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Ryan appreciation thread

Oh my goodness, he does the face talk, my sister and I do - he has lots of sisters.

You don't talk behind each other's back, you make faces.
We have a whole face language going on, large families do this.
Silent language.
And OMG, he's not a loud boy he's a body language dude, love it.

He nominates great:)
He is one of the reasoning, reasonable people.
I like his hat.
He is the dark horse that may win.

I began to really, really like him when he was clearly excited to get rid of Travis as a pair - big, big grin.
And his reaction to Jakes melodramatic bullshit.
He can read faces too...
I agree. I love these unimpressed faces, they're so.... unimpressed haha.

Every time he opens his mouth it's quite intelligent - unless we're just seeing that he is smarter than the rest and therefore the bar is still low, but he is at the higher end lol. He's slowly becoming a contender... Now he is scratching less and seemingly less withdrawal-y.

Lol he's obviously been given what he needed ;)
My face interpretations -

I hope he gets more air time soon.

His unimpressed faces are making me laugh!!

Fuckwits, all of them.
Lame BB, this is lame.


Ewwwww, she is the colour of orangish poo - how is this possible?
You know the colour dog shit goes in the sun?
And Eww pick ya bum why don't you SKYE! Wash your hands girl.


Travis makes me feel sick.
WTF is wrong with these people.
Katie has lost the plot.

He's slowly moving out of my dislike list.

And I meant to mention - clearly ryan is an old school BB fan, could even be an old member from here.

NOTE how he nominates - old school, I nom, a HM, because they do this, and this effects my time in the house (remember how they all had to do that)...
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NOTE how he nominates - old school, I nom, a HM, because they do this, and this effects my time in the house (remember how they all had to do that)...
I thought the same thing during the last round of nominations. The boy's done his homework.
I am still not sure about him but I am one 1 episode behind you guys. Maybe that makes a difference.. ;)

I did notice very quickly how he is always touching his body. Okay that sounds a bit weird but he is always touching this and touching that while talking. First time I noticed when he was in the dr and he was talking of not feeling to good while touching behind his ears and neck.

Must admit that I were in that house I would go for him as well and I love that he has 3 sisters. It does make a man more in touch with women.
I wanted to see his reaction when Jason chose him as his ideal guy in the house - hmm may they be the next drully, amen.
That is a nice body too. 100% nicer than the creepy intruder dude, erk - he icks me out.
He has a bit of that Drew temperament, civilized by sisters. Not too blokey, just nice.