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2014 Photoshop Thread

...I had to laugh when I saw Skye in the background during that heated debate between Priya and David... I just had to... cheers.

She's paying tribute to your avatar, Sticky.

It's sooooo messsssmeerrrrrizzzzinnn... zzzzzzz :sleep:
Hope your wife is doing okay now

...yes she is thankyou Bel... she really is an amazing woman... she wants to do housework and I have to get angry with her at times to stop her getting up to do it etc!... she only had her operation last Tuesday and got home on Sunday!... I may have to tie her down to stop her lol!... thanks for your kind words... cheers. Coight... you're sure on fire!... I love Tom's haircut!... lolol!... funny as...

...mudlark... that is so fitting for that image of Priya!... very good!...

...I was sooooooo wishing that this would happen during this task... soooooo wishing!... lol!... cheers.
