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I think going on Big Brother is a bad idea if you're in a relationship. It's such a strange and unusual environment where you can't escape from people you're involuntarily developing feelings for, and then of course it's harder when they have feelings for you too. You also have absolutely no contact with your bf/gf, so although you probably miss them, you don't think about them much because you can't talk to them and you're so distracted with everything else going on anyway. Of course you go in with the best of intentions, assuming when you leave you'll go straight back to your bf/gf and everything will be as normal, but unfortunately real life doesn't work that way. If Lawson had more willpower, his relationship would still be ok, but his weakness doesn't make him a bad person; he's human and makes mistakes, and it's unfortunate that it has to affect Candice as well as himself.
So what if he cheats? None of our concern. All I want is for the Clawson saga to continue until the end of this series.
While I am interested to see how it plays out, and see them fuck eachother and their chances, I just feel for his poor gf.
Like someone else said earlier, I am married and would not go on BB because it is obvious that it is a hugely dangerous situation. Of course it is going to be tempting when you feel like you're in a completely different world, you can't contact your partner, and you've been deprived of sex and physical affection for weeks/months. Recipe for disaster. That's why I'm not so surprised or outraged over this development. Going into the house was the first step to this kind of thing.

Yep I feel ya! That's why as much as I would love to go on BB I just can't do it.

You need to look at the situation for what it is. As I just said in another thread Lawson is seperated from his gf in every way but emotionally.... for all we know this could be the first time in 5 years..... and this isn't just a long distance relationship this is no contact at all. Think of all those things you miss and crave when a relationship ends how easy it is to go into a rebound relationship just to get those things.... ok so even though he's technically not "split" with his gf he's still human there's no reason to think he's not going through all those feelings.... so what does Cat do? Offer him those things every chance she gets ;)
And no I'm no fan of either but she really makes me sick

So why does Lawson get all the excuses under the sun, yet Cat is a nasty bitch? That's just stupid really.
Can Big Brother please, please, please not edit their diary room entries too much after they come out of the sanctuary? Or put the full entry on jump in?
Is that UV light you're shining on the the blanket? lol
I am amazed at the double standards I am seeing in this forum. Last year Tully took the brunt of the blame for her relationship with Drew. Fair enough she was the one who was cheating on her partner. But this this time it is the guy, Lawson, who is cheating on his partner, yet once again the girl, Cat, gets the blame.

The onus is on Lawson to be faithful to his girlfriend (assuming he gives a shit). Cat doesn't know Lawson's girlfriend from a bar of soap. She is not the one hurting someone she supposedly loves. Cat didn't put a gun to Lawson's head. Lawson is a big boy. He can be responsible for the fallout from his own decisions.

I think what we are seeing is a sexist double standard (one that women seem to be as guilty of as men).
I think the difference is that last year Tully was pretty much chasing Drew. This year it is Cat actively pursuing Lawson. So Cat is Tully n Lawson is Drew regardless of who was partnered in the comparison last year. That's my take on it anyways.
If they have been dating since 16/17 they probably still have a teenage mentality to the relationship. I would guess Lawson wanted to break up so he could have fun in the house. Then he felt bad after dumping her so got back together but now he's in the house his true colours show.

Also if he has a history of cheating, and being so young, he probably thinks its somewhat reasonable behaviour (even tho its not really)
So why does Lawson get all the excuses under the sun, yet Cat is a nasty bitch? That's just stupid really.

because it's the truth lol
and that's certainly not from a bias point of view neither hm is my fav but I really can't stand Lawson
I've just seen this sort of thing a lot and have helped couples work through similar situations
People who take advantage of others when they're in a vulnerable position regardless of the who's where's how's are a waste of space

Some posters (psychological need, IMO) to not acknowledge and accept what has incrementally evolved leading to the conclusion of simply this "Lawson has cheated, emotionally and physically" worries me.

The excuses given for Lawson being young, inexperienced, drunk and a victim to seduction - are not accepted by those of us who have lived a little. Nor those of us in relationships who have been hit on and have known it was "OUR" responsibility at the end of the day to set and keep boundaries to respect and keep our relationships intact.

Cheating can (only) occur if two tango. We are not victims to seduction no matter how strong or repetitive another is. We (Lawson) are responsible for our decisions. Say "No" Say it loudly, say it clearly and repeatedly as necessary and don't put ourselves in vulnerable positions.
Sing it louder!

Agree 110%
I found the way he was acting in the aftermath odd. It's almost like he doesn't really have any scruples about it, but knows he's supposed to so was trying to act regretful in the Diary Room etc.? Maybe I'm reading into things because I think he's a shit now, but his conscience didn't seem to be bothering him very much.