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Post BB Housemate Antics - Part 3

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5 minutes ago
Just loosening up some nuts ✌️ learnt how to change a tyre during my #ZooWeeklyAus shoot @yianni_photography #RoyalPurple


@Connoisseur @SomeName
Can I ask something about Jade? She seems like she should be able to find a really good guy to be with. I'm not sure what it is about her that she hasn't. Maybe she wants a celebrity person instead of some kind of stable business guy?
She thought Ed was a stable business guy
I remember Bree 04 calling herself relationship retarded (back when you could say such a thing on national TV). But I think this quotes sums it up.

"Got to hand it to you, Goldilocks, you do have bleedin' tragic taste in men. I have a cousin, married a Regurgitating Frovlax Demon, has better instincts than you." Spike
Michael Beveridge ‏@mickyb273 now
Thanks @JoelMadden @benjaminmadden. Your leftovers are providing me with dinner for tonight. #blessyou #strength

Hey this is the thread for the 2013 HMs not 2012...... Clearly the 2012 HMs suck especially this dickhead above or there would be a thread just for them......;)

Oh I'm not having a go, this was meant to come off as sarcastic.... Hence the wink.

EDIT: I just noticed the title of the thread.... whoops my bad..... Looks like all HMs are welcome...... Even the ginger one *Sigh*
I thought Tim's weekly youtube videos were very funny.
Yeah I wonder why he doesn't want to do them anymore.
Will he still do his weekly column for NW mag?

Yeah - I wonder what is behind that. He sounds quite petulant. Maybe while he is doing the NW stuff on the house he's been told to put his own take videos on hold?
PerthNow ‏@perthnow 7h
Would you be happy with your boyfriend going to a party with topless waitresses? asks @929's @RealHeidi #perth

Heidi Anderson: Boyfriend’s image tarnished by topless barmaids

Has Heidi’s image of her boyfriend been unfairly tarnished for going to a party with a topless waitress?

AM I a prude or is my boyfriend rude?

So my boyfriend, Griffo, is going to a grand final party this weekend which I’m not invited to.

This doesn’t bother me so much as I’m an NRL girl, so I’d be bored out of my brain anyway.

He told me about it last week and said no women were allowed.

I didn’t really think much of it at the time — but yesterday we got talking about the party when he slyly dropped into the conversation that topless female waitresses would be there.

My initial reaction was ewwwww — and then I asked why? After all it’s a footy party, not a buck’s party.

He tried to explain to me that this was the norm and that it was no biggie, they’d just be there to serve beers with their boobs out.

I got the concept but I didn’t understand why this was happening when it was just a footy party.

One part of me wants to be the cool girlfriend and not judge my boyfriend — the other part of me is dying inside.

Is my gentleman of a guy that I love to bits just like the rest of them? Somehow his clean-cut image to me has been tarnished.

Heidi Anderson, breakfast presenter for Perth's 92.9 FM

I understand that guys sit around with topless waitresses at Bucks parties, that’s just standard. But on a Saturday afternoon watching the footy — is it really necessary?

I guess what I can’t get my head around is that he wants to sit there and stare at someone else’s breasts.

Just saying it aloud, I’m hearing my mother come through and I think I have turned a little prudish.

Are other women with me?

You see, I’ve heard of blokes that are like this and I’ve seen men sitting around with the boys watching women flaunt their assets and I judge them.

I’ve kind of always thought men that behave this way are a bit sleazy — even if my brother and Dad fit in this category.

I’m not one to shy away from sexual discussion, nor am I a prude when it comes to bedroom fun.

So why am I judging these lads including my boyfriend? As I’m writing this, I’m working out that I’m probably a walking contradiction.

Do all men behave this way? Should I just suck it up?

Help, ladies. Am I alone? Has my boyfriend’s gentleman persona now been tarnished?

* You can hear Heidi Anderson this morning on 92.9 FM’s Breakfast with Heidi, Will & Woody. Follow Heidi on Twitter:
Probably going to that pub near MCG. Was taken there once before a match, droopy boobed women serve jugs! And that is not a pun!
Hey this is the thread for the 2013 HMs not 2012...... Clearly the 2012 HMs suck especially this dickhead above or there would be a thread just for them......;)

Oh I'm not having a go, this was meant to come off as sarcastic.... Hence the wink.

haha just seems a lot of the HM's have been or are going the same events this weekend, from their tweet comments..
maybe some photo ops:D
I saw Matt Filippi at a rally against the building of a Mosque in Maroochydore. I was just one of the passersby but I got the distinct impression he was there with some homies in the "we don't want Muslims here" camp.

I live in the same area as Matt and yeah he was. I don't know him personally but he is very outspoken on his anti Muslim views. He tweeted about it a while ago as well.
Hey this is the thread for the 2013 HMs not 2012...... Clearly the 2012 HMs suck especially this dickhead above or there would be a thread just for them......;)

Oh I'm not having a go, this was meant to come off as sarcastic.... Hence the wink.

EDIT: I just noticed the title of the thread.... whoops my bad..... Looks like all HMs are welcome...... Even the ginger one *Sigh*
I think there should be a seperate Post BB Housemate Antics thread for 2012, 2013 and 2014.
I just don't like them all lumped in together...
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