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Episode Day 60 (6/11/14) Daily show and nominations

Skye outdoes Ryan in terms of putting up a performance about 20 : 1

Remains to be seen if the latest teasers that are out mean Skye going up against Ryan.. They did say the two strongest housemates... hmm...Will be very interesting if she does, and I really hope that's what's she is doing. If it's Dave then that's just going to be yawn, more of the same and Ryan will easily take the win. I'd really like to see Skye Vs Teflon tactics happening that will certainly increase the interest factor.
Would love to see Skye provoke Ryan into losing his shit...and seeing it stick.
@tedfthis Sorry I totally messed up and couldn't figure out how to only quote you. I kept trying to figure it out but time ran out on me

No worries, Bel. I dont know how to post snippets of quoted areas either and reply in between sections. Please, dont anyone tell me how to do it, I dont need to know. I like this forum, because 99.9% of the people are friendly. We may have differing views, but we have a common interest, in the Big Brother show continuing. I dont block anyone, but I ignore the 0.1% of idiots. Trying to have a sensible discussion with an idiot, is like trying to have a sensible conversation with a drunk.
As for Aisha and Travis, at their ages, I thought they made a stupid short sighted decision not to take the $50,000. I thought Aisha was pretty selfish, because she knew that she was already going to be walking out with at least $20,000 courtesy of Lawson. With her wearing the trousers in the Traisha fauxmance, Travis was easily persuaded, that it was a lot more fun in there. Duh, I'm sure I could have had a lot more fun spending $25,000 or $45,000. They gave their reasons for not taking the money, as money couldnt buy the BB experience, but they had ALREADY enjoyed the BB experience, a lot more than Gemma did. The brainless duo, couldnt work out that there would only be one ultimate winner of BB and with the rate that the prize pool was diminishing, there might not be too much left, for the eventual winner. Travis's ego has him thinking that he can win BB 2014, if only he knew how close he had been, to having the least number of saves, some weeks.

Couldn't agree more, but think good old Traveee will be genuinely happy if gets Aisha out of it... For 5 minutes at least.
Dave has gone to the Diary Room more than any other player, and this is where he does his complaining (and smearing). It's a major strategy he learnt this from studying Tim's use of the DR from last year. BB doesn't show much of Dave's DR visits, because BB has cottoned on to this tactic, and probably because his convos with BB are boring.:cool:
Skye outdoes Ryan in terms of putting up a performance about 20 : 1

Remains to be seen if the latest teasers that are out mean Skye going up against Ryan.. They did say the two strongest housemates... hmm...Will be very interesting if she does, and I really hope that's what's she is doing. If it's Dave then that's just going to be yawn, more of the same and Ryan will easily take the win. I'd really like to see Skye Vs Teflon tactics happening that will certainly increase the interest factor.
The four strongest HMs are Priya, Skye, Ryan and David. We know that because they had the highest saves last week, but BB would not tell us the percentages. Now BB is telling us the two strongest HMs are going up against each other. One of these is Skye, and the other is either Dave or Ryan, but at this stage we can't deduce who. What we can deduce is that Skye is stronger than Priya. :writing::cool::cigar::thumbsup::smuggrin::singing:
She just seems to have 'changed', (as in is now showing her REAL self). She started out so innocent!

Well Priya would tell her to pull her head in so i reckon shes getting a bad edit. i mean the bratty things she says are all shown in one action out of 4 days footage. Meh we no longer really know any of them with this format. Ill stick with Skye, cos im not a Dave fan. Shes bratty rude, but hes vindictive nasty. But diff strokes for diff folks
Its funny ppl who comment about Skye's comments cant see that all the HMs bitch about each other, Ryan nasty things but hides it behind humour, that really doesnt make it any less nasty in my book, but it fools alot of ppl
Well Priya would tell her to pull her head in so i reckon shes getting a bad edit. i mean the bratty things she says are all shown in one action out of 4 days footage. Meh we no longer really know any of them with this format. Ill stick with Skye, cos im not a Dave fan. Shes bratty rude, but hes vindictive nasty. But diff strokes for diff folks
Actually from what the evicted housemates have said, we have missed all the 'negative side' of Skye over the last 2 months.
We're only NOW starting to see that side, since the producers have decided to show us a more balanced view this close to the end. Skye supporters would be sending in a great deal of support for Skye, so producers have been milking it and only showing us the good Skye scenes in the past to embrace all that love.

If they had shown us her negative side earlier on, I don't know if she'd still be in now.
Skye has already provoked Ryan into losing his shit. When BB showed Skye's noms to the house, Ryan got really angry and went into a tirade against her.

Lol she did. His reaction to discovering Skye not to be entirely as he perceived her was interesting. More so if Ryan is indeed faking his buddy-ness with David, he might be doing something similar. I'm sure Ryan has more true colours than we've yet seen.
Interesting deduction that David and Ryan are stronger than Priya (not necessarily disagreeing), but wondered if I have missed something there.
im not sure why everyone here thinks ryan is so strong.
skye, david, priya, and even leo have shown some eviction-survival strength. ryan though... not so much. is it a case of parroting the misguided opinion of exiting housemates? or wishful thinking? or...?
whats it about?
The italics didn’t work at my end, Bel. But I'm glad you added a few minutes to it, I read what you wrote. It doesn’t matter to me, whether Priya wins, ANYBODY except Teflon :). In case it isnt obvious, I dont like the bloke. I think he has been given too easy a run. I dont think anyone should get an easy run, to win a considerable amount of money. I would rather TRAVIS win it, than Teflon. Now, thats senility showing up there.
I'm starting to get the idea that you don't like Teflon. It wasn't very clear from your post so I may be wrong about that. :p
@ marshbrady Perhaps because he's less controversial and supposed to be well liked in the house.