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Anyone else warming to Trav?

Travis can make it far if he realises what he needs to do:

1. Always be the bigger person.
2. Learn how to articulate in a way that his thoughts are clear and can't be used against him.
3. Be strategic, just conversing about how to win or wanting to win
4. Stop holding back, be emotional, be honest and genuine

I agree with this, but I think he has been genuine from the beginning? I've not seen him do anything that would paint him any other shade. I think the problem was that he was getting the most airtime. He has been included in every night's episode. His inappropriate comments were only being perceived as inappropriate because everyone else had been holding back. They were all so boring, he was the only entertainment and after a while of seeing the same thing over and over you're bound to get sick of it and that's what happened to him. Now that the other housemates are finally starting to do shit other than sit around bitching about each other, Travis will be perceived better. Last night's episode for example; Ryan said an inappropriate comment and Travis bit back. Ryan was in the wrong, but who got the blame? Travis. True colours will be shown.
The Travis Train! makes sense?

Makes sense.


you know I got your back but you disgust me at every turn xoxo

But TRAV'S CHAVS is so good. And self-depricating. Hahaha. #TeamTravis.

I'll give you a few weeks to join us chavs. :p