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Will Jade be Able to Keep Her Mouth Shut?

I hope Jade outmaneuvers Tahan. She's smarter than she seems, as per her voting which has kept her in the game. An underestimated housemate. I hope it's her and Tim at the end. Tahan is too obvious. Can't wait to see her go this week.

My prediction: it's Tahan or Ed. Bye bye.
It seems to me that within a couple of hours after nomminations it can't be that difficult to look Ed straight in the eyes and say "You cannot trust Tahan and that is all I am going to say."
Even Ed should understand that one.
We will never know what Jade is going to say/reveal to Ed. Another disturbing trend has manifested itself.
Surely everybody remembers that exhilerating conversation between the two at the beginning where basically Jade said a few things and Ed mumbled garbage in reply... at the end Jade said: I feel I've just been dumped... remember?

One of the forumites actually posted a transcript of that 'conversation' - even today opinions differ whether this was an inspiring oratory delivered by Prince Charming, second only to those of the great Cicero himself - or simply drivel.

The other day, Jade and Ed were reclining, facing each other and... communicating. Oh yes, one could hear sounds quite clearly, but words, sentences, they were not.
To my great dismay I witnessed that Jade in her asinine infatuation for he, who harbours an inexplicable fear of bananas, has sacrificed yet another piece of her integrity by lowering herself to the 'standard' of Ed's ape-talk. Jade sounded just like Ed - I couldn't understand what either of them were 'saying'.

And why, why is Ed so scared of bananas?!?


Growing up bilingual, Jade clearly has an aptitude for languages and is now fluent in Edspeak as well as English and Italian

I hate to burst your bubble - I have friends, yes, more than one, who grew up trilingual and additionally have succeeded in learning and mastering two or more foreign languages, yet still wouldn't even consider wasting their time learning Edspeak or any related (non-human) primate 'language' - including those of the clergy.

Jade Is NOT fluent in Edspeak - she merely grunts and gesticulates to convince Ed that she knows exactly what he means... or not means.
It wont really matter if Jade told Ed that Tahan voted him.. he cant do anything about it since he will (hopefully) get evicted this wed. Yeah so no need to Jade to tell him. he will find out with Sonia!