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Episode Day 67 (13/11/14) Daily show

What risk?!

Risk of having your loved one compete against the strongest players in the game, instead of the weakest. Its better to get as far as possible in the game, because the less housemates left, the higher the odds of winning (e.g. 1/4 is better than 1/8)
I remember the first time Ryan was up for noms, I thought he was gone for sure, because he had done absolutely nothing. Yet somehow he got the most votes. Can someone please explain to me what he has actually done during the course of the show? Why do people vote for him? Serious Q
the twelvies vote and love him on looks

the jealous girls hate on Skye
Yeah it's definitely smart to avoid them from a strategy standpoint but I just don't want two or three of them go. I finally feel like I'm starting to get to properly know them and now they're going to be out. This 4 days between shows and no live feeds has left a lot to be desired.
The show is almost over anyway. Focusing on winning is what they need to do. I agree that the shows have been a highly edited, channel nine driven story and not at all giving the viewers a true sense of the players. But that is how they decided to show it. Makes me sad a little.
If I was going into the house and knew there was a chance they might bring a family member/friend in to nominate in my behalf (because they've done it in the past), I'd make sure to talk to them about it before I went in. E.g. try to nominate someone who is a threat in some way to me winning, especially this close to the end, or was making my time in the house extremely unbearable. Plus you'd want to make sure they realise that it's a way to give you info e.g. If someone is backstabbing you, or how you or a situation has been portrayed to the audience etc.

I thought David, Travis, Lina and Ryan's loved ones did well. I think Skye and Penny's loved ones could've used some guidance on nominating strategically though. That said, I would hate to go on TV if I had someone in the house, so props to them for actually going in there in the first place.
Daily reminder;

Priya is a sneaking deceptive cunt. She's up herself in a way she always pretends to be on the high moral ground while being truly condescending.

Priya is a horrible sociopath and the worst possible winner of this show.
Daily reminder:
Cat has been evicted for being boring and for manipulating someone into toe-fucking her.
What is shit is they have lost a day in voting with noms on Thu now and they dont tell us if its a single, double or triple eviction till Sunday, depending on whos on top. I think thats so wrong.