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Episode Day 78 (24/11/14) Final daily show (feat. Secrets and Betrayal)

Fuck off.
You called me a cunt three times yesterday for starting shit and now look what you're doing?

The rest of the people on this thread don't want to watch an argument . They came here for daily show .

I'm not starting an argument.... what I said yesterday was justified because you were just that.... From what I have read today it looks like you have got your head together. Obviously you have stayed off the jungle juices today. PROUD.
I like Pryia.
I don't like the bullying aspect on this forum. Don't like her, you're shit. Same as 9 with Skye. Force something and I'll back off.

I've backed off.
I like Pryia.
I don't like the bullying aspect on this forum. Don't like her, you're shit. Same as 9 with Skye. Force something and I'll back off.

I've backed off.

I find the priya cult hilarious - can't you see it just grew and grew from boredom - posters have had to make something to amuse themselves, a kind of story/fun/ongoing fantasy, anything really because there isn't anything else there.
Spectacular as she is , and a winner no matter what - but you can't take any of the cult seriously?