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THE VIRUS 2020 - the good, the bad, and the ugly

ABC is reporting it could be months before the TGA decides whether to approve the Novovax vaccine. They are still awaiting more information and there are questions on its ability to produce ample supplies.

Do you have the source? I am having trouble locating the source for this, lol.

I read somewhere that they were planning on applying for approval in a few weeks a couple of weeks after they apply in the UK. Isn't AstraZeneca being phased out in October anyway? Pretty sure I read that they will produce Novavax in Australia when they are done with AstraZeneca. They should be able to produce the Novavax vaccine locally if that is the case.
Do you have the source? I am having trouble locating the source for this, lol.

I read somewhere that they were planning on applying for approval in a few weeks a couple of weeks after they apply in the UK. Isn't AstraZeneca being phased out in October anyway? Pretty sure I read that they will produce Novavax in Australia when they are done with AstraZeneca. They should be able to produce the Novavax vaccine locally if that is the case.
I saw it here, but I was on my phone and didn't really check it out beyond that. I was hoping that there would be a hyperlink there but there isn't sorry.
Ooooh my freaking gods y'all I'm now in the lockdowns.

A rich pale stale male left his covid positive wife in hospital in Sydney, came up to northern NSW to "inspect real estate", with his 2 teenage sons.

He didn't wear a mask, no QR scan ins, gave alias's, and now he's in ICU. Word on the street is his sons have now joined him in ICU (or at least the covid ward or something) He has 100% been in my town, but it's not listed yet on the venues of concern :( I wanna know if i walking into the supermarket after him!!!!! (yes, i am masking up & have left the kiddies at home for ages).

next to no vax has been allocated to us. Can't do "the right thing" even if we wanted to :(

NSW has a shitty shitty govt.

I wish i was in melbs *sobs*
Ooooh my freaking gods y'all I'm now in the lockdowns.

A rich pale stale male left his covid positive wife in hospital in Sydney, came up to northern NSW to "inspect real estate", with his 2 teenage sons.

He didn't wear a mask, no QR scan ins, gave alias's, and now he's in ICU. Word on the street is his sons have now joined him in ICU (or at least the covid ward or something) He has 100% been in my town, but it's not listed yet on the venues of concern :( I wanna know if i walking into the supermarket after him!!!!! (yes, i am masking up & have left the kiddies at home for ages).

next to no vax has been allocated to us. Can't do "the right thing" even if we wanted to :(

NSW has a shitty shitty govt.

I wish i was in melbs *sobs*
I'm sorry to hear that @el'coopo. There are some moronic arseholes out there for sure.
Rose Bay local. Says it all really.
The entitlement from the Eastern suburbs is beyond appalling. I hope they throw the book at this grub. A $1000 fine does not suffice.

I hope you’re staying safe @el'coopo

Above Rubies​

Brave church sign. Great to see a church standing up for truth and freedom. #freedom #truth #righttochoose

(Above Rubies profile describes them as
Strengthening families across the world and encouraging women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers.)

May be an image of outdoors and text that says Thisisa MASK FREE Church Campus Kindly Remove Them or Stay in your car. We Celebrate FAITH over FEAR.
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Rose Bay local. Says it all really.
The entitlement from the Eastern suburbs is beyond appalling. I hope they throw the book at this grub. A $1000 fine does not suffice.

I hope you’re staying safe @el'coopo
This jerk deserves a jail sentence.
And, I'm sick of hearing about people who have been fined, aren't paying them.
And don't get me started on the Harvey Norman CEO who refuses to pay back his 20 million job keeper payment, and he's getting away with it 🤬
Haha thanks! Love me some Judge Judy. Her reruns are keeping me entertained during lockdown lol!
She always gets the last word and a good put down.
I'm surprised she's not angered someone that much that they've gone for her. But that's why Burt is there! 🤭

Age restrictions on AstraZeneca shot have ended reports of rare clots -UK scientists

LONDON, Aug 11 (Reuters) - No new cases of a rare and severe blood clots following vaccination with AstraZeneca's (AZN.L) COVID shot have been reported in Britain in recent weeks after a decision to restrict its use in under-40s, British scientists said on Wednesday.

Vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) is a combination of blot clots and low platelet levels which has been labelled as a rare side effect of the viral vector COVID vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N).

A higher occurrence of the side-effect in younger people has led to many countries to put age restrictions on AstraZeneca's shot.

Around 85% of those who suffered rare blood clots after vaccination with AstraZeneca's (AZN.L) COVID-19 shot in Britain were under 60 even though more of the shots were given to the elderly, the study found, in one of the fullest characterisations of the syndrome so far.

It found that in those aged under 50, incidence was around 1 in 50,000, in line with previous estimates, and experts said the study reinforced prior understanding of risk-benefit calculation of vaccination.
