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Post BB - Housemate Antics 2013 - Part 2

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tim dormer ‏@timdormer Meatloaf thinks he's so boss when he wears his bomber jacket. #FrenchBulldog #MiyowAndBarkley


Tully Smyth ‏@tee_smyth 13s
What'd you do today? I was lucky enough to spend my morning drooling at a day spa. Read all about it HERE:


Skin Day Spa, St Kilda

This morning I was lucky enough to experience 2 whole hours worth of treatments at the super beautiful, super delicious smelling Skin Day Spa in St Kilda, Melbourne.

A good friend of mine had recommended them as her ‘go-to day spa’ in Melbourne and I was very, very excited for my morning spent at the hands of my beauty therapist, Lily.

After filling out the usual forms (“Any problem or painful areas?”, “Do you find your skin oily/dry/combination….”) and sipping my delicious tea I was lead into my treatment room which smelt (if possible) even better than the reception.

Now- don’t get me wrong. I love me some rainforest noises, crashing beach waves or Tibetan Singing Bowls to help relax the muscles and switch off the brain however the Skin Day Spa definitely earnt some extra hipster points when I noticed they were playing a bit of ‘Angles' by The xx.

Lily instructed me to strip off and get changed into the always glamorous paper g-string and hair net and to lie face down on the bed.

First up was my all over body scrub which was blended with superfine sea salt and the best quality oils infused with lavender and orange blossom. Lily warmed the salts and massaged them all over in comatose-inducing circular motions in order to transform my Melbourne winter skin.

After hopping in the warm shower to rinse off the scrub, I was left to lather up in the spa’s very own ‘Skin Body Custard’ which smelt as delicious as the name suggests. Infused with essential oils rather than fragrance, the custard smelt like actual pink grapefruit, jasmine and vanilla. Lily informed me this also meant the oils had a healing effect as we as smelling as good as your Grandma’s garden!

Now for my favourite part- my 45 minute massage designed to relax and rejuvenate even the most stressed out worry wart (aka. me.)

Firstly, a heat pillow was applied to warm my muscles up before Lily began working her magic on my arms, back, neck, feet…hands…by this point I was drooling.

Finally- just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I was treated to an Organic Vitamin Facial which is designed to emphasise on hydration, healing, vitamins and wellness using the Skin Day Spa’s signature scents- lavender, orange, orange blossom and chamomile.

"All done!" coo’d Lily as I pleaded with her to not stop doing whatever it was that she was doing to my face.

I took my sweet time to get changed, looking at my sleepy, relaxed face in the mirror and planning on purchasing a few of those edible products that had just been lathered over my body.

Turns out I didn’t have to! It was apparently ‘Christmas in July’ time at the Skin Day Spa and owner Pauline and my amazing beauty therapist Lily had organised a bit of a pamper box for me to take home which included all my favourite products from the day:

  • 'Clean Skin' Hand & Body Wash Lavender & mint
  • 'Supple Skin' Body Custard Pink Grapefruit, Jasmine & Vanilla
  • 'ACE Skin' Cream (vitamins A, C and E)
  • 'Skin Saviour' Serum (their best seller
I stumbled back to my car all smiley and carefree, feeling more like I should be hitting up the pool with a good book on a holiday than heading back to meetings and emails.

Overall, a truly relaxing, luxurious experience I can’t recommend highly enough. Make sure you pop in for a visit and request Lily for the ultimate day spa treat.

couple more photos of the products on her blog
Maybe, but it has always been the rare Big Brother contestant that actually transitions to a really successful media career.[DOUBLEPOST=1406006732][/DOUBLEPOST]

Tell me what you read on that shirt? Because it can't be what I first thought it was.
First impressions are nearly always correct......

He has the right to do it. Freedom matters and you can't keep taking away freedoms and liberties with laws. But its not clever or interesting or bold. I can't speak about the religious side of it, but from my agnostic perspective, he just comes off as a hipster, attention seeking clown.

First impressions are nearly always correct......

I was thinking "he could not be that much of a try-hard".
I guess it depends if Dougal is a fan of that death metal band or just wearing their tshirt to get attention...probably as combination of both? maybe he once heard about the teenager being arrested for wearing it.
if it was worn among friends it wouldn't be as bad, as walking down the street where young and/or religious people could see it
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