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Episode Day 61 (Fri 27th Sep) Daily Show

I wonder if the new female intruder is also named Tully, they did say her name would make Australia turn around or some such thing....

Very, very smart!! They did say something about her having a name that would make Australians' heads turn. However, on Twitter, the real Tully just posted today about catching a flight back to Dreamworld so unless she is joking, I think she does have something to do with the show on Monday.
Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just got excited for a second that they were going to show it when BB told them their food was ready. Totally bloody cut it out of course. Why do I even still have faith in these wankers?!
Didn't they show Mikk crying in the previews. Did I miss it?
What was the reference in the live feed?

Mikkayla got in trouble for putting away the shopping before BB told them they could. BB was threatening to confiscate an item of food and Mikk kept saying take the Sultana Bran! :D

See the video here.
I damn well spent $5 to get that skank out on the premise I will never see her again!

with 'vote to save' they can always put a housemate back, as no-one can legitimately claim they spent money to evict.
Massive problem in this country is that healthy food, fresh herbs, etc are grossly expensive so if you're on a tight budget you're hooped. The US or Europe sure but in Australia good luck. That's what he's mainly struggling with adjusting to but also the reading thing in 30 mins as you know. At least he admitted the latter wasn't the HMs fault finally.

In previous BBs there was a herb garden for the HMs to tend.
He went and told Mikk, Jade, Ed (and maybe someone else?!) in the bedroom that thing about Justynn saying he's not a team player. Then he immediately went outside and repeated what Mikk replied to him after he said that: "If 2 intruders think they're going to come in here and change things blah blah blah". Total paraphrase on my part but he fired up both sides. Without that I doubt the fight would've happened!

I missed that! Good for Drew. He's doing the work that he was supposed to do under Tully. Maybe he's been reinspired by Justynn's presence in the house.
He is bitchy! I said this last week and was pummeled by Drully lovers! He has shown no other personality (other than being Tully's bitch) and shares nothing. People are going to vote to save him, and why??

Because it is excellent strategic play, that's why!!! And adds to the drama, that's why!!!!
I missed that! Good for Drew. He's doing the work that he was supposed to do under Tully. Maybe he's been reinspired by Justynn's presence in the house.
If you like him, then you should probably hope he's a bit smarter about his shenanigans. Tahan busted him point blank in the LF thread. I'm all for Drew showing some spark but he's being remarkably stupid about it because now Mikk, Tahan, Tim, Jade, Ed, Nathan and I presume the sisters and Ben at the very minimum are all aware of what he did. He needs to tighten up.