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THE COUCH - TV Chat Thread

^^ To those wanting the repeats of Modern Family, tell them not to bother if they saw the ads, 'cos all the funny(ish) bits were all in the ads!!

Yet another show 10 hyped to death...... I didn't even bother watching.... As for that new pommy show on 7 after the Vicar of Dibley that was crap.
Today I watched the 2hr greys finale for season 6. I won't spoiler it, but AWESOME EPISODE. OMG!
What happened in that grey's episode where the patient was alive but they couldn't find his heartbeat? The ads made it look interesting.
7PM Project - Has anyone noticed that they are using as their 'go to' news service? Lately every time they bring up a news story they then show the version of it on screen. So credible guys.

And I am just so sick to death of Carrie it is not funny - I don't know who the hell voted for the vapid idiot to win a logie but now we are never going to get rid of her! I could start a thread of 'Stupid Carrie Sayings' and it would probably be longer than the Neighbours thread!

Recent examples - last night Steve Price said something derogatory about SATC 2 and Carrie foricbly shoved him and told him to shut-up - no other opinions allowed.

Last week Dave said something along the line of 'you should just stop outting the phone to your childs ear Carrie' Why?' 'Because no one wants to hear him bable anyway' (LMAO) and oh dear me you should have seen the death stare.

The week of the fake Thorpey story George Negus was trying to explain why it wasn't acceptable as a journalist and she kept saying what's wrong with that, it's ok, gets people to buy the paper - how the heck did she get a degree in journalism.

AND (rant ending) she just cuts everyone off all the time, has no sense of timing and looks like most of the conversations are going over her head.

ok deep breathing, leave it alone......
7PM Project - Has anyone noticed that they are using as their 'go to' news service? Lately every time they bring up a news story they then show the version of it on screen. So credible guys.

And I am just so sick to death of Carrie it is not funny - I don't know who the hell voted for the vapid idiot to win a logie but now we are never going to get rid of her! I could start a thread of 'Stupid Carrie Sayings' and it would probably be longer than the Neighbours thread!

Recent examples - last night Steve Price said something derogatory about SATC 2 and Carrie foricbly shoved him and told him to shut-up - no other opinions allowed.

Last week Dave said something along the line of 'you should just stop outting the phone to your childs ear Carrie' Why?' 'Because no one wants to hear him bable anyway' (LMAO) and oh dear me you should have seen the death stare.

The week of the fake Thorpey story George Negus was trying to explain why it wasn't acceptable as a journalist and she kept saying what's wrong with that, it's ok, gets people to buy the paper - how the heck did she get a degree in journalism.

AND (rant ending) she just cuts everyone off all the time, has no sense of timing and looks like most of the conversations are going over her head.

ok deep breathing, leave it alone......

I cannot stand her. A few months ago she said something about mums sniffing their teenage boys jocks. I can't remember the story but it was one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anyone say.

Carrie Shitbore. She is not smart, she is not funny.
oooh yeah I can't stand her. hahaha.

she lost me when she said about the ACDC concerts. So will everyone there be in wheel chairs?! arghhh Idiot!
Nice to see some Carrie Bickmore backlash! I've never liked her since she was on Rove, she's a complete no-talent, humour-free zone.
Thank f---- for that!! Was worried I may be pilloried - I remember the jock sniffing remark too, just pathetic.

She seem to have this really backwards notion about the roles of men and women as well, she does not realise it is 2010 not 1950.

Another one, she thought the 'cake guard' which stops kids spitting all the b/day cake was 'a great idea' her poor son is obviously not allowed to enjoy anything - Chrissie Swan goes 'on my sons 1st b/day I baked him a cake and then let him sit in it' ha ha ha ha take that Carrie.

Most irritatingly is her role seemed to be lessened until that darn logie nom!
Carrie is a total bitchface........ Why are people not allowed to say they don't like SATC? Stupid cow has a broom up her ass most of the time you see her.
Now w/out offending anyone here I think you could safely say most SATC fans fall into the 'desperate lady' category and said ladies think it is the holy grail and this is why you cannot bag it out at all. Bit like Twilight fans me thinks.

How many times has Carrie told national tv that she would screw over her own hubby for a bit of Buble action? I would be single by now if it was me.
Now w/out offending anyone here I think you could safely say most SATC fans fall into the 'desperate lady' category and said ladies think it is the holy grail and this is why you cannot bag it out at all. Bit like Twilight fans me thinks.

How many times has Carrie told national tv that she would screw over her own hubby for a bit of Buble action? I would be single by now if it was me.

I am a SATC fan :eek: please don't lump me in with Carrie :(

Carrie is a total bitchface........ Why are people not allowed to say they don't like SATC? Stupid cow has a broom up her ass most of the time you see her.

I am not a fan of Carries either but Muddy that was a bit full on :eek:
Eliza I can state absolutely without any qualms that you are in no way in the same category as Carrie - you are very smart to start with and the list could go on and on from there!
Sorry Eliza I didn't mean to be so full on.... But Carrie shits me off heaps

I can tell :D

I agree with everyone she is very, very annoying as are most of the rest of the 7PM Project team. I watched it for a while but now it is just the same old, same old rubbish.
I can tell :D

I agree with everyone she is very, very annoying as are most of the rest of the 7PM Project team. I watched it for a while but now it is just the same old, same old rubbish.

Actually if you ditched Carrie the whole show would improve immensely.

There's that guy who also does "The Gruen Transfer" on the 7pm Project some days. He's funny and not boring.
I agree Mud, she just brings down the whole caliber of the show. Charlie is smart, Dave seems 'life' smart and Carrie just believes what the herald sun tells her to.

I am generally walking the dog though so I don't get the full 30 minutes of torture ha ha ha.

I love Kitty and Tom Gleeson and Chrissie Swan and George Negus, I can even slightly appreciate why Steve price is there. Carrie? Don't get it. Maybe she had sex with Rove? ooo um mah
lol ichi

yep i like the 7pm project. charlie is great. loved him since his triple j days. dave is better than I thought he'd be. Love how they have new people sitting at the desk each night. kitty cracks me up. carrie, waste of space. plus it's cool to have a current affairs show with a bit of humour chucked in. I like the fast pace too.