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Bachelor In Paradise 2018

what a condescending and pathetic woman. typical of a smug self-righteous mamma mia feminist. at no point did jarrod demand anything of keira. yes, he wasn't too pleased about this daniel guy. but i never saw anything of him last night either to keira or anywhere else trying to prevent daniel or keira from talking. he was self-aware to know that last time that he stuffed up and that there was every chance keira would pick daniel over him.

she should go back to tumblr and make supernatural gifs.
The Canadian creep doesn't even seem to share anything of his being in Fiji on his instagram so I'm hoping that means he's out at the first rose ceremony - I can't see Nina wanting to give him a rose

I personally wanted to smack him upside of the ears a few times - "I'm naughty" - WTF! he made my skin crawl

should have been "I'm creepy, have a highly inflated opinion of myself and am a total wanker"

I hope to god the women really did see through him immediately and show him the door - and that production didn't make them keep him in the house just to justify what they must have paid him to participate.

Kudos to Ali for being upfront :angelic: to both Mack and Michael ... but how come she wasn't also setting Jarrod straight or did she believe he had already moved focus?
what a condescending and pathetic woman. typical of a smug self-righteous mamma mia feminist. at no point did jarrod demand anything of keira. yes, he wasn't too pleased about this daniel guy. but i never saw anything of him last night either to keira or anywhere else trying to prevent daniel or keira from talking. he was self-aware to know that last time that he stuffed up and that there was every chance keira would pick daniel over him.

she should go back to tumblr and make supernatural gifs.
I like Jarrod - but he does go overboard with the staking a claim stuff. And having a go at Mack for giving Ali a rose just because HE wanted to give her one - he needed to reassess that whole line of complaint and check his attitude. <I still like him though>

And the article was valid in the assessment of him wanting to give his rose to the shiny new girl on the island leaving Keira out on a limb - yet this week he's carrying on like a pork chop when the tide has turned and Keira's <supposedly> keen on the shine new wanker on the island.

I don't for one minute believe Keira WAS interested in the Canadian douchebag other than to get herself more air time - she's a reality tv veteran now and she knows how to play their game.
the power of ali's charm. she didn't do a thing yet she still had three guys chasing after her like a bunch of puppy dogs. it was good that she recognised her own power during this episode and shut both boys down.
one word for you reepbot "BOOBS"

it really is that simple

because men can be THAT simple

i also get the feeling that this is not the first time, and probably won't be the last time that ali has done the "i'm not into you as you are into me" speech. the fact that she did it so quickly with michael and mack indicates how expert she is at it.
...all of the girls are getting all worked up about this 'handsome gorgeous American guy'... seriously?... he's THAT good looking?... well... ladies on these forums... is he really that good looking?... I'm curious... cheers.
nope not at all - and any interest he might have had disappeared the minute he started opening his mouth O_O

<edit below>
ooops - I was talking about the Canadian rather than the American - who seems like a nice, respectful guy but he's not "all that" either ... [DOUBLEPOST=1523249153][/DOUBLEPOST]
i think there are two reasons why ali has gotten so much attention.

1. she comes across as non-threatening.

2. she's perfected the art of pretending to care.
your maths is out - that's 4 reasons :)
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i also get the feeling that this is not the first time, and probably won't be the last time that ali has done the "i'm not into you as you are into me" speech. the fact that she did it so quickly with michael and mack indicates how expert she is at it.
her biological clock might be ticking - she was upfront about wanting the whole white picket fence deal so she's not going to be wasting time with men who don't ring any bells for her :) ... oh wait ... who don't "sparkle" for her!

...yes Jarrod... you very well may be... you only have yourself to blame mate... cheers.
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...that moment when Jarrod realised that he should have picked Keira at the Rose ceremony... cheers.
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RUMOURS.....but it is from that lying bullshit rag NW

SPOILER ALERT: Michael Turnbull 'leads a mass exodus from Bachelor in Paradise as he and THREE other stars sensationally quit the show'... so who storms out?

The magazine nw quoted 'insiders' as saying the reason for the mass exodus was a 'frustration' about a lack of chemistry.

'It got to the point where they were tired of trying to "find a connection" with people they just weren't interested in,' claimed a source.

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