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Episode Day 61 (Fri 27th Sep) Daily Show

What's wrong with dolmio and dried herbs!
I know it's not gourmet but it's nowhere near uni student diet.
*speaking from experience*
Oh are a BIG interferring trouble maker....and now you are a dietician??????
Oh stfu Jade. Right when I finally started to like you again. If our remaining 2 mins of BB is with her Ed bullshit tonight I'm going to be livid.
I wish Justynn would take over the kitchen. It would make the HMs so much healthier, and it would piss Mikkayla off so much!
I'm no Justynn-Bobby fan but he has a fucking point and should be listened to. Ignoring him is just childish.

Now I get the Sultana Bran reference from the Live Feed!
EXACTLY!!! So funny. Why don't they show that stuff?! Give us that clip over this Jade horseshit coming up. At least people will laugh at that.
Baha Jade about to tell Ed she loves him. Do it! Can't wait to see his reaction