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Talk to Timdormer (yes it's really me)

Ok so who is your favourite housemate now that you have spent time with them?

Is Priya as amazing as we all think she is?
Yeah David is actually a very genuinely nice guy who is quite smart and awkwardly entertaining! Priya is a goddess, I didn't want to go anywhere near her for fear of changing her. She is amazing, walks around like she owns the joint. I love it.
Tim..... here's a question we need answered as it might affect a few people's perceptions of a HM:

Have you now or ever supported Jake using your Big Brother winnings?
Hahaaaa I will NEVER spend my money voting for someone unless they captivate and engage me as a viewer. When I was on big brother I had a cause and a goal that I wanted to achieve. I hope that some people caught what I was all about and why I wanted to win so much. It wasn't for the money or the title, I just wanted to be accepted by the nation for being exactly who I am. I wanted to show others the power in living free and confident. I will be voting for the housemate who shares their soul a little bit more than what we're seeing so far.
Morning, Tim! Speaking of Jake, what do you think the go is with the "love triangle?" Whatever the show is leaving out is making it...confusing.
Yes there's a lot we're not seeing! I know Lisa is more jakes type then Skye's. I know jake talked about using a shomance as a strategy, to which I recommended against. It's funny some people thought I gave jake a bunch of pointers, if I did, he certainly hasn't been listening![DOUBLEPOST=1412216898][/DOUBLEPOST]
Could you give us your pocket impressions on each of the housemates? One word, or an animal they remind you of, that sort of thing.
I'd love to but I can't be bothered right now. I just am not engaging enough with them to care quite frankly.
Lol Tim @ bobbing around like a turd in a swimming pool on this site:poop: (or Bondi Cigar) in your case :cigar:

Jake is so confusing me right now with his lady loving. Is it Lisa or Skye he's into (did he tell you when you were there recently)?
No jake and I didn't talk one on one when I was in there. I think the flirting and casual kissing is a combination of party pashes encouraged with alcohol every Friday night, shomances for strategy, and boredom/ cabin fever (you begin to just love the one you're with even though you may never be interested in the outside)
Tim I just want you to know that before last season I had never spent money on voting to evict/save over any show on any network. And then when you were up to win the series I totally couldn't stop myself I spent like $50 on voting for you to win. Only because I initially disliked you on episode 1 because I had a pre-conceived idea about who I thought you were and you were completely different. You are you and I love it! Good for you being the winner last season and totally being the super amazing celebrity sent in to get ratings for this new season! Go Tim!
Can you give us a hint on what the big announcement is on Friday? :) @Timdormer
It's about the tim and Ben project taking him to Graceland, how people can get involved and why this trip is so important. You might wanna get the tissues!![DOUBLEPOST=1412217223][/DOUBLEPOST]
Can you give us a hint on what the big announcement is on Friday? :) @Timdormer
It's about the tim and Ben project taking him to Graceland, how people can get involved and why this trip is so important. You might wanna get the tissues!!
I mean is Tim paying for Jake's rent and food and such?
Nope I don't.
Hi Tim... you mentioned needing to take space from BB after going back in the house, strange feelings, but good closure.

'Closure' generally means "bringing an end" to something. Has your time with BB been confirmed as having ended... and by whom... yourself, Alex?
Haha no, it's a looooong conversation. Going back in there was a very surreal experience for me. You have to remember I haven't watched my season yet, and when I left the house they closed to doors, turned the lights off and everyone went home. I have never seen the control room or met many of the producers who worked on the show. Even though I have TV producers brain, and I was quite good at playing the TV side of the game...the whole experience for me was not a TV show, it was the most magical 101 days of my life. So going back in and seeing the other side of the wall smashed some of my illusions about the whole experience. I'm proud of what I did this year, but it all felt very unnatural maybe even uncomfortable to see the other side of that wall. Closure means that I could walk away from the whole experience knowing I achieved something truly phenomenal last year, and I'd like to keep that protected in my own special place. I could have nothing to do with the whole experience ever again and be content.
Hey Tim, on your visit in the house. Did any of the housemates try to suck up to you, or did anyone not try at all. We barely know anything about the housemates this year :(
People were upset because Ch 9 tried to hide the fact that Jake was Tim's HM and it took Veronica on here remembering that we'd seen pics of them before to make the connection. If not, we probably still wouldn't know although I suspect @Timdormer would've let it slip at some point anyway. As for the $ thing, the anger about that came because apparently Jake had been spinning this hard done by story in the house and the audience had no clue where that was coming from as it didn't jive with what else we knew.

You don't advertise for a HM to move in so you can turn around and pay their bills lol. But even if Tim had helped him out from time to time that's really no more our business than it would be for any other HM. That's what family and friends do for each other so it wouldn't make it some gotcha thing either way.
Jakes still paying all his bills guys!!
@Timdormer are there any housemates that you like enough to want them to be saved? If so, who?
Do you think Alex et al can do anything to save this season?
What did you think of Tully's blog post?
Hi Tim, how difficult was it not to punch Travis in the face?
Hahahahaaaa I love this!! You know what, meeting travis in real life changed my opinion of him a little. He's harmless. He's loveable and really friendly. He was actually one of the most friendly guys in there towards me besides David. Travis is not strategic, and his lack of any ulterior motive but to have fun was actually refreshing. He's old school big brother housemate.[DOUBLEPOST=1412218226][/DOUBLEPOST]
Have you seen some of the weird clothes he wears.

He got them from the op shop for free as no one would pay for them. :p
Hahaaaa a lot of those clothes are mine.
@Timdormer If you ended up on the 2012 show rather than 2013, do you think you would've still won?
Lots of love, Your favourite, Shaneyboo2424
With what? My re introduction? They were extremely happy. So much so I was only allowed in there one night.
Ha! I meant with your comments on the show and its production afterwards... Alex isn't the 'bad guy' in some of the complaints people (here) have..... But he still has to work with the 'bad guys' and wear the reputation of the show and associated ratings discussions etc.