Twitter slip up reveals tonight’s evictee ahead of time?

Update: prank from Facebook user?

If you were catching up on the latest news from the BB house on Twitter this afternoon, you may have seen who tonight’s evictee was going to be well ahead of time.

Update: Big Brother producer Alex Mavroidakis has contacted us saying the tweet was never sent out, and was a prank by Facebook user Matt Cooper (see below).

However Behind Big Brother users have also chimed in. Robbie Kidd writes:

“This situation is not a first and was already debunked as it happened a couple of times last year. The big brother social team have these preemptive tweets and blurbs all written out and ready to go for each individual housemate hours before whatever it is going on… they would have already had the exact same tweet with Tahan’s name on it sitting in the social media pool, testing waters.”

What do you think? Leave a comment below or join us in the discussion forums.

Original story: In the second BB social media blunder of the day, Official Big Brother let slip tonight’s evictee-to-be well before voting lines closed.

@bbau9: “Meet Tully at Dreamworld this coming Sat & Sun”

The tweet lasted all but a few minutes before being removed, but that was more than enough time to cause a reaction, with one follower responding by posting to Facebook. With Tully being a “Social Media Strategist” – she’d know very well the implications of improper use of social media websites.


tully-evictee-voting-graphThe voting percentages turned out to not be that close in the end – a mere 17% of total save votes to Tully.

If the figures were closer, this accidental Twitter slip-up could have been all that was necessary to change who was to be evicted tonight – potentially leading into an unavoidable rewind of events with a BB04-style ‘Recount Eviction’.

Also on Behind Big Brother