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BBUS 26 - starts 17 July

I wonder why they didn't give Jerry the clicker thing Julie always has to control when her mic is fed to the DR during the voting. Even when its your first time hosting the show, the concept of pushing a button while talking isn't rocket science.
Probably safer to have a producer control it in the circumstances.
Jerry fitted the bill - capable enough to step in but not so good that Julie needs to worry about her job.
He reminded me of early series Julie, back when she’d awkwardly stumble through the unscripted and unpredictable nature of the show.
He reminded me of early series Julie, back when she’d awkwardly stumble through the unscripted and unpredictable nature of the show.

Corrected your post. ;)

Fair play to Julie she got the hang of it about 18 series in.
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Just watching Sunday’s episode and WTF? This is the most international BB thing we’ve ever seen on BBUS and I’m including the first season!!! Has Grodner died and been replaced by her not so evil twin?
Just watching Sunday’s episode and WTF? This is the most international BB thing we’ve ever seen on BBUS and I’m including the first season!!! Has Grodner died and been replaced by her not so evil twin?
Know they are outside this week but any further twists?
Know they are outside this week but any further twists?
Other than a second veto there doesn’t appear to be. The reason this feels like International BB is because the backyard has been turned in to Jankie World. They’re only eating pizza and ice cream all week, have to preform the Jankie World theme song and have dance parties on command in addition to any other “fun” things Jankie comes up with. This all happened under the guise of Ainsley going on vacation but serves no other purpose other than making the HG’s lives hell for the week.

We also had our first real endurance comp which lasted just short of 10 hours and went in to the very early hours of the next morning. It was very classic BB with HG’s “roasting” marshmallows over a fire. Drop the marshmallow and you’re out.
Well somewhat predictable outcome but it hasn’t sacrificed my enjoyment of the season one bit. Can’t stress enough how much I enjoyed the Jankie World not-at-all twist for the simple fact that it was so unlike BBUS to do something outside “the game”.

Loved the live beginning of the HoH comp. Felt very old school having them all isolated in different areas of the house. I totally wouldn’t mind an HoH reign from the clear leader as I think they’d target the other trio making it a 2 - 2 - 2 final six.

It’s also refreshing to see the HG’s all genuinely like and respect one another… Even if Angela does grate on certain people. The bit with Cam and Chelsie having drama this week is exactly what I mean when I say BB doesn’t need to cast for drama as given enough time it will just start happening.
As fun as the season was, I feel like it has officially lost steem. I have been pretty behind with episodes latley and have been loosly following the feeds updates on jokers and whatever I see on tiktok.

There was promise when Quinn was taken out, but in retrospect the season was probably better off with him lasting longer. Jankie week was fun on the episodes, but the feeds were apparently really boring and it was at that point I stopped checking the updates as frequently as I was for the first 2 thirds.

T'kor was one of my favourites in this cast and I was really rooting for her trio to take reign away from the remanints of the pentegon. But alas, that was not to be. I am so dissapointed that Leah targetted T'kor instead of Chelsie. That could have opened the game up so much more. And then for Makensy to win and be absoutly leashed by Chelsie into targetting Leah. That just fucking sucked.

Leah really was the only remaining player who had a realistic shot at taking power away from Chelsie. Everyone else in this cast is so far away from being a remotly average compentant player that it is so easy for Chelsie to take control. And now its not fun to watch. And Angela leaving in the double after narrowly losing the HoH by the stupid technicality that she went over (a rule that I have always found redundant), and came very close in the veto just to go out so unceramoniously.

Angela leaving in the double is a silly move. I understand why the house decided on it, its an easy drama free move that saves them all from the double, but ugh. Jusy ugh. Kimo and Rubina just assured themselves bottom position and Cam,Makensy and Chelsie activly chose to keep a pair in the game. The best of this cast have all left in succession and this is now withotu doubt my least favourite final 5 in BBUS history. I literaly have zero interest in seeing any of these people win.

The season was going so well so perfectly, but I feel like Jankie week killed the momentum as did Zombie week last year. It's just a shame that in a season so crazy, the people who least contributed to that are the ones who are left. And now we have Makensy in power which is just Chelsie being in power. I seriously doubt anything spectacular will occur this week. It would be nice to be proven wrong but now I don't really care.

At least thei Zingbot segment was actually a lot better than previous years.
Didn't realise how small the eviction audience actually was.

Looks like it's a bit of a drag to the finale - whilst other versions rush it BBUSA can't be accused of that. A two hour show last night where one would have done, and not even included the next HoH comp. Then a full week for the final 4 stage where the evictee will likely be known after the Veto tomorrow but have to hang around until Thursday. The usual series recap show next Friday ahead of the finale on Sunday. They probably could have shaved a week off the endgame really.
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This season could have easily been shortened by a week, even 2 tbh. I’ve realised now that (especially for US) a longer season of Big Brother usually ends up being a real drag. The double was done too early. And this season could have made good use of a battle back.

Chelsie has an ensured her victory now. There is no way someone like Rubina wins final HoH and takes her out.

Yawn boring