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Talk to Timdormer (yes it's really me)

Hey guys! I do still float around on here like a turd bobbing in a swimming pool. I needed a bit of space from big brother last week after going back in, strange feelings, but good closure! I don't have too much too say, but happy to answer any questions if you like!
Hey guys! I do still float around on here like a turd bobbing in a swimming pool. I needed a bit of space from big brother last week after going back in, strange feelings, but good closure! I don't have too much too say, but happy to answer any questions if you like!
Ok so who is your favourite housemate now that you have spent time with them?

Is Priya as amazing as we all think she is?
Tim..... here's a question we need answered as it might affect a few people's perceptions of a HM:

Have you now or ever supported Jake using your Big Brother winnings?
Tim..... here's a question we need answered as it might affect a few people's perceptions of a HM:

Have you now or ever supported Jake using your Big Brother winnings?
In what way do you mean? Obviously not enough to have Jake (and Gemma) receive the lowest votes to save. Jake was nominated this last week. So how?
Morning, Tim! Speaking of Jake, what do you think the go is with the "love triangle?" Whatever the show is leaving out is making it...confusing.
Could you give us your pocket impressions on each of the housemates? One word, or an animal they remind you of, that sort of thing.
Lol Tim @ bobbing around like a turd in a swimming pool on this site:poop: (or Bondi Cigar) in your case :cigar:

Jake is so confusing me right now with his lady loving. Is it Lisa or Skye he's into (did he tell you when you were there recently)?
Hey guys! I do still float around on here like a turd bobbing in a swimming pool. I needed a bit of space from big brother last week after going back in, strange feelings, but good closure! I don't have too much too say, but happy to answer any questions if you like!

Thanks for letting us know you do still pop in from time to time :)

I really enjoyed the interview with Luke Blundell and am looking forward to Friday's big announcement :) Cheers
Hey guys! I do still float around on here like a turd bobbing in a swimming pool. I needed a bit of space from big brother last week after going back in, strange feelings, but good closure! I don't have too much too say, but happy to answer any questions if you like!

Did you get in trouble with Alex after your PM about your time in the house was exposed?
Hey guys! I do still float around on here like a turd bobbing in a swimming pool. I needed a bit of space from big brother last week after going back in, strange feelings, but good closure! I don't have too much too say, but happy to answer any questions if you like!

Code Brown! :poop:
I mean is Tim paying for Jake's rent and food and such?
Why would that be any of our business and why would "we need that answered"? Maybe you need that answered but I sure as hell don't. I don't see family and friends of other HMs on here being asked to provide an itemised list of any time they may have helped a HM with bills, if ever.
Hi Tim... you mentioned needing to take space from BB after going back in the house, strange feelings, but good closure.

'Closure' generally means "bringing an end" to something. Has your time with BB been confirmed as having ended... and by whom... yourself, Alex?
Why would that be any of our business and why would "we need that answered"? Maybe you need that answered but I sure as hell don't. I don't see family and friends of other HMs on here being asked to provide an itemised list of any time they may have helped a HM with bills, if ever.

I'm confused. I thought everyone was upset at Jake because he was roommates with Tim. I thought we had this huge discussion about why Jake doesn't really need the $5,000 check Lawson gave him because Jake lives with Tim.
I'm confused. I thought everyone was upset at Jake because he was roommates with Tim. I thought we had this huge discussion about why Jake doesn't really need the $5,000 check Lawson gave him because Jake lives with Tim.

I think it was more that Jake seemed to have given the HMs the impression he's destitute, which isn't really what we've seen/know of him. Not that Tim might have been subsidising him.