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BBUS - Season 25

Really enjoyed this season. Glad that (in my mind) the right person won too!

Let down and a half that announcement tho!
Not putting much weight on this (especially since I have no idea who the quoted source is) and at the end of the day I wouldn’t be surprised if they just rebuilt the current layout.

yeah i wonder if they're leveraging off that rumour from back in May...
Yes, wouldn't expect anything too radical. The BB6 house itself wasn't hugely different from the previous house other than adding a second floor and other than moving their bedrooms upstairs with the move for BB2 the BB Canada house is now in it's third or fourth sound stage with a house that hasn't changed much since.
Wherever they go they definitely are in need of some more space. I wouldn’t mind the same/similar layout if they could plus things up and build it on a grander scale leaving room for small improvements over the years. The way the show tends to favour OTT theming in recent years the current house is starting to feel very cluttered compared to when they first relocated. Not to mention the things they’ve shoehorned over the years like the new staircase, upstairs lounge, and the have not room etc.

I highly doubt they’ll ever have a full time separate competition arena but I think moving Julie’s studio in to its own dedicated venue would help immensely.
I know the producers have long been keen for a separate challenge area, which they eventually got in recent series away from the house.

The house itself could probably lose a few rooms - they don't put as much effort in to the room by the bathroom now or the balcony.
I know the producers have long been keen for a separate challenge area, which they eventually got in recent series away from the house.

The house itself could probably lose a few rooms - they don't put as much effort in to the room by the bathroom now or the balcony.
What they’d like and what CBS are willing to give them are two different things. The space they have now is generally only used for the Sunday episode comp and was only used more often for BB25 because of inclement weather conditions. Ideally they’d have a space that didn’t require several days of lockdowns for setup and tear down of the HoH/POV comps however I don’t think that not using the backyard will ever be a thing of the past.