorites, along with Skye. I'm cheering for both of them.
* Will there be no episode Wednesday? Because if there isn't, this and next week will be the shortest BBAU weeks ever. Almost as short as the BBUS weeks.
My thoughts:
* I'm glad to see David go out when he did.
* Priya's one of my favorites, along with Skye. I'm cheering for both of them.
* Will there be no episode Wednesday? Because if there isn't, this and next week will be the shortest BBAU weeks ever. Almost as short as the BBUS weeks.

No, it's on, but on another channel as they've got the cricket on on 9. It's on Go! instead. Then it goes back to 9 on Thursday.
So the JUMP IN app has a poll, who do you think was the best head of house... Why is Ryan in there twice???
Currently he has 25% and the second "Ryan" has 10%.
What's with that? Hmmm?
It's interesting that Travis doesn't seem to be bothered about the information from his mother tha.t Ryan nominated him every week.
That would put him in too much danger at this stage of the game to get upset about that. I think you got to kinda let it wash over you when you're told about who's voting for you, remember Ryan also openly sent him to the sanctuary so their rivalry is no secret.
Besides they weren't the closest friends in the house at oft times.
Really? That is your response?

They have 5 days with 24 full hours per day available to them and you say they've "run out of time"? Have you even ever watched Big Brother prior to Channel 9?

The point is also that the evictee's perception of both their HM's and their view on certain things/events changes the very moment they step foot outside of that house. It in turn affects they were they speak to and about the remaining HM's and it can, to some extent depending on the situation, indirectly reveal outside knowledge to them.

I'm sorry but you are completely wrong with your reply.

Obviously Channel 9 and BB in its current form is a total mess regardless, but it's still a question I'd like addressed anyway. The way they're doing it is completely random and makes absolutely no sense.

I agree, it's so different when they step outside the house. The goodbye video goes from being "I think I might go home" to "I'm already out of there, for sure."

Is it something that only has happened with a Monday eviction?
I'm watching last nights ep on youtube now, and seriously what is the deal with Priya? Running straight away to Lina to tell her that the other housemates were talking about her. How old are you Priya?
Lima is Priya's only friend left in the house. When Priya and Jason were friends they told each other everything as well. It's just too bad that not many people like Lina.
One thing that really shits me is how the past couple of evictions have all been about Skye and her reactions. When the evictee is saying goodbye, the camera is focusing on Skye's face as much as it can. I understand they look for the most entertaining footage, but when an eviction is on it should be about them.