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Episode Day 66 (12/11/14) Eviction

Cute. My almost 9 year old niece calls Kmart, Kmark. It's kind of stuck now. Found in the deli section of Coles some chicken and sweetcorn risotto cakes. A couple of them for dinner with fried mushrooms and onions. I have a new passion in the berverage department. Santa Vittoria mineral water. Extremely lightly sparkling which suits me. Makes a change from tap water.
I might try it!
I recently have lost 10 kilos cutting down sugar and walking. Tonight I had Pepsi and I think that maybe mixed with some preservatives in the tacos it's actually made me feel really weird.
Almost depressed like .
I once saw a you tube clip of a woman that cut out sugar and when she had some again she was inconsolable and bawling her eyes out
I doubt ryan will be going

it would have been real interesting last night to see what priya's reaction would of been over the 8 grand if travis failed the spelling bee

I don't think it would of been pretty, I would love it if skye went tonight

I think it will be Richard
I might try it!
I recently have lost 10 kilos cutting down sugar and walking. Tonight I had Pepsi and I think that maybe mixed with some preservatives in the tacos it's actually made me feel really weird.
Almost depressed like .
I once saw a you tube clip of a woman that cut out sugar and when she had some again she was inconsolable and bawling her eyes out
Are you following the I Quit Sugar craze by Sarah Wilson or doing your own thing? I cannot believe how much hidden sugars there are in certain foods. After reading her books I realised I have a full-blown sugar addiction.
Are you following the I Quit Sugar craze by Sarah Wilson or doing your own thing? I cannot believe how much hidden sugars there are in certain foods. After reading her books I realised I have a full-blown sugar addiction.
I think I saw her book in target the other day.but no, I am doing my own thing.
After having kids , having post natal depression , losing my mum .. I just stacked on weight. Initially I did the kate Morgan shakes and lost 20 kilos in 3 months. Once I stopped that i put 15 kilos back on. After trying paleo , weight watches etc I just decided to cut out the obvious crap.
No sugary drinks (only in coffee ), no potatoes (unless it's hot chips for a treat or roast potatoes) , more meat and veg in pasta. Snacks are bananas, apples, avo, cheese, crackers. I haven't totally limited myself , I still have treats . And I walk about 2-3 kms every day (or second day)
So I've lost the 20 kilos now (in 18 months) and have about 10 to go
Considering not watching this episode - we know Richard is going, the task has pretty much run its course, nothing new or exciting seems to be happening, well all know David and Ryan will retreat having lost one of their boys and lay low for a bit.
It was good though that the eviction wAs short. I don't think be ended up getting evicted until 10 mins before show finished
The eviction went for 12mins (seriously). I remember checking the time and it was 10pm when he got evicted & the show finished at 10.12pm. 12min eviction show, 5-6mins would've been ads so Tom's time in the house was summed up in approx. 6-7mins. No wonder he didn't get a voucher.
good on you frankyfurt

I too have cut down sugar and lost 5 kg's.

i got circumsized and lost 12kgs[DOUBLEPOST=1415781803][/DOUBLEPOST]
Considering not watching this episode - we know Richard is going, the task has pretty much run its course, nothing new or exciting seems to be happening, well all know David and Ryan will retreat having lost one of their boys and lay low for a bit.

What will you do instead?
Considering not watching this episode - we know Richard is going, the task has pretty much run its course, nothing new or exciting seems to be happening, well all know David and Ryan will retreat having lost one of their boys and lay low for a bit.
Don't be me negative_dude. Be optimistic. xo :)
I think I saw her book in target the other day.but no, I am doing my own thing.
After having kids , having post natal depression , losing my mum .. I just stacked on weight. Initially I did the kate Morgan shakes and lost 20 kilos in 3 months. Once I stopped that i put 15 kilos back on. After trying paleo , weight watches etc I just decided to cut out the obvious crap.
No sugary drinks (only in coffee ), no potatoes (unless it's hot chips for a treat or roast potatoes) , more meat and veg in pasta. Snacks are bananas, apples, avo, cheese, crackers. I haven't totally limited myself , I still have treats . And I walk about 2-3 kms every day (or second day)
So I've lost the 20 kilos now (in 18 months) and have about 10 to go
That's amazing - well done. It's better to lose it slowly and in a way that you can maintain. My friend has lost over 10kg by just not eating crap too. No snacks, no more lollies or chocolate. She still gets KFC but doesn't get the chips. It's all about self-control.
franky also try cutting back your serving size of meat to 120 grams

, cheese try 2 slices per day, low fat also when you eat meat lean as you can get , only have 2 pieces of fruit a day as they do contain a lot of sugar if you like berrys eat those as they are very low in sugar.