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Episode DAY 23 (Tue 20/08/13) - Nominations #3 (90m)

Oh seriously.. ffs what is Tully crying about now??
And, what was the point of dumping an extra 2 points to Mikkayla, other than merely to put the boot in?
You answered your own question there, jarrah! Plus she forgot her roots! HER ROOTS!!

I'm thinking Tully's the one who forgot her roots...and is now pretending it's on purpose that her hair looks like that.
Why would 10 year olds be voting for them?

Nah, she's pretty liked. More so than Tahan.

Why wouldnt they be? lol they'll be voting for them cause they think they're 'cute'. Bleugh

Hope your right, don't mind Mikkayla.
so jade and drew think they have been separated..yay...but damn it, by tomorrow they will be reunited...if tully knew this i'm sure she would be marking her territory tonight like pepe le pew
so jade and drew think they have been separated..yay...but damn it, by tomorrow they will be reunited...if tully knew this i'm sure she would be marking her territory tonight like pepe le pew

After Jade walked to the halfway house the camera shot to a quick look at Tully's face - with a little smirk showing out the side of her hand while she was looking in the direction of the lounge where Drew was still sitting
You answered your own question there, jarrah! Plus she forgot her roots! HER ROOTS!!

I'm thinking Tully's the one who forgot her roots...and is now pretending it's on purpose that her hair looks like that.

With her spiel about rejections I think Jade must've forgotten some of hers as well...
i believe tully chose to give the two points to mikkayla, because if she gave the points to ed and/or tim. Matthew would still be up (mikkalya would choose him) and probably ed. Tully would prefer matt and the sisters to be up rather than matt and ed.
Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully!
Well Tully was a bit stupid. If she really wanted to she could have saved Matt. and of course she had to cry about it because it SO tough on her. Ugh whoever said she reminds them of Estelle, I'm starting to agree!
Tonight's whole show seemed like a cheap magic show at the local carnival... it just read cheap.
Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully! Swap Tully!

love your vigor and hope it happens!
I'm so glad Matthew and Tahan are up! Even if they don't get evicted hopefully the frequent nominating will deflate their ugly egos. Hopefully it's Jasmine that gets the boot on Monday though! The only footage I remember seeing of her is just her being snarky. Would love to see the sisters saved over her, just to mess with the HMs' heads.

I wish Big Brother would start putting up the nomination tally board up for display in the house with just the numbers, no names or silhouettes next to them. Just to show the HMs how many of them are close to being up for eviction each week, and how many of them go completely unscathed points-wise each week. I think it would encourage their game-playing and strategic ways even more - or at least make them paranoid.

I'm also beginning to wish we could separate the sisters and get rid of Katie. I think Lucy would be much stronger as a housemate if she were playing on her own. She actually speaks quite well for herself - Katie's scared bobble-headed nodding and repeated "yeah"s aren't doing them any favours.

Oh and I'm sooo annoyed that none of them nominated Tully. I understand why they didn't and I would have done the same - it was a safe move, but the fact that she's safe for another week just because she got the superpower is soo irritating. I'm certain she would have had at least a couple of points had she not won Showdown.
random thoughts

- once again, another zippy show, with the old fast forwarding past sonia and repetitive recap cutting the viewing time to well under an hour. i guess there's a plus side to not including any new stuff, alex - thanks for helping me not spend too much time watching!

- no additional fallout from the tahan/Latie fight. not surprised, but still disappointed

- if ed and jade swapped places, ed would be a player and jade would be a frigid bitch.

- everyone whimping out and not nominating tully shows the real power of the superpower - with the power being random, and the risk of being "seen and heard" nominating, no one is going to risk pissing off the person with power, even if most of the time that power is lame.

- tim sucking up to tully was hilarious after his OTT nomination of her last week.

- tully is an absolute joke. part of me is glad you voters kept her around to scoff at for another couple weeks. she said she would nominate with her head and not her heart but her nominations choices were heart led, she still cries at EVERYTHING (good thing there's no commercial television in the house, or we'd have to watch her cry at tampon ads), and her jealousy of jade is palpable.

- nominations were all reasonably articulate tonight, if perhaps a little boring.

- Latie's nomination talk cracked me up again. One brain, no pain.

- all girls (plus one) nominated. totally called it. someone gimme a cookie

- between the vanilla nominations and absolutely everyone talking about nominations "without talking about nominations", i'm over the rule lawyering. just open it up - nominate for any reason and feel free to talk nominations til the cows come home. sure, it'll change the game cosmetically, and a better solution is to instead play public videos of people "not talkinga bout nominations", but BB doesn't have the balls to do that.

- here's hoping mikayla is saved again. i could survive on tully's tears for a lifetime if that happens.
Hopefully it was Sulky who was given a strike for when she said "They all have low points" on the lounge when BB was telling HM's who was nominated...