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Bachelor In Paradise 2018

i just think he is a passionate and soulful person that has a lot of heart and romance. which is refreshing to see in such a cynical world.

...that is true to a certain degree although his ideas of 'romance' is what leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion reepbot... his idea of 'romance' is purely on a selfish level as far as I'm concerned... as long as HE is 'feeling the love' then everything is fine to him... not for one moment does he really care if the woman is 'into it' or not... just as long as he perceives her to be... that's why he gets so cut up when they slowly veer away from him politely... he doesn't realise that his jealousy and manic possessiveness is what is stifling and suffocating them in the first place... as I said... he's a simpleton when it comes to 'love'... cheers.
..."ANOTHER BLOODY AMERICAN!"... cries one of the Aussie guys... why does it matter what nationality they are?... both Aussies/Canadians and Yanks all have cocks so what's the problem with having an accent?... I don't get it?... cheers.
...oh well... it won't only be the girls being 'sooky la lahs' and crying all of the time... it looks like Jaded... um... I mean... Jarrod will be next... cheers.
..."hey Jared... do you want to go on a date with me?"... shouts out one of the girls...
..."yes for sure!... do you want to get married now?"... says Jarrod after mis-hearing what was said... I can see it now... cheers.
...little does Jared know that if he takes Megan home with him he may possibly lose her to his sister if he's the unlucky type... just saying... cheers. Jarrod thinks that he's 'been played' by Keira eh?... bwahahahahaha!... what a blind fool he is!... she obviously has the hots for someone else mate... get over it!... only YOU thought that you were both going to get married and 'live happily ever after' you knucklehead... sheesh!... cheers.