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Priya Appreciation Society


Overlooking the lessors and praying for the basics <33
Ha!!!!! I bloody pledge!
It's kinda hilarious to me that people who try to troll other posters by slinging childish accusations of 'having no life' because of their posting history invariably post as just as frequently if not A LOT more often than their intended target. :facepalm: :hilarious:

In this aspect Jordan shares a lot of traits in common with other more 'established' regular posters who resort this but I'll give Jordan the benefit of the doubt since he's a noob and much younger so you can put it down to immaturity on his part, the others though not so much.

Your post actually is quite enlightening and wise. I didn't know he had gone on a block brigade last night and reacted to the post he had posted. I do feel bad that he is perhaps a sensitive poster that does take things personally and really don't want Jordan to feel like he cannot enjoy posting here anymore. But they do need to ease up with the name calling and overboard attacks. I will give him the benefit of the doubt as well I think. So @JordanS, I'm sorry if you felt like you were being attacked by me, I will prob argue with you again and again, but don't take it personally, I want you to be able to express yourself too. If you see this, I only speak for myself but I'm not going to hold a grudge and I hope you don't too.
Your post actually is quite enlightening and wise. I didn't know he had gone on a block brigade last night and reacted to the post he had posted. I do feel bad that he is perhaps a sensitive poster that does take things personally and really don't want Jordan to feel like he cannot enjoy posting here anymore. But they do need to ease up with the name calling and overboard attacks. I will give him the benefit of the doubt as well I think. So @JordanS, I'm sorry if you felt like you were being attacked by me, I will prob argue with you again and again, but don't take it personally, I want you to be able to express yourself too. If you see this, I only speak for myself but I'm not going to hold a grudge and I hope you don't too.

I don't even know why it happened, nor do I care, nor did I know who he was before he blocked me
I don't even know why it happened, nor do I care, nor did I know who he was before he blocked me
I get the feeling he is young and maybe a little bit too defensive. Don't care why he went on a block spree, but I don't want to feel responsible for someone's misery on these boards either. I don't even know why I am the one feeling bad all of a sudden either. Freaking hormonal creature I am
I get the feeling he is young and maybe a little bit too defensive. Don't care why he went on a block spree, but I don't want to feel responsible for someone's misery on these boards either. I don't even know why I am the one feeling bad all of a sudden either. Freaking hormonal creature I am

I'd feel bad if I actually had done something, but I didn't see anything happening that would even justify a huff, let alone accusations of bullying.... well not until after blockfest'14 anyway, we all human and have a moments of extreme sensitivity and overreaction and read too much into things, but if you going to play, you better make sure you got your big boy pants on, especially if dishing it out, he seems fine, don't feel bad :)
I'd feel bad if I actually had done something, but I didn't see anything happening that would even justify a huff, let alone accusations of bullying.... well not until after blockfest'14 anyway, we all human and have a moments of extreme sensitivity and overreaction and read too much into things, but if you going to play, you better make sure you got your big boy pants on, especially if dishing it out, he seems fine, don't feel bad :)

A lot of posters in here could do well to heed a healthy dose of this advice.
I get the feeling he is young and maybe a little bit too defensive. Don't care why he went on a block spree, but I don't want to feel responsible for someone's misery on these boards either. I don't even know why I am the one feeling bad all of a sudden either. Freaking hormonal creature I am
I wouldn't feel too badly. His excuse for blocking people last night is that "all people on the list had done a form of bullying one way or another". I had merely called out his hypocrisy in a thread and @Consuela had just liked my post lol yet he got thrown on the list too. That was definitely not bullying in any form. In fact it seems wee Jordan seems to have forgotten all the "likes" he's given my posts during the past week haha. On another forum I'm a member of people are banned if they keep posting their ignore lists or telling people they're blocked as it's obvious attention seeking behaviour so I might take that to the suggestion thread.

A lot of posters in here could do well to heed a healthy dose of this advice.

It was good advice by @mutleyp.
I wouldn't feel too badly. His excuse for blocking people last night is that "all people on the list had done a form of bullying one way or another". I had merely called out his hypocrisy in a thread and @Consuela had just liked my post lol yet he got thrown on the list too. That was definitely not bullying in any form. In fact it seems wee Jordan seems to have forgotten all the "likes" he's given my posts during the past week haha. On another forum I'm a member of people are banned if they keep posting their ignore lists or telling people they're blocked as it's obvious attention seeking behaviour so I might take that to the suggestion thread.

I only felt bad because he comes across really young and some younger ones may take it personally not just on here but their everyday life too. I'm sure if he wanted to though, just responded better to posts and learnt to let things go, we would be all honky dory again. I don't feel as bad anymore because that's something he needs to learn over time, just like at some stage we all did
It was good advice by @mutleyp.

I only felt bad because he comes across really young and some younger ones may take it personally not just on here but their everyday life too. I'm sure if he wanted to though, just responded better to posts and learnt to let things go, we would be all honky dory again. I don't feel as bad anymore because that's something he needs to learn over time, just like at some stage we all did

Exactly right! and would of been different if it was actually nasty but it wasn't, until later, which apparently he can't see anyway, he is young I think, but he extremely overreacted, and his posts today he seems fine, water off a ducks back, young also = resilient ;)
I get the feeling he is young and maybe a little bit too defensive. Don't care why he went on a block spree, but I don't want to feel responsible for someone's misery on these boards either. I don't even know why I am the one feeling bad all of a sudden either. Freaking hormonal creature I am

You honestly are too kind. Hopefully he isn't someone with a history of (genuine) bullying that has caused him to be hyper sensitive, as far as his interactions on this forum go he is entirely culpable and cries victim too easily. He is only young, both chronologically and mentally, so hopefully he takes this as part of his growth and learns a thing or two about human interaction.

That, or he is just a troll?
You honestly are too kind. Hopefully he isn't someone with a history of (genuine) bullying that has caused him to be hyper sensitive, as far as his interactions on this forum go he is entirely culpable and cries victim too easily. He is only young, both chronologically and mentally, so hopefully he takes this as part of his growth and learns a thing or two about human interaction.

That, or he is just a troll?
I don't think he is a troll. I would have believed he was drunk though. That would make a lot more sense.
You honestly are too kind. Hopefully he isn't someone with a history of (genuine) bullying that has caused him to be hyper sensitive, as far as his interactions on this forum go he is entirely culpable and cries victim too easily. He is only young, both chronologically and mentally, so hopefully he takes this as part of his growth and learns a thing or two about human interaction.

That, or he is just a troll?

I think the hypersensitivity does indicate a history, but claiming victim is something I can't stand, unless I completely missed something (which maybe the case) of being bullied in that thread, he jumped into a fun thread called everyone immature (and yeah we were, we are, its what makes it fun) then anyone that said anything was suddenly a bully? Im honestly struggling to understand it...
You honestly are too kind. Hopefully he isn't someone with a history of (genuine) bullying that has caused him to be hyper sensitive, as far as his interactions on this forum go he is entirely culpable and cries victim too easily. He is only young, both chronologically and mentally, so hopefully he takes this as part of his growth and learns a thing or two about human interaction.

That, or he is just a troll?

Naw, see, she is too sweet haha

Possibly "douchebags" just do not exist to SG?
I don't think he is a troll. I would have believed he was drunk though. That would make a lot more sense.

I don't think so either, it would be reassuring though. Drunk makes sense too, but sadly I'm thinking that's not even a thing.

I think the hypersensitivity does indicate a history, but claiming victim is something I can't stand, unless I completely missed something (which maybe the case) of being bullied in that thread, he jumped into a fun thread called everyone immature (and yeah we were, we are, its what makes it fun) then anyone that said anything was suddenly a bully? Im honestly struggling to understand it...

Yeah that's the thing, I don't think anyone on here bullied him, not by any stretch of the definition. I see his victim crying as no different to people doing the wrong thing and then claiming prejudice based on sexuality or race or gender or whatever even if it is completely irrelevant and instantly reprieving themselves of any wrongdoing, at least in their own mind.