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Episode Day 53 (Thurs 19/09/13): Daily Show (90m)

So Ben didnt get into trouble after all????? What a surprise!
Yay Tully and Tahan on the chopping block! Go the Sisters sending a couple of votes their way.
I don't think they meant Ben got into literal trouble like a strike or even that he did something wrong. The ad asked if all the supposed superpowers he had in the house will backfire. "Is this the moment that Ben will get into big big trouble?"
Did anyone else notice that BB's wakeup call to Drew and Tully yesterday was a cat's meow and a whipping sound?

Meow + whip = pussywhip.

Is BB sending a secret message to Drew that he is being pussywhipped by Tully? Do you think Drew would get it or appreciate it?

hehehehe that is so funny, now that you point it out.
It would be funny if "The Beards" was actually a few of the guys from the Aussie band that's literally called "The beards". They sing songs exclusively about facial hair. :D Although, they might not be appropriate for prime time, given their odd lyrics.

Oh yeah, I'm new here. Hi :)
It would be funny if "The Beards" was actually a few of the guys from the Aussie band that's literally called "The beards". They sing songs exclusively about facial hair. :D Although, they might not be appropriate for prime time, given their odd lyrics.

Oh yeah, I'm new here. Hi :)

welcome tiger :)
with BB anything is possible
She was under very strict orders from Jade to point out the special bracelet!! That was way more important than Ed removing his makeup. Silly Topaz! ;)

If she hadn't pointed it out he no doubt would have inhaled it while snoring and choked on it.

Good point.
What was I thinking????

I hope Mikkayla remembered to tell Ed that she saw Jade put the bracelet under the pillow and not say... Jade told me to tell you.
It would be funny if "The Beards" was actually a few of the guys from the Aussie band that's literally called "The beards". They sing songs exclusively about facial hair. :D Although, they might not be appropriate for prime time, given their odd lyrics.

Oh yeah, I'm new here. Hi :)

Welcome tiger, may you have many happy postings!
so maybe ben got to pick the intruders?

loved how jade told mikkayla that she left her bracelet for ed...."is that too much"? mikkayla.."no"..........mikkayla to ed..."i tried to talk her out of it but.." hahaha. That was funny, instead of discreetly letting ed know she basically made "cuckoo" noises and told him to hide his bunny.

i think tim maybe does really like jade and was joking about her with drew last week so that drew would think it was all a scam and tim could get a feel on whether drew would care if he hooked up with jade...drew didn't care so he saw a green light and wanted a real crack at her. I think all of his teasing her, paying her compliments etc made her think he was going to make a move so she was nervous but he seemed to be a real gentleman. I think if he was interested in a girl he would treat her well. i bet the poor guy would have had more fun with tully in the end!
Oh well guess your not a Jade support anymore!
Your an enemy now :)
I said in the live feed thread earlier today that I've gone off Jade for the moment and that was just from what we saw her do tomorrow in the house. So after watching the DS tonight my love affair with her was well and truly over as I was already primed before it started. If it's any consolation I also said that I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow and adore her again. But honestly between the LFs and the DS today it wasn't a good day to be a Jade supporter at all.
Two ideas:

1. Tim is acting towards Jade the same way as Jade is acting towards Ed... 'Not interested". Big diff, Tim got the hint straight up.

2. Tim took Jade into the PS to highlight how dull and unappreciative she is... The bracelet thing was creeeepy.
I said in the live feed thread earlier today that I've gone off Jade for the moment and that was just from what we saw her do tomorrow in the house. So after watching the DS tonight my love affair with her was well and truly over as I was already primed before it started. If it's any consolation I also said that I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow and adore her again. But honestly between the LFs and the DS today it wasn't a good day to be a Jade supporter at all.
Oh well! I guess that's your opinion and that's completely fine. I personally don't think there is anything with what Jade did, she's obviously in a very confused position right now. I'm hoping that when the intruders come in next week theycan hopefully make Jade see some light!
Irony when Jade was laying on top of Ed (with his arms behind his head of course) and going on about Tim being creepy...Does it ever cross her mind that perhaps she could be tad creepy to Ed? She's so over confident in a way.
I don't think they meant Ben got into literal trouble like a strike or even that he did something wrong. The ad asked if all the supposed superpowers he had in the house will backfire. "Is this the moment that Ben will get into big big trouble?"
But we didnt see any of that! In fact Ben was hardly in the show. Which I must admit was a refreshing change.
Oh well! I guess that's your opinion and that's completely fine. I personally don't think there is anything with what Jade did, she's obviously in a very confused position right now. I'm hoping that when the intruders come in next week theycan hopefully make Jade see some light!
It's not so much what she did tonight. It's what she did tonight + what she does tomorrow that was just too much in one shot for me. I'm with you though and putting a lot of hope into the intruders but to be honest I'm thinking she's too far gone. Hopefully she has some great friends waiting for her when she leaves the house so they can sit her down and set her straight.
Tahan gave us a very clear explanation about how people perpetuate racism with jokes, and how people try to fit in using the same
And that neither is Ok.

Couldn't be clearer.
Whatever Tahan says goes straight through one ear and out the other! She is an idiot! Expects people to feel sympathy for her when she doesn't seem to show it to them.
0 for u!
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On a totally different topic..but i just had to vent.... DAMN YOU IRAN FOR PLANNING TO SEND THAT BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN CAT INTO SPACE !!
Fuck you.. crazy arseholes...
Irony when Jade was laying on top of Ed (with his arms behind his head of course) and going on about Tim being creepy...Does it ever cross her mind that perhaps she could be tad creepy to Ed? She's so over confident in a way.
Yeah like I said earlier I wish they'd shown the video of Ed making an excuse to get away from her during that clip. I'm thinking they didn't because she already looked bad enough in the DS.