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Tully is an emotional vampire (and a selfish brat)


Well-Known Member
She wails & whines all the time. She is so sooky. I especially HATE when she sobs & carries on when someone is evicted. Some of her tears are surely crocodile tears. Notice how soon the tears dry up & the waterworks stop when the person is gone. Tully is all about me, me, me. She steals the limelight everytime.

She is also an emotional vampire. She sucks people dry with her never ending need for attention & validation. Not to mention how she messes with Drew's head. The stupid & emotionally childish games she plays would do your head in. She is ALWAYS cracking it at Drew and he just takes it. I would love to see Drew tell her to pi$$ off & leave him alone.

And, don't get me started on how she jumps on Drew's back, he must get so sick of it. She clings to him (and others) and drapes her scrawny body all over people. She doesn't resect their personal space. I cannot stand her. I hope she gets evicted next week.
She is just a confused girl. Leave her alone. :p

When people try to unconfuse her, like Matt or Tahan, she abuses them.

I really liked Tully at first, but she has made it impossible. I know people have invested in her, but, really, now, hssn't the balance shifted to being mostly negative.

Also, I think there are probably other existing threads pointing out (not accusing) that she is an emotional vampire already. It is hard to miss.

I think it would be best if Drew actually told her to grow up, ignored her, stopped validating her when she refuses to act like an adult, and continually insults him by describing herself - immature, tantrums etc.

I want her to grow up. I want her to be likable. As a fellow Newtowner she is representing my people in there, and confirming every stereotype about GUG (Gay Until Graduation) lesbians.

I guess she may learn something, if she can see beyond the hate towards the unacceptability of her habitual behaviour.
Winterbourne used to live in Newtown and comes from Oz, he just lives in the Czech Republic for the time being.