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Episode Day 22 (29/30/2014) Live: Surprise Eviction

Yep I have no clue who is voting for her. Not me (old) or my kids (20-ish) or my nieces (tweens). It's a mystery.

I put in about ten votes for her and Ten for Priya. I think she might have won a bit of sympathy votes over her clash with Katie I like her she won't win but she will give a little something to the house that Dion didn't I only hope Cat doesn't push the Lawson thing to much. It might be coat tail dragging because she thinks he can win it, but it will lose her some fans if she acts on the crush. I don't think she will. So yeah I voted for her cos I liked her better than the rest she was against other than Priya and because I think she is better looking than some of the other girls there
Jesus I used to really like Lisa, she's so jealous of Skye LMAO!
When she was snapping at her this was me...
Cat is popular!?! WTF.

Do sleazy divorcees like her?
Thought she might be nice & cool she is blah
Oh god no, not this victim shit again, she is a piss weak not a victim. And a double talking backstabber sneak.
Is her game plan unrequited love, erk, crying victim.
Can't we swap her for the cheerier twin with the better hair cut?
The conclusion I have come to regarding Cats massive fan base, is that Lisa's haters voted to save Cat. I think people who dislike Lisa voted to keep Cat in after she had her mini argument with bitch Lisa and Cat ended up crying.
I sent a vote through and my phone autocorrected to Oriya, will that still count... ? Lol. Stinkin iPhone. I sent other votes through but do they count misspelled ones? Anybody know?
Finished here. Dion's eviction was a bit of a non-event. Glad Priya didn't go and hope she doesn't tomorrow, but if she does, well, it'll be kind of fitting for this series to lose its main character so soon. The whole show seemed to be geared towards getting votes for Travis, I wasn't liking all the cheers he was getting from the crowd. Cat getting the most saves was a bit of a surprise, but that could just have been temporary support because of her clashes earlier in the week. Doesn't bother me though.

Out of Travis, Katie and Priya, Travis easily got the most coverage tonight, and what little Priya got wasn't positive, so probably not a good sign.
Surprised Dion got evicted and surprised Cat got the most saves. This game is unpredictable!

Not too surprised about Dion, thought he would be splitting the male-eye-candy vote with Trav, and obviously he didn't contribute anything much else.
At least Dion can compete in the triathalon.

Thats why I think people didnt bother to save him, if he had said he wanted to be out in 3 weeks for a Triathlon. Why take someone elses place and go in, in the 1st place, if you arent committed to the long haul. Its treating the Australian public as mugs. Good riddance to him.