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Confessions and interesting facts about yourself

@mutleyp is an amateur

Many moons ago (25 years ago) I went on holidays to Europe.

Ended up at Harrods & was shocked with the inflated prices etc, I ended up in the food hall & there was a sign saying you could taste some of the food etc.

Well being on a budget, I thought I would save money & have a taste of everything. (it was lunch time)

After feasting the fruit, cheese, bread rolls, meat etc, I got a tap on the shoulder & I looked up & there were 2 security guards & they told me to leave.

They didn't give me a chance to leave on my own, I was escorted out & told not to come back.

I would NEVER disrespect the temple of Harrods
My mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour when I found out I was pregnant with my son.
She passed away when he was 3 months old. She was told she'd only have a few months to live without treatment so did a course of radiation. I think she lived longer so she could meet my son. Hardest part was not having my mum there when I had my son because she was in a nursing home .

Im so sorry to hear that, my heart breaks for you :( xoxo

Long story I suppose, my parents were married for 30 years and my father had 5 affairs with different women over that time span. (4 from the time I was born till they separated when I was 16, I'm 19 now). My father always suffered from manic depression and attempted suicide when I was 5. Then my mother got severe depression after that and was bed ridden for around a year. In this time, My father said that I was the "only female in this house so I was the one that needed to take on the female roles of the household" - make dinner & clean. Only in my early teens I realised how warped and backward thinking that was -he was just masogynist, chauvinist pig. He abused me mentally and physically as a child till I was around 14-15. He blamed me for most of those affairs because "when I was born I took my mother away from him", I never really believed this though I thought it was just stupid. Around the time I was 15 I noticed that he was acting strangely.

He was becoming extremely withdrawn, sometimes I'd wake up and I'd see him standing in our lounge room in the dark, he was becoming very, very snappy. I told my mum several times about my worries and that I was scared of him but I think after all the emotional abuse he put her through she just shut down completely to anything he was doing - afraid of what she might see. Anyway in 2012 my mum found out my dad was cheating for over a year. He made a fake facebook account talking to hundreds of women (some of them as young as 18, some of them looked younger, he was 54 at the time) in a disgusting perverted way, he created a group called "the circle of perverted friends". He then took himself and submitted himself to a mental hospital because he said he wanted to "kill himself". They later diagnosed him with Psychosis (he is being treated and is taking medication)

Cutting a year short -he spent months asking us to take him back, not in an " I'm sorry" way but more in a threatening, aggressive manner, he tried to corner us at my younger brothers soccer fields so that we wouldn't make a scene. He would bang on the door for god knows how long every few weeks or so. I found that when I was by myself he would always make things a lot worse. We never had a good relationship, I hated him. He was always softer on my younger brother and my mother.

In April 2013, I was alone with my partner in my house, he came knocking at the door. I told my partner to stay quiet. After about half an hour of him yelling things trying to persuade me to open the door and whispering threats through my bedroom window, he "drove off" in his car, we thought it was safe so my boyfriend proceeded to wash the dishes, my father actually just parked down the road to trick us and walked up to our back door. When he saw my boyfriend and asked him to open the door because it was "his house" and my boyfriend said no he just snapped. To answer your question it was a combination of a lot of things, psychosis was the primary factor, built up anger and hatred - he got to his breaking point, I just believe that he always has had it in him however his illness brought it out of him.

I'm just happy that my partner was there in that situation. It could've ended a lot worse and it was a situation that after explaining everything and everything he's done it almost seemed like it was inevitable..

Thank you for sharing, you are so brave, so strong, Im so sorry you have been through what you have been through, may I ask if you have a AVO against him?
Wow so many strong interesting people on the boards. I'll give out a go. I've been pregnant 5 times, but only have two living children; I had three second trimester miscarriages, one as late as 21 or 22 weeks. Needless to say I was told not to get pregnant again but did so which is why I have two beautiful daughters. I did have to go on complete bed rest at 21 weeks for the youngest though. I am a devout Catholic and never got pregnant again after my youngest was born. I met my husband playing old fashioned pen and paper D&D and we are still avid gamers, ten years of WoW, and we have family game night at least once a week at our house. I now stay at home but for years I worked helping victims of violent crime, or their survivors through the criminal justice process, indictment to conviction and beyond.
Wow so many strong interesting people on the boards. I'll give out a go. I've been pregnant 5 times, but only have two living children; I had three second trimester miscarriages, one as late as 21 or 22 weeks. Needless to say I was told not to get pregnant again but did so which is why I have two beautiful daughters. I did have to go on complete bed rest at 21 weeks for the youngest though. I am a devout Catholic and never got pregnant again after my youngest was born. I met my husband playing old fashioned pen and paper D&D and we are still avid gamers, ten years of WoW, and we have family game night at least once a week at our house. I now stay at home but for years I worked helping victims of violent crime, or their survivors through the criminal justice process, indictment to conviction and beyond.

Wow a few interesting facts there, that work sounds intense. That's really awful with your pregnancies though, I'm sorry you went through that but I'm so glad to hear there were some happy outcomes for you.
735 now! Good luck when you reach that level. Near Impossible. Designed to steal from your pockets I tell you!
Resist, resist! I remember taking a couple of weeks to get passed a level once but I stuck to my principles of not spending a cent on Candy Crush. I will not break. :borg:
This is an interesting thread. So many great stories.

I have a confession. I stole a cat. I've had him desexed and chipped. He came from an abusive household not far from us but no way was I taking him back once he started to hang around here. Today, finally, after about 8 wks of having him, feeding him, loving him, I was sitting on the front porch giving him a cuddle in the sun. The abusive ex-owner was trying to catch his dog which had escaped from their yard and came to our place to ask if we'd seen it. Saw my cat and said, "Hey that's our cat." I said, "No, it's my cat. I have the papers. Was yours desexed?". Of course it wasn't, so he didn't pursue the matter. Poor cat was terrified, I was scared too (abusive dude has issues) and my husband was still at work. Moral of the story: being castrated is an effective disguise. @Noonah19 you might be interested in this story. My heart still pounding. I wish I could steal the dog too.
I truly love you @Willoughby , so glad you stood your ground. You were brave as well to deny it to his face. Poor baby Bo! There needs to be more people like you in the world! Not much he can do anyway now!!!! Yippee for you, and don't worry I got your back, I'll cut a bitch for you and your babies! :D You have a kind heart!
Hmmm, I'm not too interesting but I guess these are things I think make up a big part of my life experience so far:
1.I was caught in high school 10 years ago at an anti-war protest swearing at John Howard on national television.
2.I got so sick of call center work, I had a panic attack one day and quit my job after being call a c&%t by a 70 year old lady and became a psychiatric nurse and love my job even on the worse days imaginable. Now I get called a c&%t, but I get paid a lot more and I don't take it to heart if they are unwell.
3. I had weight loss surgery 6 months ago, I have lost 40kg, and have my mojo back, I don't feel as though I get judged purely on my physical appearance anymore, and that people can just judge me by what a dickhead I am.
4.I only got my drivers license last year.... because fuck you that's why.
5.I have a fear of aliens. But only if someone is trying to say they are real, sci-fi etc I'm fine with.
I'm a case manager at a crisis service and I do an art and craft group once a week at the psychiatric ward, I love my job too. I still sometimes take things personally in my normal life but work is different.
Wow 40kgs, you must feel amazing, congratulations!
I had a recurring nightmare every night for a week that I would have a car accident at a specific intersection with a white car. I told my family about it & they laughed it off. The next night the dream didn’t happen. The night after I didn’t even think about it & was at the intersection, I was turning right and waiting in the middle of the road for traffic to stop. The light went red I saw the white car & then I remembered the dream so I remained stationary, the white car was coming towards me but it stopped at the red light so then I commenced to turn, as the white car stopped a motorbike came from behind it & sped up to get through the intersection to beat the red light, but I had commenced my turn – it hit my car. We all survived but the car & bike were stuffed.

Years later I dreamt for 2 weeks that I would be shot in the head, I was a police officer now. Long story short I ended up in a gun battle with 4 armed robbers, it was like slow motion I saw 1 guy point a rifle at me, I had my gun pointed in his direction & could have started shooting but remembered the dream and ducked behind a tree. He fired, the bullet went into a wall behind me, it would have gone through my face.

A year later I had reoccurring dreams of being shot in the chest in a bank & could see this huge hole in my chest – I went on leave, the dream didn’t stop so I resigned, then the dream stopped. That week a bank in the area I worked at was held up by a guy with a cross bow.

3 years later I dreamt I was in a plane crash on a specific date. I was returning home from Uni in Europe flying through Tokyo. I decided to stay an extra day in Tokyo to look around & because the date was the one I dreamt, the flight I was supposed to take caught fire on the runway.

Queue twilight zone music :)
Wwwwoooooowwwwww!!!! That's awesome and scary and crazy! You are so lucky, thank goodness for your amazing brain!
I truly love you @Willoughby , so glad you stood your ground. You were brave as well to deny it to his face. Poor baby Bo! There needs to be more people like you in the world! Not much he can do anyway now!!!! Yippee for you, and don't worry I got your back, I'll cut a bitch for you and your babies! :D You have a kind heart!
Hahaha love you too! Was scary but I don't think he'll be back, I acted braver than I felt. He got his dog back unfortunately, another neighbour had him in her yard. She fed the dog and wormed him as well, she is a kind lady. Some people should not be allowed to own animals. At least Bo is safe and happy but I'll be certain to let you know if I need a hit-lady xx
Hubby and I were at Brightwater commons and I thought he was walking right next to me,so I grabbed his hand..imagine my shock and horror when I realised it was a complete strange guys hand.....he was surprised too and hubby about pissed himself laughing at me...took me years to live that one down
Lol. I grabbed my brother-in-law's arse in a nightclub once, thinking it was Mr W's. So embarrassed, I was only 21. He still teases me about it. Didn't quite go for the Ryan grope but it was pretty embarrassing,
@Sweetgeek Every one of us can pinpoint moments and make them quirky quips or whatever but to have lived - even the most sheltered life possible - is to have dove head first in the trenches.

I am lucky that I always knew my parents had my back - whether financially or because they had a bit clout where we lived - so I could run wild. But to this day I always believe go... go with your heart, your gut, your feet... just go. Unless you have the worst luck ever you won't die and while I won't always condone or even respect what you do, I want people to LIVE. I've had mishaps and blunders and charges and disappointments but I've always felt and learned so I could feel alive.

Now being with Mr B and having a kid and doing all the stuff you're supposed to... sometimes I wonder if the fun Mrs B has been lost. And I miss her, A LOT. But she hasn't been forgotten... she's still there being cheeky where she can without hurting peoples' feelings as best as possible. I think it's important to remember and even better - celebrate - yourself because there will be a day where you'll no longer exist. It makes me cry to even think about that one day there'll be a world that my son meets a new friend and I'll be dead or even a new book comes out that I will never get the chance to read. BUT... if you live it the best you can whatever your best is, then you've honoured the life you've been given. I've been a bit of a prat but I love my life... then, now, tomorrow. :)
Well said @Mrs Butterface you summed things up so perfectly! I've lived a wild and crazy life too, and I'm glad I did. I have funny stories, scary stories and sad stories but gosh I have learnt some amazing lessons from everything. I have said to a lot of people I know, I miss the young "Noonah" who never thought of consequences and was never worried about hurting or breaking something, lol.

I love that you wrote fake journals, that is fucking brilliant. Your son is a lucky boy! And by the way, I agree with everything you post in the BB threads, you write so eloquently and it saves me from using my brain and working out what to say. Haha. Plus I'm a slow typer and it's even worse on an iPad. :)
Thank you for sharing, you are so brave, so strong, Im so sorry you have been through what you have been through, may I ask if you have a AVO against him?

Thank you that's very nice of you :) yes, we now have an AVO against him, should of done it a lot sooner. He now lives 2 hours away (from what I last heard over a year ago)
Earlier this year, I was falsely accused of shoplifting and told I was banned from a certain store because of it.
Don't want to go into too much detail about it, but it was pretty f'd up