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Episode Day 22 (29/30/2014) Live: Surprise Eviction

When you click on their social media stats on that jump-in site, it's CLEAR and OBVIOUS that Prisus Christ has had a larger presence than any of them.

And FUCK channel 9 for turning this into the Travis Show tonight. Such a fucking DOOFUS.
Haha. It's a gift. Come on...
- The hail
- The yoghurt hair product
- Travis and Aisha

Funny moments. It's nice to have some light hearted ness after the TRAGIC Sandra / Sam stuff. Only touched on tonight.
Yeah, I actually didn't mind the Daily Show part of tonight. Just no continuity at all. It'll be interesting to see how the Daily show works in tomorrow's eviction - if they'll start from the eviction like they tend to or start from the morning so they can introduce the Yes/No task.
As long as Priya stays, I don't care who goes. Katie or Travis. I genuinely like both of them, but against Prisus, you're no comparison.