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Will Jade be Able to Keep Her Mouth Shut?


OLD Member, Gold Coast
Having the superpower this week, Jade obviously wanted to try and save either herself or Ed. She actually chose the 3 housemates who all gave Ed points. I can't see Jade lasting the week without trying to convey to Ed, that she tried to save him from being nominated. Then, I wonder if Big Brother will penalise her, for talking about the super power.

Too many of them have had such an easy series, with good food almost every week, parties and birthday parties and tasks that seem to end a day after they begin, considering that they are competing for $250.000.00, its been an easy series. Its also about time that Ben was exposed for the phoney that he is. He has lived alone for 10 years, so can obviously do everything that needs doing in his unit, such as cooking, cleaning etc, but he is just bone idle and taking advantage of the housemates. With the talking photos getting REGULAR exposure, therefore turning it into the Ben show, its not panned out as a great series IMO.
I was thinking it'll be harder for her to try not to let slip that Tahan voted for Ed, especially now that it means she has concrete evidence that ~Ed can't trust her.
I quite like Jade, she seems to have a good heart. But the way she follows Ed around like a puppy dog, while he treats her like shit and leads her on, is bordering on idiotic. It would be quite ironic, that if in trying to save Ed, she actually caused his eviction. It might be her best piece of miscalculation thus far, therefore allowing herself to mingle more with the other housemates and get a more varied Big Brother experience.
I quite like Jade, she seems to have a good heart. But the way she follows Ed around like a puppy dog, while he treats her like shit and leads her on, is bordering on idiotic. It would be quite ironic, that if in trying to save Ed, she actually caused his eviction. It might be her best piece of miscalculation thus far, therefore allowing herself to mingle more with the other housemates and get a more varied Big Brother experience.

Its called Karma ! LOL. Her subconscious mind took over and the rest is history !! Oh.... I can't wait.. it will be the second sweetest moment after Tully. To see Mr. Perfect head out the door counting his cards which he never played LOL.
I was thinking it'll be harder for her to try not to let slip that Tahan voted for Ed, especially now that it means she has concrete evidence that ~Ed can't trust her.

She loved the fact that she found that piece of information.. she wouldn't mind a strike just to prove a point to Ed
Its called Karma ! LOL. Her subconscious mind took over and the rest is history !! Oh.... I can't wait.. it will be the second sweetest moment after Tully. To see Mr. Perfect head out the door counting his cards which he never played LOL.

Jade will lose it poor thing! I would be the most shocking thing as the HMs think that Ed is more likely to win than them
I quite like Jade, she seems to have a good heart. But the way she follows Ed around like a puppy dog, while he treats her like shit and leads her on, is bordering on idiotic. It would be quite ironic, that if in trying to save Ed, she actually caused his eviction. It might be her best piece of miscalculation thus far, therefore allowing herself to mingle more with the other housemates and get a more varied Big Brother experience.

I like Jade too, remember when she and Ed went around telling people (because it was what Ed wanted) that Drew and Tully weren't getting the full BB experience as a way to cast them in a bad light (guess who is doing the exact same thing now)
I like Jade too, remember when she and Ed went around telling people (because it was what Ed wanted) that Drew and Tully weren't getting the full BB experience as a way to cast them in a bad light (guess who is doing the exact same thing now)

I think it's a bit different. Jade and Ed don't spend every moment together. In fact if you were going off the LFs yesterday they barely said one word to one another. Drew and Tully were together all day every day to the point where neither had any other friends. Part of me thinks that if Ed's evicted Jade will do a Drew and just mope but the other thinks she'll be fine after a few days when she realises she still has friends there.
Yeah she won't be able to contain herself. Too bad if she picked one of the other ones Ed would have been saved.
I'm not a forum cop, I'm just really curious...WTF is with all the Jade threads recently?
I think it would hilarious if this happened:

Jade pulls Ed aside and says with great seriousness, "I opened Tahan's envelope. She nominated you. She's not your friend."

Then, "This is Big Brother. Jade to the Diary Room."

Jade sits in the gold-vag and says, "Yes, Big Brother, how can I help you?"

"Jade, a few moments ago you were with Ed in the kitchen. You told him explicitly about information you gained from your superpower. You were explicitly instructed by Big Brother on several occasions that you were not to speak of it."

Jade says, "Yes, that's right, Big Brother."

"Jade, Big Brother has no choice but to award you a strike. Next to explusion from the Big Brother house, this is the most serious punishment available. If you receive three strikes, you will be evicted from the house immediately. Is that clear?"

Jade says, "Yes, it is Big Brother. I figure they're my strikes, I'll choose how to spend them."

*long pause, likely covering Big Brother's laughter*

"Thank you, Jade. That is all."
We will never know what Jade is going to say/reveal to Ed. Another disturbing trend has manifested itself.
Surely everybody remembers that exhilerating conversation between the two at the beginning where basically Jade said a few things and Ed mumbled garbage in reply... at the end Jade said: I feel I've just been dumped... remember?

One of the forumites actually posted a transcript of that 'conversation' - even today opinions differ whether this was an inspiring oratory delivered by Prince Charming, second only to those of the great Cicero himself - or simply drivel.

The other day, Jade and Ed were reclining, facing each other and... communicating. Oh yes, one could hear sounds quite clearly, but words, sentences, they were not.
To my great dismay I witnessed that Jade in her asinine infatuation for he, who harbours an inexplicable fear of bananas, has sacrificed yet another piece of her integrity by lowering herself to the 'standard' of Ed's ape-talk. Jade sounded just like Ed - I couldn't understand what either of them were 'saying'.

And why, why is Ed so scared of bananas?!?

We will never know what Jade is going to say/reveal to Ed. Another disturbing trend has manifested itself.
Surely everybody remembers that exhilerating conversation between the two at the beginning where basically Jade said a few things and Ed mumbled garbage in reply... at the end Jade said: I feel I've just been dumped... remember?

One of the forumites actually posted a transcript of that 'conversation' - even today opinions differ whether this was an inspiring oratory delivered by Prince Charming, second only to those of the great Cicero himself - or simply drivel.

The other day, Jade and Ed were reclining, facing each other and... communicating. Oh yes, one could hear sounds quite clearly, but words, sentences, they were not.
To my great dismay I witnessed that Jade in her asinine infatuation for he, who harbours an inexplicable fear of bananas, has sacrificed yet another piece of her integrity by lowering herself to the 'standard' of Ed's ape-talk. Jade sounded just like Ed - I couldn't understand what either of them were 'saying'.

And why, why is Ed so scared of bananas?!?


Growing up bilingual, Jade clearly has an aptitude for languages and is now fluent in Edspeak as well as English and Italian
Having the superpower this week, Jade obviously wanted to try and save either herself or Ed. She actually chose the 3 housemates who all gave Ed points. I can't see Jade lasting the week without trying to convey to Ed, that she tried to save him from being nominated. Then, I wonder if Big Brother will penalise her, for talking about the super power.

Too many of them have had such an easy series, with good food almost every week, parties and birthday parties and tasks that seem to end a day after they begin, considering that they are competing for $250.000.00, its been an easy series. Its also about time that Ben was exposed for the phoney that he is. He has lived alone for 10 years, so can obviously do everything that needs doing in his unit, such as cooking, cleaning etc, but he is just bone idle and taking advantage of the housemates. With the talking photos getting REGULAR exposure, therefore turning it into the Ben show, its not panned out as a great series IMO.

WTF he isnt a phony PLZ explain how he is and get back to me i also find it offensive that you state that he is taking advantage of the housemates.... he has just as much right of winning as the rest so leave ben alone
ben is annoying, and tedfthis did make a valid point. How could someone so babyish live on their own for 10 years???? He's scared of the dark ffs.
ts also about time that Ben was exposed for the phoney that he is. He has lived alone for 10 years, so can obviously do everything that needs doing in his unit, such as cooking, cleaning etc, but he is just bone idle and taking advantage of the housemates. With the talking photos getting REGULAR exposure, therefore turning it into the Ben show, its not panned out as a great series IMO.
Was it necessary to mention Ben? Seriously? I thought this was a thread about Jade.

How is it Ben's show anyway? They've been focusing on Tim a lot these days.