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The Four New Housemates(?) Revealed. Young. Predictable.


not new either tho - we have had the fat bloke (butt washer that annoyed people), the old woman (she even won), the nerd (got makeover last year), and travis is tad bogan but still think these 4 are a waste of time, wont win, and even if they 'stir' up shit, we wont see it - the Frigging show isnt on enough !!!!!

Yeah guess so but my point is that theyre not really a cross section of the community, theyre all celeb wannabes, body beautiful dullards. Casting.for BB should be friggen shot
What is the power play thing supposed to do? Shake things up? Aren't they already shaken enough?! I don't understand what the point of this whole exercise is... is BB aimed at kids? Too much stuff happening :/

I'm sure Ive seen Tom before!
This photo gives me a Ben from Brisbane vibe. Is Tom gay?