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Post BB - Housemate Antics 2013 - Part 2

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Tully Smyth ‏@tee_smyth 1h
Currently watching: @hamishandandy's #GapYearSouthAmerica. Currently wanting to marry: @andy_lee.

photo of Tully and Ash with Andy-lee taken 5 months ago
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Haha, I just saw that! Nice work @smurfette! The Daily Mail are going to be pissed you busted their scoop though! Hahaha :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

I seriously think that any of the posters on here could do a far better job than the DM. Put us all together on the payroll and the DM wouldn't recognise it's articles (either the accuracy or the far superior fashion descriptions ):biggrin:[DOUBLEPOST=1406026994][/DOUBLEPOST]
Rohan Mirchandaney ‏@metaRohan 17m
Tried to ask my girlfriend to cut her hair like this. She wasn't a fan :(


I love Halle Berry's hair like that
3 hours ago
@kmscaliforniaau keeping the afro alive thanks @cavcon #curlup #curls #hair #afro #curly #natural #frizzyhairdontcare #kmscalifornia #kmsinspiration #curlymane #longlivethefro


Tim recently posted a photo of insty with kms products as well

2 hours ago
#regram @iscreamnails #melbournenailart #iscreamnails #chocolate #jellybeans #loveheartcandy #lollypopman #mandms #candy #nailart #sweet

A bit off topic but I clicked on the link to the Instagram for the H &MU Tully used for her shoot and came up with this hairstyle photo. Thought it was pretty cool.


View attachment 40306

It reminded me of a comment that Drew made in the house about his hairstyle at school when the teacher asked him if he had a dead raccoon on his head.

this is very :cool: probably needed foils for a racoon, but whatever it is it's holding on for the ride :beaver:
I guess it depends if Dougal is a fan of that death metal band or just wearing their tshirt to get attention...probably as combination of both? maybe he once heard about the teenager being arrested for wearing it.
if it was worn among friends it wouldn't be as bad, as walking down the street where young and/or religious people could see it
i would say most likely this ^^^

:biggrin:Dougal:biggrin: does not come across as a tryhard, hipstr, douchebag, attention seeker, or wannabe to me on his SM

You think its just that? They seem to have plenty of other shirts available for purchase that you could wear outside without the attention seeking or exposing kids to it. I think the band are pretentious, try-hard's for coming up with/signing off on the shirt in the first place. That's not metal, that's desperate.
i would say most likely this ^^^

:biggrin:Dougal:biggrin: does not come across as a tryhard, hipstr, douchebag, attention seeker, or wannabe to me on his SM

I do think marijuana has medicinal purposes for the terminally ill, and people can choose to use it in their private life, but I am not going to respect anyone who posts photos of themselves doing it because, yes, it seems like they are trying to be "cool". I do have friends who have done it, but most of them got over it by about 19, except for one friend who was 25 - he was friendly, popular, dated the most amazing girl in town, had a great job, was a gym instructor and the captain of the District hockey team - then he started smoking pot and lost his girlfriend, his job, his place in the hockey team, he quit the gym, we never saw him anymore - luckily for him, he had family who supported him and moved him away from that situation. I can understand people may have different experiences, but I do think Dougal etc. are douchebags, based on personal experience
You think its just that? They seem to have plenty of other shirts available for purchase that you could wear outside without the attention seeking or exposing kids to it. I think the band are pretentious, try-hard's for coming up with/signing off on the shirt in the first place. That's not metal, that's desperate.

i suppose it's their take on religion and it doesn't offend me as much as religious people trying hard to convert me. i wouldn't wear that myself, i also would not wear one saying Jesus loves me which i am sure would not get me arrested

  • edjlower Now now @boogroe! I have no doubt you'd be dancing in your lounge room. Difference is you wouldn't iron . 36min
  • xavbait Jesus man lift your game ed 34min
  • phatannie Wow that is an amazing iron. Is that cordless? Where did you get such a great thing @edjlower ?? 33min
I wonder if Tully will have a farewell party tomorrow with her friends, since she will be back in Sydney on Thursday night?

Should be an interesting weekend with Tully and Tim at the music festival
I do think marijuana has medicinal purposes for the terminally ill, and people can choose to use it in their private life, but I am not going to respect anyone who posts photos of themselves doing it because, yes, it seems like they are trying to be "cool". I do have friends who have done it, but most of them got over it by about 19, except for one friend who was 25 - he was friendly, popular, dated the most amazing girl in town, had a great job, was a gym instructor and the captain of the District hockey team - then he started smoking pot and lost his girlfriend, his job, his place in the hockey team, he quit the gym, we never saw him anymore - luckily for him, he had family who supported him and moved him away from that situation. I can understand people may have different experiences, but I do think Dougal etc. are douchebags, based on personal experience

i agree, having the smokes on show was a bad idea. people at this age will do drugs because they like it, not because they think it's cool. i am against them like you as i too have seen what happens to a person using, but i don't know if they are hardcore going by what they had. they probably do it casually rather than constantly, well i hope so otherwise i might have to drop the big grins surrounding Dougal #hisnamelooksnaked
i suppose it's their take on religion and it doesn't offend me as much as religious people trying hard to convert me. i wouldn't wear that myself, i also would not wear one saying Jesus loves me which i am sure would not get me arrested

The religious thing is not the issue (for me anyway). It just comes off as attention seeking, hipster trying to be cool. But I just wondered if you really thought he was just wearing it because he was a fan? I checked and they have plenty of other options. And were the pictures posted earlier of him and Drew smoking weed or hand rolled tobacco?
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