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THE COUCH - TV Chat Thread

I know! I thought maybe it was just a one off sort of thing but it's on every day! :(

I believe the Dr show is made by Dr Phil's son.
Bah! How am I going to make it through my life without Dr Phil to guide me??? :)

Simple, just use The Advice Thread here at BBBA instead.
Problem sorted. :D
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True, Mia lol. We'll all just have to make statements like "This aint my first rodeo", and things about hound dogs and outhouses.

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You can't change what you don't acknowledge...

Mia, lol, that was funny.
Ok, so I want to start watching Ghost Whisperer, but I can't find s01e01 on the net and I was wondering if you have to watch this show from the beginning?
Ok, so I want to start watching Ghost Whisperer, but I can't find s01e01 on the net and I was wondering if you have to watch this show from the beginning?

It's not necessary to watch the show from the beginning to pick up the story. Most episodes of the show are self contained stories.

I have a love / hate relationship with this show. Sometimes I will watch it, and at other times I won't. I just have to be in the mood to watch JLW go through her lines and skimpy wardrobe... Her Melinda character does nothing for me, and she is flat as an actress. ...

Plus when she talks to the ghosts she never tells the human friends the whole story....

She'll be talking to the humans at the end of the show to get the ghost to pass on and go "blah blah" to them to console them but what she says to them seldom is what the ghost tells her to say. Hell if I were those ghosts I'd tell her to frak off... And just go into the light to be away from her condescending personality..
anyone watch Bondi Vet last night(8:00)?

they were giving a bulldog testicle implants, and they kept showing the dogs dick...
I just flipped the channel from 'The View' and saw Oprah talking about oral sex... There's a mental picture I didn't need!
ikr. Whenever there's an Oprah show about sex, I can't watch. lol

they did that only last week on Oprah and the I cheered when their guest scolded Oprah. They had a lady sex therapist talking about what a vagina can do, and that a woman can with practice make it move about and Oprah kept saying "vajayjay" and I think the lady got ticked off and corrected her......

I've never seen that woman lost for words. it was priceless
Plus when she talks to the ghosts she never tells the human friends the whole story...

I am so glad someone else finds this annoying. Its the last chance for the reuniting of family etc before they go into the light and the ghost declares their last wishes and their im sorry's and also tells reasons for this and that, and JLH says... He said he loves you.

I know its just a show and there is no point repeating everything, but what if the person wants to

I must admit i did like the season where the original friend from the shop actually died but she thought it was her brother that passed...was a twist I didnt see coming.
I just flipped the channel from 'The View' and saw Oprah talking about oral sex... There's a mental picture I didn't need!

Egad..... I have never been more relieved to have missed a show in my
I know what you mean Noxious. when they first did it i thought they would cut JLH out after repeating what the guy/girl says then mix her voice away with the ghost just talking.