Priya Appreciation Society

Priya gave off such an initially cold vibe, but she's so easy to read. You can tell she just wants to be liked by the other housemates. It's sweet, but I wish she'd be less eager for their approval. A lot of them don't really deserve it. However, with her and Jason and now Leo, I see her succeeding even more.

Also, she easily has the best eyes in this house.
Priya...hmmm...very down to earth. I would love her if she wasn't dobbing on people so much. If that's a ain't much.

Hello and goodBYE, Peverell

Best female in the house...

A little bit reserved though- I think she should call people out on their shit more often because she can. On the flip side, her silence is probably strategic but I think her following on the outside would increase if she took a more confrontational, Tim Dormer, approach....