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Anyone else warming to Trav?

He is, but that's my point.

Lawson and Travis are perfect examples at the fickleness of "favourites" in the BB house.

Travis can fall from grace at the drop of a hat, just as easily Lawson did, and any other housemate can overtake that spot as "favourite" just as Travis may be doing now.
I think that ship has sailed for Lawson to be honest. David is too much of a fence sitter. I believe the only males left that could possibly take over Travis at this point are Jason or Leo.
Yes he can be a bit scuzzy and can have seriously cringeworthy moments ("I'll make you feel expensive" to Aisha ...ughhh), but I actually think his heart's in the right place and through MassageGate has shown himself to be a caring, honourable person.

I have him ahead of all of the other males in there bar David now ... and ahead of some of the female housemates too (Cat, Sandra).

Travie's alright.

Yeah, the Massage Gate surprised me too. I never liked him up until that point. I really liked how he stuck up for Aisha, and I think he did it in a respectful way. It showed how much he cared about her. He didn't act all macho, he just knew that the wrong thing had been done and he spoke up about it. I think Travis is OK.

After that eviction message and the clips with Ben, I think Trav can make it very far into the game, if he keeps up what he's doing for the past week.

Now that I think about it, I think his demeanor has changed slightly, as in, he seems a lot more colourful, nice and happy.

Whether or not he can keep it up, or one day he cracks (as we all do), who knows.
I'm really liking Travis now, I think he is going to appeal to a lot of people especially the younger ones. I would not be surprised if he is in the final two, and evens wins BB this year.
Okay, his fake eviction got me off him again, and I feel better for it. I am guessing this week will boost uphis ego a bit and get him maybe throwing his weight around. He may take on Lawson, on behalf of his sheila (even though Lawson is no threat to anyone now, thanks to Cat. Shoulda plugged your ears to the siren song there, old wizard) , and go toe to toe with the (I suspect) machiavellian Ryan. Priya will be behind him, and he will be head, in his head, of the Aisha, Skye, Priya, Jason side of the house. Once he is no longer the put-upon underdog, maybe his appeal will fade.

I get that he has heart. But he is also dumb, which is okay, but being dumb and wanting everyone to listen to you, and to talk the loudest is not pleasurable for me to watch.

But the mongrel could very well win if he doesn't let all this attention go to his head.
He reminds me of my brother in law. So very much like my brother in law... actually they could be the saem person besides the way they look. Although Like Travis he is buffed a little and is quite good looking. Says a lot of dumb things and doesn't understand a lot of big word talk. He also is your typical guy and at times quite simple. He throws around words like KIIILLLERR! Oi ye dickhead! Those are just some examples Friday and Saturday nights means he will tackle every person on the street (playfully) and laugh about everything. He is loud, boisterous and at times obnoxious, and 100% annoying as! But he does have the biggest heart and in a heart beat, would drop everything for family, he also has control of himself even though he could probably win in most fights. He means well and tries to be fair about everything even though it wont always seem that way. What you see is what you get. And sometimes his intentions are viewed so wrongly and is not always taken seriously even though he does make the most sense at times. Travis does mean well and wants people to get along, his 'goodbye' message where he tells hms not be sucked in by bb's games is example of that. I like Travis, and maybe I'm letting my bias because I know what my brother in law is like, be the reason I am deciding this about travis, but he has shown all these qualities to me in little things he does.
Okay, his fake eviction got me off him again, and I feel better for it. I am guessing this week will boost uphis ego a bit and get him maybe throwing his weight around. He may take on Lawson, on behalf of his sheila (even though Lawson is no threat to anyone now, thanks to Cat. Shoulda plugged your ears to the siren song there, old wizard) , and go toe to toe with the (I suspect) machiavellian Ryan. Priya will be behind him, and he will be head, in his head, of the Aisha, Skye, Priya, Jason side of the house. Once he is no longer the put-upon underdog, maybe his appeal will fade.

I get that he has heart. But he is also dumb, which is okay, but being dumb and wanting everyone to listen to you, and to talk the loudest is not pleasurable for me to watch.

But the mongrel could very well win if he doesn't let all this attention go to his head.
How did you get all that from his fake eviction?
God help me, are you guys fair dinkum? Travis is nothing but a pompous moron! I cant recall ever seeing or hearing anyone with such a lack of intelligence. And talk abut he and Aisha being a "showmance". This season is terrible IMO. I dont understand why the BB producers put HMs like Travis and Skye into the house. They are both just downright stupid, and I dont find stupidity cute or fun to watch.

I just get the feeling that all the emotion in this season is a put on, to get to the audience. I know that all ex HMs say how much your emotions are enhanced whilst in the house, but seriously, the way Aisha went on after Travis was fake-evicted was ridiculous. And when he found out he was fake evicted, he says to Sonia "Can I bring Aish in?" What do you think you brain dead fuckwit. Of course you cant. And when he meets Ben, his first inclination is to say "I want to wrestle you". WTF??

And lying in bed with Aisha and Skye, when Aisha says "Im not smart". Idiots reply; "You are smart, you just dont look it". What a fucking joke Travis is. I cant stand him. Its a shame Ryan didnt knock him out when he was so rude in what he said about Ryans sister. Talk about going overboard (Travis). So fucking dumb. He even admitted it himself, that he went to far. As Ryan said, Travis is an uneducated bogan. Not something to be proud of at all.
God help me, are you guys fair dinkum? Travis is nothing but a pompous moron! I cant recall ever seeing or hearing anyone with such a lack of intelligence. And talk abut he and Aisha being a "showmance". This season is terrible IMO. I dont understand why the BB producers put HMs like Travis and Skye into the house. They are both just downright stupid, and I dont find stupidity cute or fun to watch.

I just get the feeling that all the emotion in this season is a put on, to get to the audience. I know that all ex HMs say how much your emotions are enhanced whilst in the house, but seriously, the way Aisha went on after Travis was fake-evicted was ridiculous. And when he found out he was fake evicted, he says to Sonia "Can I bring Aish in?" What do you think you brain dead fuckwit. Of course you cant. And when he meets Ben, his first inclination is to say "I want to wrestle you". WTF??

And lying in bed with Aisha and Skye, when Aisha says "Im not smart". Idiots reply; "You are smart, you just dont look it". What a fucking joke Travis is. I cant stand him. Its a shame Ryan didnt knock him out when he was so rude in what he said about Ryans sister. Talk about going overboard (Travis). So fucking dumb. He even admitted it himself, that he went to far. As Ryan said, Travis is an uneducated bogan. Not something to be proud of at all.
So Ryan can say anything he wants about Travis' family but heaven forbid Travis says something about Ryan's. One sided much?
How did you get all that from his fake eviction?

We have seen people go power crazy, like Lawson did. And we have seen Travis get a little big headed and attention seeky. So, if he thinks he is popular he may think he is in charge of Jason, Priya, Skye and Aisha.
We have seen people go power crazy, like Lawson did. And we have seen Travis get a little big headed and attention seeky. So, if he thinks he is popular he may think he is in charge of Jason, Priya, Skye and Aisha.
That's the thing about Travis he doesn't try to be in charge of anyone. He speaks his mind though and won't allow anybody to walk over him. He has a strong personality and I think you have a misconception about it to be honest.
I wonder if they will have drinks on monday night and suddenly Travis comes in right at the perfect moment when a love song comes on that makes Aisha think of him. This moment needs to be amplified with alcohol!! Do it BB!!