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The intruder seems like a douche

Really don't understand why he has been put in the house... he doesn't seem very interesting. He'll probably leave as soon as he is up for eviction.

He doesn't seem interesting??? he hasn't even been in a full episode yet?!?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously?!?!
I didn't mind him on Come Date With Me... so I guess I'm not minding him on here either. First 2 or 3 nights on Come Date he was a bit 'bleh' but by the end of the week you sort of 'got' who he was, and he actually wasn't all that bad. I'm thinking that might be the case with BB too, it's gonna take a few ep's for people to understand where he's coming from maybe.
I'm wracking my brains trying to remember him on Come Date With Me - I watch so many shit shows! But from memory he was a bit awkward and stuffed things up out of shyness and I was really upset when he didn't stay on or win. Or it's false memory syndrome. Anyway, my feeling is he's a shy guy with a weird job rather than a douche, and he'll put all the other actual douche's noses out of joint. This season is so mid 2000s in its casting, though.
I think he's kind of perfect! All the girls will fight over him, he'll go for Aisha and rub Travis up the wrong way, the house will be in shambles and it will be amazing to watch!
So far haven't seen anything to say yay or nay...

...although picking Lisa's hidden talent of resting bitchface may have pushed him closer to the like side.
I find these people who hop from reality show to reality show rather gross. They have no talent but are DESPERATE to be famous. It's all a bit pathetic.

In any case, he seems intelligent enough to SURRENDER to OUR LORD PRISUS.
He's fucking hot. I know a Canadian who is also into health/sports and has a very similar demeanor, a littl ecocky and a bit brash. I think he will do well in the house. Honestly, this is the first time I have ever just wanted a HM to stay for eye candy value. I normally don't go for this type of guy, but him, he gets me wet and horny!
He's fucking hot. I know a Canadian who is also into health/sports and has a very similar demeanor, a littl ecocky and a bit brash. I think he will do well in the house. Honestly, this is the first time I have ever just wanted a HM to stay for eye candy value. I normally don't go for this type of guy, but him, he gets me wet and horny!

He seems OK based on my first impressions. He probably won't get evicted soon but not sure he'll make it all the way to the end.
Too lazy to google his come date with me "experience"; anyone got links?
Only 7 years, pick someone who's been here all their life

like aisha?
like priya?
oh, i get it. hes a bit too close to being a yank hey

So what about Layla BB12? And ^ so it's okay for Aisha and Priya to be in the house but not an attractive guy from another country? I'm assuming he's a permanent resident now anyway, so who cares.