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What music or songs are you listening to?


Thank you so much for that! My daughter's name is Danielle btw. In many ways a far as music goes, she's a lot like Zed and it's funny you mention he's shy as she is too, but the minute she starts singing or playing, or both, the "showmanship" side comes out.. sort of like an alter-ego taking over..a presence.. I suppose. Also the fact you mentioned flamenco guitar, just for shits and giggles, she gets up Jose Feliciano tabs and chords a well as Santana on Ultimate Guitar, just to learn some of the intricacies of that style, so learning more about different styles of music is jut in her. We have a cheap casio keyboard that she also plays.. again.. all from ear.

That said, she sees music a fun recreation and TBH if I told you what she actually wants to do with her life, you wouldn't believe Will just say she's academic too; was bumped this year to yr 10 from yr 9, so at 14 will be heading into yr 11 next year. I am more daunted at that prospect than she is.o_O but will support her in any or every avenue she chooses to explore. ( hub and I are BIG on her making her own choices.. her life.. her choices). We both wish our respective parents had allowed us the same.

You are now making me a little jelly. The closest I have ever got to Chrisie Hynde is singing "Brass in Pocket" at Kareoke or attending a Simple Minds concert.:wideyed:

As to Zed, I am so glad he's turned out to be a goodun. You sound like a very supportive Godmother and despite douchey dad (his name isn't Michael is it..? lol) he's happy and balanced.:D

Thank you so much for that! My daughter's name is Danielle btw. In many ways a far as music goes, she's a lot like Zed and it's funny you mention he's shy as she is too, but the minute she starts singing or playing, or both, the "showmanship" side comes out.. sort of like an alter-ego taking over..a presence.. I suppose. Also the fact you mentioned flamenco guitar, just for shits and giggles, she gets up Jose Feliciano tabs and chords a well as Santana on Ultimate Guitar, just to learn some of the intricacies of that style, so learning more about different styles of music is jut in her. We have a cheap casio keyboard that she also plays.. again.. all from ear.

That said, she sees music a fun recreation and TBH if I told you what she actually wants to do with her life, you wouldn't believe Will just say she's academic too; was bumped this year to yr 10 from yr 9, so at 14 will be heading into yr 11 next year. I am more daunted at that prospect than she is.o_O but will support her in any or every avenue she chooses to explore. ( hub and I are BIG on her making her own choices.. her life.. her choices). We both wish our respective parents had allowed us the same.

You are now making me a little jelly. The closest I have ever got to Chrisie Hynde is singing "Brass in Pocket" at Kareoke or attending a Simple Minds concert.:wideyed:

As to Zed, I am so glad he's turned out to be a goodun. You sound like a very supportive Godmother and despite douchey dad (his name isn't Michael is it..? lol) he's happy and balanced.:D

Well Danielle sounds like she has a big future and is lucky to have parents like you. Skipping a grade can be a bit of an adjustment, I did that too and it sucked a bit that I had to compete with older kids in sport etc. Just to complicate things I am the Godfather btw! lol

Ill be very interested to see how she gets on in future. If you ever need any tips on the music side, don't hesitate...If I don't know the answer, odds on I will know someone who does!


PS she can play Santana riffs?? Impressive.
Well Danielle sounds like she has a big future and is lucky to have parents like you. Skipping a grade can be a bit of an adjustment, I did that too and it sucked a bit that I had to compete with older kids in sport etc. Just to complicate things I am the Godfather btw! lol

Ill be very interested to see how she gets on in future. If you ever need any tips on the music side, don't hesitate...If I don't know the answer, odds on I will know someone who does!


PS she can play Santana riffs?? Impressive.
@Kismet I sent an email this morning to a friend in the states who knows a bit about this judging caper. ala idol and all those instant star shows. (no disrespect, well a teeny bit lol)

Anyway I explained about yr daughter and specifically that she has strength in her lower register. He said that, given that is a strength that many of her age don't have, she should foghorn it. After a few back and forths when he suggested a few for her to cover, he said Joni Mitchell. Dunno why I didn't think of it. The obvious ones are Big Yellow Taxi and Clouds etc. but there are soo many.

As Joni often performed only with limited accompaniment, a capella is easy.

I thought maybe Woodstock or California. Clouds and both sides now are beautiful songs but he thinks

DIRECT QUOTE " Fuck mate, if you are going to cover someone don't cover something that every half assed karaoke dick does every Thursday night"

Whether this helps with her current project or not, she will benefit by singing it and watching Joni's guitar. Joni to me is a bit like Patti smith... one of those people who have been so influential but not really talked about and lauded outside the community. Joan Baez is another.

Happy chordchanges :)

@Kismet This is the one I would favour. If Danielle can sing this (with the correct phrasing) and I was the judge, shed be in like Flynn.

Remember phrasing is everything.

I hope I don't sound like I am lecturing you, I am genuinely interested.

You said I'd be shocked at what she wants to be. She sounds like such a good kid I'm gonna take a stab. I reckon it's something selfless like Nurse/ aid worker / whale protector.

I hope it isn't Lawyer, lol because um...yep nup btdt

Ill post you this one, if she listens to it, it will taunt her until she has a crack at the modulations. :)

@Kismet I sent an email this morning to a friend in the states who knows a bit about this judging caper. ala idol and all those instant star shows. (no disrespect, well a teeny bit lol)

Anyway I explained about yr daughter and specifically that she has strength in her lower register. He said that, given that is a strength that many of her age don't have, she should foghorn it. After a few back and forths when he suggested a few for her to cover, he said Joni Mitchell. Dunno why I didn't think of it. The obvious ones are Big Yellow Taxi and Clouds etc. but there are soo many.

As Joni often performed only with limited accompaniment, a capella is easy.

I thought maybe Woodstock or California. Clouds and both sides now are beautiful songs but he thinks

DIRECT QUOTE " Fuck mate, if you are going to cover someone don't cover something that every half assed karaoke dick does every Thursday night"

Whether this helps with her current project or not, she will benefit by singing it and watching Joni's guitar. Joni to me is a bit like Patti smith... one of those people who have been so influential but not really talked about and lauded outside the community. Joan Baez is another.

Happy chordchanges :)

@Kismet This is the one I would favour. If Danielle can sing this (with the correct phrasing) and I was the judge, shed be in like Flynn.

Remember phrasing is everything.

I hope I don't sound like I am lecturing you, I am genuinely interested.

You said I'd be shocked at what she wants to be. She sounds like such a good kid I'm gonna take a stab. I reckon it's something selfless like Nurse/ aid worker / whale protector.

I hope it isn't Lawyer, lol because um...yep nup btdt

Ill post you this one, if she listens to it, it will taunt her until she has a crack at the modulations. :)

Dude I'm seriously loving this serious version of you
Dude I'm seriously loving this serious version of you
Yeah I feel bad for whippin on ya for yr beiber thing. He does have talent LOTS but he's such a cunt. He reminds of corey Worthington as someone reminded me earlier. Just a naughty kid (egging a house) gawd.

Prediction beebs will be dead by 30...his roid use is obv and outta control, his entourage are vacuous and he is being empowered by fools.

it's a classic case of too much too young unfortunately.

I cant stand his "music" but that don't matter cause that's just taste. Taste is subjective, no-one can ever be "right"

and bleachy, Im not always stoned but lol I am a lot. hehe
Yeah I feel bad for whippin on ya for yr beiber thing. He does have talent LOTS but he's such a cunt. He reminds of corey Worthington as someone reminded me earlier. Just a naughty kid (egging a house) gawd.

Prediction beebs will be dead by 30...his roid use is obv and outta control, his entourage are vacuous and he is being empowered by fools.

it's a classic case of too much too young unfortunately.

I cant stand his "music" but that don't matter cause that's just taste. Taste is subjective, no-one can ever be "right"

and bleachy, Im not always stoned but lol I am a lot. hehe
Haha ;) keep safe mate! Everything in moderation.

I can in NO WAY defend his behaviour. As you said, taste is subjective. I don't even listen to his music anymore ... I just think he is talented musically.
Haha ;) keep safe mate! Everything in moderation.

I can in NO WAY defend his behaviour. As you said, taste is subjective. I don't even listen to his music anymore ... I just think he is talented musically.
yr dead right, he has talent. He wants so badly to be accepted into the hardcore black rap snoop coombs etc yanno gold chains all that rolex shit. He surrounds himself with droids and has shut out his mum and to some extent his dad. I go through turns of hating on him and feeling sorry for him.

It is easy to say this kid has everything and he is being a puke and I have nothing etc etc. It isn't always like that.

Actually I cant knock the Rolex.