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True Blood

Downloaded and just waiting on a couple more so we have a full disk to watch lol
Just when I thought TB had jumped the shark, AB redeems himself with 2 mindblowing Season 4 eps.

I haven't seen the second one yet but I was pleased with the first one. There are still too many stories but this was much better than a lot of season 3. I will say though that the main three are looking better this season. I don't know if they got a new hairstylist or what.

The fourth book is pivotal in the whole story and the favourite of a lot of the fans. AB will need to tread lightly in changing anything in one part of the story as it sets the tone for the rest of the books. If he gets this part wrong I could see many just switching off.

I read Charlaine Harris's latest book in the series and the irony is that she seems to have been influenced a bit by the TV series and not in a good way. Book Sookie is morphing into TV Sookie and you know how I just love TV Sookie.
Have just watched all the season 4 episodes. Amnesia Eric is so Innocent, hilarious. Just when i thought the characters were starting to become a little stale and obvious, Eric ends up 'reborn' kinda. its awesome.

And did anyone see the Charlaine Harris book that sookie was reading last episode? anyone catch what it was?
I'm loving season 4 so far. I love so many of the characters and am enjoying the 1 year skip forward.
Love innocent Eric, sookies house being all done up, lafayette and jesus still being together, Bill as the punk rocker in the flashback for ep 2 was soo funny too. Hoyt was looking quite hot in ep 3 too.
I'll get the negative out of the way...I detest the Hotshot storyline.

I definitely prefer Bill when he is away from Sookie.

ASkars is doing a fantastic job as innocent Eric.
Aw I'm curious about hotshot. Crystal makes me laugh when she's high on v. And the idea of Jason becoming a panther is really interesting IMO.

The evil baby I don't get yet. It's so cute, I don't buy that it's evil lol.
And anything to do with sam/his brother, neither has changed much in 12 months.
Someone needs to put *Spoilers* in the subject of this thread lol
Season 5 should be the last as it becoming obvious the writers are running out of ideas and coming up with ludicrous plot lines to push the stories forward.

Still a lacklustre TB episode craps on average mainstream stream shows like the CSI franchises and other dull generic cop shows.
Season 5 should be the last as it becoming obvious the writers are running out of ideas and coming up with ludicrous plot lines to push the stories forward.

Still a lacklustre TB episode craps on average mainstream stream shows like the CSI franchises and other dull generic cop shows.

Book 4 is the favourite of a lot of people and probably had the best source material for the writers to work with and they stuffed it up (especially that god awful shower scene which turned one of the favourite scenes in all her books into something where I don't know how ASkars and Anna Paquin managed to keep a straight face). I've heard some things for Season 5 that I like but each season seems to have potiential and then waste it.

I find I'm not looking forward to the finale rather I'm looking forward to the start of Vampire Diaries. Now there is a show that:-

- has three leads and knows it
- has supporting cast that are used as supporting cast. They have their own stories but when their own stories aren't needed for the plot they don't appear in the episode
- used it's source material and made it a hell of a lot better

I've spent 4 seasons wanting to love True Blood fully but I just can't. Like the saying goes when it is good it is very very good and when it is bad it is horrid. Storylines and characters like Godric and Russell have been fantastic but they are balanced with things like Maryanne (which was only about one chapter in the book)

Game of Thrones is certainly showing how it is done. Their season 1 was fantastic.
Good grief! How did I manage to miss this show? I have just finished season 1 and... it is FAB.U.LOUS! Cheesy, yes; but still fab.u.lous! I wish I was desired by both a vampire and a shape shifter. How thrillin'.
It goes down the toilet after Season 3 Jam so don't say you weren't warned. :p

Season 7 will the last (starting in June) and all I can say is that's a mere shadow of its former glorious self, with so many ridiculous plots and characters that end going nowhere (padded filler). It's now got to the point that TD is nothing more than a soapie on steroids. It's so sad given it used to be up there among my favourite shows. Same thing happened with Dexter took, I only stick around because I'm far too invested in the show and wanna see it come to a (however laughable) conclusion.
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Thanks for the heads up, Connoisseur. I'll certainly watch seasons 2 and 3, but won't hold my breath for season 4. I agree with you about Dexter. I loved it so much at first, but the final season was a waste of time.
I made it to about half way to season 5 and then just lost interest.
I do plan to finish it. Maybe I'll wait until the end of it all and binge watch just to have some closure.
Yeah it did lose steam a bit but then so did the books. I'll watch it till the end though I've invested in it too much to abandon it now.

I wish..
Sookie would end up with Bill but I think my chances are very slim.
Yeah it did lose steam a bit but then so did the books. I'll watch it till the end though I've invested in it too much to abandon it now.

I wish..
Sookie would end up with Bill but I think my chances are very slim.
No no no! she needs to end up with Eric....
I'd hoped most TB fans stopped caring about sookie's love life by the end of Season 4. :biggrin: I know I did but that could be because I'm a straight guy and have always found other TB characters to be infinitely more interesting than the main protagonist (sookie).
It's disappointing that TB writers feel the need to ride the zombie coattails of the Walking Dead to end the series. Oh well what are you gonna do? It's kinda fitting in sad pathetic way.
It's disappointing that TB writers feel the need to ride the zombie coattails of the Walking Dead to end the series. Oh well what are you gonna do? It's kinda fitting in sad pathetic way.

I read like the first half of the book series before I got sidetracked so I'm not sure if they're following the zombie craze or if Ms Harris wrote it that way. It's certainly not back to the basics we were promised. So long as I get a lot more of Lafayette than we did last season I'll be happy.