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What's for dinner?

Bumping this thread up for Mrs Butterface - and us all the enjoy again, I need some new ideas now the weather is smiling again:)

We are having quickie chicken wraps, simple salad, cooked chook, Caesar dressing in missions wraps, yum, 10 mins.
Yay!!! You are an absolute legend. Tonight sadly my contribution is merely a taco salad and some chocolate pancakes but I'm going to diligently read through this thread and come up with something better for tomorrow. Might even include pics if I don't schmozz it all up :)
Just for [MENTION=34758]Mooseface[/MENTION] I'm cooking carrot and tomato pasta soup for dinner. My Housemates better appreciate it.
If I don't post it later, remind me to give you my Baba's Pyrogy recipe. I lived on these in uni and even sold them on the side when I'd blown my monthly budget on important things like beer and wine coolers lol.

I promise you'll love them and they are dirt cheap. I eat them at least twice a week now and I have never once been sick of them, nor has anyone else I've given them to. Best thing is you don't need to be fricken Martha Stewart to make them. They're basically foolproof. And again: CHEAP and YUMMY!! :)
Dinner at my house is Nothing or baked beans on toast. Lazy Sunday for me.!! so sick of cooking :p
I'm trying this for the first time tonight. Hope it tastes as good as it looks.
Yep, stuffed avocado. And it's just an egg. Cut the avo in half. Remove the stone and scoop out some flesh to make the hole deep enough. Crack in a SMALL egg (mine was too big). Season to taste and bake for about 10 mins or until the egg is as firm as you like it. I added a little grated cheese at the end. It was yummo. I will be having it again.
If I don't post it later, remind me to give you my Baba's Pyrogy recipe. I lived on these in uni and even sold them on the side when I'd blown my monthly budget on important things like beer and wine coolers lol.

I promise you'll love them and they are dirt cheap. I eat them at least twice a week now and I have never once been sick of them, nor has anyone else I've given them to. Best thing is you don't need to be fricken Martha Stewart to make them. They're basically foolproof. And again: CHEAP and YUMMY!! :)

I hope you do find the time to post the recipe :) We are in a bit of a "What to cook for dinner:confused:"rut at the mo & Martha Stewart I aint!

I shall provide you with the deets of my most recent failure - So I was drooling over this brownie cake with hazelnut praline

And I couldn't get the praline to turn brown?! I mean, I couldn't even burn it to give it colour! But fear not, I cut off a big slab of the brownie & covered it with whipped cream & choc sauce to make myself feel better. Still would have liked the praline too though....
My dad is actually a trained chef, and he taught me to cook form a very young age. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I'm actually pretty damn handy in the kitchen. I love good food and was brought up on it, I just don't have the funds at the moment. This is why I had an apple, paddle pop and two rice cakes with peanut butter for dinner tonight.

Tomorrow night though we are all around, so I shall be cooking a house favourite: toad in the hole. Yummy.
Yep, stuffed avocado. And it's just an egg. Cut the avo in half. Remove the stone and scoop out some flesh to make the hole deep enough. Crack in a SMALL egg (mine was too big). Season to taste and bake for about 10 mins or until the egg is as firm as you like it. I added a little grated cheese at the end. It was yummo. I will be having it again.

Omg i have to make this!! Luv avos!!
I hope you do find the time to post the recipe :) We are in a bit of a "What to cook for dinner:confused:"rut at the mo & Martha Stewart I aint!

I shall provide you with the deets of my most recent failure - So I was drooling over this brownie cake with hazelnut praline

And I couldn't get the praline to turn brown?! I mean, I couldn't even burn it to give it colour! But fear not, I cut off a big slab of the brownie & covered it with whipped cream & choc sauce to make myself feel better. Still would have liked the praline too though....

Yum. I love praline!!
Tonight I'm going to have a bag of chips for dinner as I drive from Brissy to Maryborough after work :)

I bought them yesterday, they sit in the car calling to me.
What flavour [MENTION=940]allican[/MENTION] ? I hope you're looking after yourself ;)
I am - except when I drive. Then I'm a pig :)

Plain, with extra salt that I keep in the console, washed down with a green Solo :) I roll out of the car at the other end, dying of thirst with my tongue burning from salt overload.
I've been craving Mexican, so I made myself an enchirito with beef, refried beans, onions and cheese, on a flour tortilla, topped with a hot red sauce and a green jalapeño sauce.
Breaking news: HM1 just came home with a hunking great big eye fillet steak so we are eating like kings tonight! And just for [MENTION=34758]Mooseface[/MENTION] I'm doing a cauliflower puree, broad beans, broccolini and carrots, vegetables lovingly provided for by our next door neighbour. Except the carrots, we got those at the IGA.
Breaking news: HM1 just came home with a hunking great big eye fillet steak so we are eating like kings tonight! And just for [MENTION=34758]Mooseface[/MENTION] I'm doing a cauliflower puree, broad beans, broccolini and carrots, vegetables lovingly provided for by our next door neighbour. Except the carrots, we got those at the IGA.

Impressed! Now that I know you are post grad or honours in linguistics (was also studying language/linguistics although part time and it is not my current line of work but have deferred this year) or whatever it is you are writing your thesis for I am MUCH less worried about you! But still good to hear!