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Q and A okay?

Please check out my answer to question 1... That is my weirdest quirk...

Ha ha that was so funny
I totally agree with #4 - weird face noises - ergh

What a shame you never got on BB - you would have been hilarious
It would have been great to have a naturally weird person (I mean that in a very nice way :woot:) on BB than
one of those force weird characters we've been subjected to.

Good luck with everything you do Luke
What camera and recording equipment do you use? What editing software?

Any other insights into the process of making and uploading videos would be great.

Enjoy guys! The questions I did not answer I will answer on here in a few hours :) I recorded every question that was asked, It ant for 30 minutes, but I only wanted it to go for 10. <3 thanks to everyone who asked a question, I can't wait to respond to them all !!!
You are a cool dude, Luke!

thanks for that :)
How awesome is Cat?

Cat is someone who I never really got to spend any time with at all, she was running super late before our interview... Maybe one day ill find out how awesome she is!

Are you single? Cute guy ;) haha!

I am very much single, I got out of a 4 year relationship a little while back haha... I am very flattered, but I like chicks :happy: (I wish I put this response in the video, it made me laugh every time)

Who has been your favourite housemate to interview so far and why? :pompus:

I answered who were my top 3, I don't really have a "favourite"

what is the thing that surprised you the most behind the scenes of Big Brother?

Honestly nothing really surprised me at all, the only thing that did was when the "atmosphere" around bb head quarters when Aisha and Travis were offered the money, the feel was they were going to take the money!!

Which past Big Brother contestants would you like to interview?

Do you like Tina Arena? Because if you did I made this humble appreciation thread where we can discuss her brilliance.

I would like to interview Ben from brizzy, I have spoken to Jade and Drew and they are keen for an interview, I know the sugar sisters are keen also :)

Has your opinion changed on any housemate after you interviewed them? Who and was it positive or negative?

I didn't like Gemmas character but love her in person, same goes with Travis, I bought him a beer and Aisha a wine and we sat down and spoke for ages... and definitely Skye, She's so down to earth and such a blast to be around..In a negative way, I don't have to much to do with them in a negative way, I've heard rumours of housemates treating other housemates bad. But it's not my place to say when it could be false.

Who if any would you like to interview again? Ie who do you think you could still get heaps more out of?

Im not sure if I answered this one or not, But definitely could get more out of Priya and David. Priyas because it was so short and David because he was told to keep everything PG

Which housemate from the Channel 10 era would you be most interested in interviewing?

Probably Chrissy Swan, BB wasn't a huge deal for me back in those days, I was very young, still watched them. but now I try not to miss an episode.

Hi Luke. Based on all the housemates you interviewed, who do you feel was evicted too early from the show and who shouldn't have been a housemate?

I wish I could have put this in, Evicted to early was definitely Jason, Aisha and David..WHo shouldn't have been a housemate, I understand circumstances of being an intruder, But I think Tom, Richard, Lina and Marina. I have met Lina and Marina and they are amazing but I'm not to sure they were fit for the intruder roll. You need people like Boog imo.

Who of the hms you interviewed do you really not like at all.

I like everyone, I haven't had a drama with any housemate on the outside.

Do you still keep in contact with any of the bb contestants? If so who and how often? :)

So I speak to Skye every day, I talk to Jason every week, Gemma every week/2 weeks... and Lawson and David every now and again :)

I think thats all the questions :)