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Episode Day 36 (13/10/14) Daily show and intruder

Marina picking up on the influence of the SUCCUBUS on the other housemates. POSSESSED is the right term.

Now SANDRA feels uneasy. Sandra realising that sCAT has been possessing her thoughts, feelings and actions.

Marina showing early signs of good Pristian virtues.
GIve me more possessed Sandra. It's better than what we've seen. I don't get Marina's comments. Aisha seemed more possessed than she did. Marina has weird comments.
Another 30 minutes before:
Round One of the BBAU All-Seasons Top 50 Housemates Tournament is closed for tallying.

This is the link to the game:

We've gotten a lot of members involved but everyone is still welcome to join! The Top 50 Housemates of BBAU is shaping up to be a very interesting and surprising bunch.

For Round One: Every member has exactly 50 points to distribute between no more and no less than 20 housemates of your choosing, taken from series 01 (2001) to series 10 (2013) - which EXCLUDES housemates from the current 2014 season. You can distribute them in any way you wish, and could even vote strategically, like giving 19 housemates 1 point each and giving 31 points to 1 housemate.