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True Blood

True Blood has officially jumped the shark. As we approach the season finale, the various plot lines been progressively unravelled are anti-climatic and underwhelming to say the least.
True Blood has officially jumped the shark. As we approach the season finale, the various plot lines been progressively unravelled are anti-climatic and underwhelming to say the least.

lol and I thought last night was great (less Sookie and Bill) and Russell delivered the line of the series.
i loved tonight.
franklin came back, we were so happy, and then jason had to come along :mad:
and russell, with the ending OMFG!!!that made us lol so much.

but getting quite sick of the whole "what the **** is sookie/crystal" deal, it seems they have teased the answer 10 times in the last 2 weeeks. i hope it worth it, like it has some repurcussions in the future or somthing other than a faceless supernatural being.
I am still loving this series, I was so over Maryanne last series and was like "just kill the bitch already!!" I find the characters really interesting like Alcide, Russell etc. No complaints here ( I just have to keep away from this thread until I have seen the new episode - I keep spoiling it for myself!)
I felt this episode on a whole was a bit meh.

I'm not usually a fan of Ryan Kwanten but he was fantastic this episode. His interaction in the end with Bill had me cheering.

In regard to where Eric left Sookie in the is about time someone did it (even if I think he did it as part of a plan).
I felt this episode on a whole was a bit meh.

Agreed. There were a few moments that were good but as a whole not great. With only a couple of episodes left of the season I'm hoping they pack a punch.

As a side note I'm loving Jessica's character more and more. It took me a while to warm to her as I am a fan of the books and sometimes struggle to separate the two.

If you haven't comes across it's definitely worth a look. It's updated once a week after each episode so those not up to date may want to stay away.
I felt this episode on a whole was a bit meh.

I'm not usually a fan of Ryan Kwanten but he was fantastic this episode. His interaction in the end with Bill had me cheering.

In regard to where Eric left Sookie in the is about time someone did it (even if I think he did it as part of a plan).

Agreed. There were a few moments that were good but as a whole not great. With only a couple of episodes left of the season I'm hoping they pack a punch.

As a side note I'm loving Jessica's character more and more. It took me a while to warm to her as I am a fan of the books and sometimes struggle to separate the two.

If you haven't comes across it's definitely worth a look. It's updated once a week after each episode so those not up to date may want to stay away.

Was I right or was I right? ;)

True Blood has officially jumped the shark. As we approach the season finale, the various plot lines been progressively unravelled are anti-climatic and underwhelming to say the least.

The creators of this show were building up the climax to the various storylines they've got going on at the same time to be this huge thing and so far they're not delivering.

With 2 episodes to go I do hope they get their act together.
well i disagree. last nights episode was light on action, but its setting up for the last 2 awesome episodes.
well i disagree. last nights episode was light on action, but its setting up for the last 2 awesome episodes.

Con I disagree too in that I don't think the show has jumped shark at all. It was just one of those episodes that happen in all TV Shows that was a bit meh. There were some fantastic parts like all things Jason related and of course the Eric/Sookie interaction but the Sam and Jesus/Laf stuff was very meh.

Goofy, I do agree that it was a set up episode (that's probably why I didn't like it as much). I am definitely looking forward to the last two. I think we will get it over three weeks because Labour Day is somewhere in the next couple of weeks in the US so we won't get it then. I'm hoping that the writers learnt from last year's pile of crap finale and we get an ending we deserve.

On a side note, Denis O'Hare has been amazing as Russell this year and hopefully will earn an Emmy nod next year.

Ted I love Jessica too and like you took a bit of time to warm to her. There have been changes to Charlaine's books that I have loved Lafayette, Jessica and Godric especially but there has been some I hated like Bill is some great big hero.
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Well that was quick. Russell's Vampire World Domination storyline came and went faster than Jason takes his clothes off, and it all ended so limply.

The last ep better be good to save this season or this is definitely the worst out of the 3 so far.
havent seen it yet, but I think this season is probably the worst, only because it kinda parrallels twilight a bit too much for my liking. i think i prefered it when eric watched from afar, and everyone was less gunhoe about wanting to get in sookies pants.

oh and sookie is an arrogant SOB this series. she knows she is special and uses it to her advantage.....
That was an average episode. I hope they pull something amazing out for the finale.
havent seen it yet, but I think this season is probably the worst, only because it kinda parrallels twilight a bit too much for my liking. i think i prefered it when eric watched from afar, and everyone was less gunhoe about wanting to get in sookies pants.

oh and sookie is an arrogant SOB this series. she knows she is special and uses it to her advantage.....

TV Sookie doesn't deserve Eric. I love the Sookie/Eric dynamic in the books but this Sookie should hold no interest to Eric.

The best times for this show have been when Russell, Eric and Pam have been on the screen. Those three are fantastic (loved the Bill/Pam fight) Also love the Jessica/Hoyt storyline.

I don't care at all about the Sam, Lafayette, Arlene or Jason/Crystal storylines.

Alan Ball really needs to intertwine the characters a bit more or cull them because the show loses momentum when away from the vampires. Season 4 will be interesting. There is some stuff from Book 4 that will possibly cause a fanbase meltdown if he doesn't include it (and many may turn off if he does it different)
Just a tip guys: Don't watch the preview for the next episode. Spoilers galore.
fairly certain it has aired by now, so im gonna exit, and post my thoughts later on....
I was wondering how I would feel about this finale after watching the amazing Vampire Diaries premiere but I liked this season finale a whole lot more than last year's debacle. I'm seeing some negative reviews on TWOP from some fans but these guys are often negative.

Porch scene was the highlight and it was about time.

Pam is awesome in the book and continues to be awesome in the show.

I didn't like the Godric scenes. I loved what he brought to Season 2 but the addition for the finale was too cheesy.

TV Sookie got her Book Sookie groove on tonight. For the first time this season I liked her. She got her backbone back.

I've always loved Lafayette but this season they really have taken his character in the wrong direction.

12 episodes is too short for this show

Book 4 is a fan favourite so the crap will hit the fan if Alan Ball stuffs up next season.
The bulk of television without pity posters usually know what they're talking about so I’m siding with them on this one.

There was so much wrong with the direction this series is taking that I don't know where to begin.

TB may not have jumped the shark yet but it sure is stinking up to high heaven. Too many irrelevant boring unresolved plotlines. The show is bloated and the writers need to trim it right down and focus on what made this series great to get it back on track or I’m afraid Season 4 will be its last.
And what, are we supposed to be intrigued in seeing Sookie magically disappearing into thin air with her dream fae/fairy ilk?

Please AB, lift your game dude, that was utterly anti-climatic and lame; you're better than that.
I loved it, the more bizzare the better. sam shooting Tommy; the werepanther and her brother/cousin/Fiance and their ****ed up family, the way they killed Russell just made me ROFL.

I think some people take it too seriously, to me its like a big ass comedy....
Damn, i knew i shouldn't have come in here, i haven't seen the final yet, waiting until the weekend lol