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Hmm so I have heard of St Francis of Assisi by a song my late grandmother loved. 'Make me a channel of your peace.' Did he like pets?

From the Huff Post :)

Catholic author Jon M. Sweeney wrote in HuffPost, St. Francis is the among the most popular Catholic saints. Sweeney writes:
He is the one who preached to the birds; blessed fish that had been caught, releasing them back into the water; communicated with wolves, brokering an agreement between one famous ferocious wolf and the citizens of a town that were terrified of it and used real animals when he created the very first, live, Christmas nativity scene. As a result of these, Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment.
You've all done very well - as young Mr Grace would say. You've worked out who St Francis was quite well. There are lots of lovely stories about him and he founded an order of friars (think Friar Tuck) called the Franciscans. They are active still today and one of my good friends is a Franciscan brother.

It is only in relatively recent years that the celebration of St Francis' feast day has developed into an opportunity to bless pets. He was into a lot more than animals but definitely had a real affinity with them. Some years, in some states, the RSPCA also uses the day for self promotion.
Too late for the actual service this morning, @kxk However, you did get in in time for my evening prayers.

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Aww, thanks very much @qtkt, love how you called him Rottie, his name is Diesel, don't like that much - so he gets Deesy.
He is Nick's dog, but he loves me too:)

the Franciscans. They are active still today and one of my good friends is a Franciscan brother.

Franciscans are truely awesome, the gentlest sweetest, smartest humans I have met.

Our family was fortunate that our parents retired and moved to a Franciscans parish, where they both died later.
Fransiscans conducted both funerals.
Fransiscans completely changed my views about quite a few things.
We were brought up with the Irish hell and brimstone harsh religion.
Franciscans and Italians practice the faith in a much more humane way. They have such a gentle aura, and intense intelligence.
The parish priest was also a widow, professor of music Melb Uni part time still, sensitive to say the least.
And many of them call themselves Buddhist Catholics - they join into the local Vietnamese Buddhist celebrations.

Oh my god, the lady who owns the cat doesn't want to give him away any more! :'( he was beautiful